Wednesday, July 30
1730 - 1900 POSTER SESSION I
1900 Dinner
2000 - 2200 POSTER SESSION I (continued)
Chair: S.M.Arakelian, E.Wintner
PI-1) Hyperfine Structure and Isotope Shifts of Titanium
A. Garcia1, A. Mirage2 ,D. Pereira1, A. Scalabrin1,
1Instituto de Fisica Gleb Wataghin, UNICAMP f: 55 - 019- 239-7730 -Campinas - SP - Brasil, 2Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares CP 11049 / 05499 - SaoPaulo - SP - Brasil
We have investigated a strong set of (J = -1 ( a 5F4 ( z 5D3 ) lines of neutral Titanium in the vicinity of 845 nm [1], using a home-made hollow cathode lamp [2] and saturated absorption sub-doppler techniques. A semiconductor laser spectrometer in Littman-Metcalf external cavity configuration [3] enabled us to extract precise isotope shifts and hyperfine splittings [4].
PI-2) Measurements of Hyperfine Structure of the Excited 7S3 State of Stable and Instable Eu+ in Paul Trap
K.Enders(1), G.Revalde(2), G.Werth(1), Ch.Zolch(1)
(1)Institut fuer Physik, Universitat Mainz, Germany
(2)Institute of Atomic Physics and Spectroscopy, Latvian University, Raina blvd. 19. Riga, LV-1586, Latvia
Abstract is not available.
PI-3) Nonlinear optical resonances at the 21S - 23S transition of Helium.
E.V.Baklanov, A.V.Denisov
Institute of Laser Physics, Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Prosp. Lavrentyev 13/3, 630090 Novosibirsk, Russia
The saturated absorption and Doppler free two-photon methods are considered.
PI-4) Telescopyc cavity non-sensitive to angular mirrors deviation
S.N.Bagayev, A.K.Dmitriyev, A.A.Lugovoy, Yu.P.Pugatch
Institute of Laser Physics, Russia-630090, Novosibirsk-90
The telescopic laser cavity non-sensitive to angular mirrors disalignment is presented. The effect of an angular disalignment of cavity mirrors on the telescopic laser power have been investigated in experiments and theoretically. The lasing noise and amplitude of non-linear saturated absorption resonances for different optical schemes were studied.
PI-5) The use of the data on molecular spectral line shifts for determination of NO2 and H2O polarizability in excited vibrational states.
G.S.M.A. Faculte des Sciences, B.P. 347 - 51062, Reims Cedex - France
B.Sumpf, A.Kissel, H.-D.Kronfeldt
Optisches Institute, Sekr. PN 0-1, Technische Universitat Berlin,
Yu.N.Ponomarev, N.N.Trifonova
Institute of Atmospheric Optics SB RAS, 1 Akademicheskii ave, Tomsk 634055, Russia
The experimental data on the shift of NO2 and H2O absorption lines induced by the He, Ne, Ar, Kr and Xe pressure are obtained with diode - laser spectrometer and photo - acoustic laser spectrometer. The results of the shift measurements of vibrational - rotational lines of NO2 (v3 band) and H2O (v1+3v3 band) are used in determination of the value of mean polarizability and its z-component for excited vibrational states.
PI-6) Precise Wave Plate for High Sensitive Polarization Measurements.
N.V.Chigarev, D.Yu.Paraschuk
Physics Department of Moscow State University,
Physics Department, Moscow State University, Moscow, 119899, Russia
International Laser Center, Moscow State University
International Laser Center, Moscow State University, Moscow, 119899, Russia
phone: (095) 939 2228, fax: (095) 939 3113, e-mail:
Abstract is not available.
PI-7) Frequency standard at 732 nm based on Iodine hyperfine transition used for high precision laser spectroscopy of Muonium.
S.N.Bagayev, A.M.Belkin, A.S.Dychkov, S.A.Farnosov, N.V.Fateev, A.G.Hamoyan, V.M.Klementyev, D.B.Kolker, Yu.A.Matyugin, M.V.Ohapkin, V.S.Pivtsov, V.F.Zakharyash, V.A.Zhmud,
Institute of Laser Physics, Siberian Division of Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russia.
We have developed an optical frequency standard based on a hyperfine transition of Iodine at 732 nm and have measured the absolute frequency of this standard by using an optical synthesis chain. This standard ensures the absolute frequency measurements in an experiment on high resolution two photon spectroscopy of the Muonium 1S -2S transition.
PI-8) Frequency tunable alexandrite laser with passive Q-switch for spectroscopic applications
I.S.Tyryschkin1, N.A.Ivanov2, V.M.Khulugurov2,
1Institute of Atmospheric Optics SB RAS, 1 Akademicheskii Ave, Tomsk 634055, Russia;
2Applied Physics Institute of the Irkutsk State University, 20 Gagarin Ave, Irkutsk 664003, Russia
The passively Q-switched alexandrite laser with the frequency tuning within 720-780 nm spectral range is described. The crystal LiF: with F3 - color centers was is used to obtain the single pulses of laser radiation with output energy of 1,5 mJ, spectral width of 5× 10-3 cm-1, and pulse repetition frequency ~ 30 Hz.
PI-9) Selective Laser Ion Source of Radioactive Isotopes
V.I.Mishin, V.M.Apatin, B.N.Borisov, V.N.Fedoseyev, V.M.Gusev, V.V.Godnev, I.V.Kolpakov, O.N.Kompanets, E.I.Michailov, I.N.Nesteruk, M.A.Pavlov, E.G.Silkis
Institute of Spectroscopy, RAS 142092 Troitsk, Moscow Region, Russia
A new laser set- up and parameters of a laser ion source for chemically selective efficient isobaric background suppressed production of rare radioactive isotopes are described in details. The laser setup contains a commercial frequent powerful CVL system, three highly efficient tunable dye lasers, a frequency doubler, a portable wavelength meter, a spectrum analyser, precise laser beam control units, ion current and fluorescence registration system, and a multifunctional control computer system.
PI-10) Intracavity Laser Spectroscopy of CO2 Laser Discharge Plasma
V.Serdyukov, L.Sinitsa, Yu.Poplavskii, A.Sherbakov
(Institute of Atmospheric Optics, Tomsk 634055, Russia)
M.Romaev, V.Orlovskii, V.Tarasenko,
(Institute of High current electronics, Tomsk 634055, Russia)
Abstract is not available.
PI-11) Generation spectroscopy of stimulated Reley's dispersion
G.V.Krivoschekov1, M.F.Stupak2
1Institute of Laser Physics SB RAS, 2Design & Technological Institute of Scientific Instrument-industry SB RAS
The central (Reley's) and collateral lines (Raman) are the main typical intensities of line in the spectrum of molecular dispersion. Electro- calorical effect and usual line absorption of light are the main mechanism of interaction of waves of pumping with a media. The application of method of active spectroscopy allowed to register the weak effect optically, like a diffusion in the threshold of sound in crystal by the low temperature. The measurement of dependence of coherent-diffused light amplitude on crystal temperature is the main result.
PI-12) Mechanisms of anti-Stokes processes with participation of rare-earth ions.
A.V.Kurochkin, A.A. Manchina, V.B. Smirnov
Russian Center of Laser Physics, St.-Peterburg, Russia
PI-13) Non-linear Absorption Spectra and Populations of a Tree-Level Quantum System Resonant to Three Laser Fields.
V.P.Kochanov, Yu.V.Maltseva
Institute of Atmospheric Optics SB RAS, Tomsk, Russia
Abstract is not available.
PI-14) Interference Processes in Strong Resonance Electromagnetic Fields at Four-Wave Mixing on Incoherently Pumped Doppler Broadened Relaxating Quantum Transitions
A.K.Popov and B.Wellegehausen1
Institute of Physics SD RAS, Krasnoyarsk State University and Krasnoyarsk State Technical University 660036 Krasnoyarsk., Russia
1Institut fuer Quantenoptik, Universitaet Hannover, Hannover, Germany
Nonperturbative theory considering features of an interference of quantum pathways in strong electromagnetic fields for molecules, moving with various velocities, is developed. Numerical analysis explains experimentally observed dependencies, which was not possible in the frame of perturbative theory. The developed approaches give a basis for further optimization of experiments.
PI-15) Resonant Scattering of Atoms by Pulsed Field under Coheren Population Trapping.
A.V.Taichenachev, A.M.Tumaikin, V.I.Yudin
Abstract is not available.
PI-16) Optical analogy of the Kapitza-Dirac effect for three level atom wave packet coherent scattering in two standing light waves
A.Pazgalev, Yu.Rozhdestvensky
S.I.Vavilov State Optical Institute, St.-Petersburg, Russia
Abstract is not available.
PI-17) A Study of Thermochemical Reactions in Nonequilibrium Thin-Film Structures by the Laser Microscopy and Near-Field Optical Microscopy Methods.
S.V.Gaponov1, A.A.Gorbunov2, V.L.Mironov1, V.Pompe2
1Institute for Physics of Microstructures RAS, 603600, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia
2Institute for Material Research with the Technical University of Dresden, D-01062 Dresden, Germany
We report an investigation of thermochemical reactions in thin-film structures, essentially, various material mixtures deposited in vacuum on glass substrates by pulse laser evaporation. High deposition rates of laser plasma materials allow to produce highly nonequilibrium films that under external influences may change to equilibrium state. In this work the effect of a local thermal action on such objects was studied with the aim of creating optically inhomogeneous nanometer structures.
PI-18) Hologram formation dynamics in the thin film of photosensitive side-chain LC polymer in the presence of electric field.
A.V.Larichev, A.N.Simonov, V.I.Shmalhauzen, V.P.Shibaev
Department of Chemistry, MSU, Russia
Abstract is not available.
PI-19) Laser-induced instabilities and thermochemical processes in condensed matter and their diagnostics by means of the laser brightness amplifier in a real time scale
V.G. Prokoshev, A.F.Galkin, I.I.Klimovskii, D.V.Abramov, M.A.Taranenko, S.U.Danilov, S.M.Arakelian
Vladimir State University, Gorkii str.87, Vladimir 600026, Russia
Experimental study of the laser-induced instabilities and thermochemical processes has been carried out. The chemical transformations (which accompany the melting process) on the surface of metals were investigated in a real time scale. We also developed the experimental procedure to observe and detect the process of photopolymerization directly during the laser action on the photopolymerized matter.
PI-20) Narrow resonances on the Raman scatering lineshape in helium.
E.V.Baklanov, A.V.Denisov,
Institute of Laser Physics, Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Prosp. Lavrentyev 13/3, 630090 Novosibirsk, Russia
Abstract is not available.
PI-21) Characteristic features of Neodymium lasers Generation with intracavity SRS
N.A.Ivanov, D.V.Inshakov, A.P.Majorov1, A.E.Rgechicky, V.M.Tarasov1
Institute of Applied Physics, 20 Gagarin Blvd, Irkutsk, Russia
1Institute of Laser Physics SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
Abstract is not available.
PI-22) On the structure of scattering of laser radiation at l =0, 256 and l =10,6 microns in atmosphere for information systems.
D.I.Glotov, Tu.N.Il'yanovich, B.V.Poller
1Institute of Laser Physics SB RAS
In the given work the theoretical and experimental analysis of the molecular scattering of ultra violet radiation with l =0, 256 on a line 1400 meters and of the atmospheric aerosols scattering of IR radiation at l =10,6 m m from a smoke, water vapour on a line of 25 meters are resulted.
PI-23) Table-top Coherent Super-white Photon Facility in ILS / UEC
Hajime Nishioka and Ken-ichi Ueda,
Institute for Laser Science, University of Electro-Communications 1-5-1 Chofugaoka, Chofu, Tokyo 182 Japan
An intense VUV-IR coherent light source based on the both spatial and temporal phase modulation in rare gas media induced by tera-watt laser field is presented. The light generation and high-speed and broad-band measurements will be discussed.
PI-24) Influence of femtosecond laser pulses chirp on intramolecular dynamics measured by pump-probe method.
Lozovoy V.V., Gostev F.E., Titov A.A, Tovbin D.G., Antipin S.A., Vetchinkin A.S., Umansky S.Ya., Sarkisov O.M N.N. Semenov, aBondarev B.V.,
Institute of Chemical Physics RAS, 117977 Moscow, Kosygin str. 4; aLaser Center Novosibirsk State University, 630090 Novosibirsk, Pirogova str. 2 (Russia)
The femtosecond dynamics of iodine molecule was experimentally and theoretically investigated. It was found that the pump pulse chirp has effect on the initial shape of the vibrational wave packet. The probe pulse chirp has effect on the measured dependence on the delay time between the pump and probe pulses on fluorescence intensity.
PI-25) Effect of powerful femtosecond laser pulse chirp on the second harmonic generation in nonlinear crystals.
Lozovoy V.V.1, Gostev F.E.1, Titov A.A.1, Magnitskii S.A.2, Krikunov S.A.2,
Moskalev T.Yu.2, Sarkisov O.M.1, Bondarev B.V3.
1N.N.Semenov Institute of Chemical Physics RAS, Moscow, Russia
2M.Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
3Laser Center of Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia
Second harmonic generation (SHG) of powerful chirped femtosecond laser pulses in KDP crystal is investigated. Experimentally it is shown that SH spectrum is affected by input pulse chirp. General features of SHG process in nonlinear crystals in the case of strong energy exchange are theoretically analyzed.
PI-26) New luminescent methods of femtosecond optical measurements
E.F. Martynovich1, E.E. Martynovich1, S.I. Polityko1,
B.V. Bondarev2, S.V. Kukarin2, V.B. Sorokin2, A.I. Zlygostev2,
V.M. Reiterov3
1 - Irkutsk State University,
2 - Novosibirsk State University,
3 - S.I. Vavilov State Optical Institute
Abstract is not available.
PI-27) Experimental investigation of charge-transfer pumping of lithium-like CIV ions on dense neutral cloud
Antonov V.M., Zakharov Yu.P., Ponomarenko A.G., Posukh V.G.,
Melekhov A.V., Shaikhislamov I.F.
Institute of Laser Physics SB RAS, Novosibirsk, 630090
A charge-transfer pumping of laser-produced ions on a compact gas cloud is experimentally investigated. An interaction at density of neutrals ~1016 1/cc has been achieved for the first time.
PI-28) Laser - Microwave Discharge
Institute of Laser Physics SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
For the first time a new type of a discharge - a laser microwave discharge (LMD) having high velocity of travel in gas is under consideration. The pulse-periodic laser radiation creates a channel of the ionized rarefied gas in which more powerful microwave radiation is absorbed.
PI-29) Channels of excitation and relaxation in plasma with participant of autoionization states.
V.M.Klimkin, V.G.Sokovikov
Institute of Atmospheric Optics, Siberian Branch of Russian Academy
of Sciences, 1, Akademicheskii ave., Tomsk, 634055, Russia
In plasma at ne < 1015 cm-3 for f-elements processes of autoionization and resonance electron trapping lead to inversion in the spectra of ions and atoms Beilers states.
PI-30) Discharge Excimer Lasers with Automatic Spark Preionization
Institute of Atmospheric Optics, Siberian Branch of Russian Academy
of Sciences, 1, Akademicheskii ave., Tomsk, 634055, Russia
In this review, a possibility of observation of quasi-stationary pumping and lasing in excimer lasers with automatic spark preionization in peaking or storing circuit is demonstrated basing on the data obtained both by author himself and by other research teams. It is shown that laser pulse is shorter by a factor of n if UV preionization is connected in the peaking circuit than it is in devices with preionization connected in storing circuit. It is related to the time of its existence.
PI-31) Synchronisation of quantum transitions by the coherent interaction of ultrashort electromagnetic pulses with multilevel quantum systems.
S.N. Bagayev, V.I. Denisov, I.I. Korel, V.S. Pivtsov, V.M. Klementyev, S.V.Chepurov, V.F.Zakharyash
Institute of Laser Physics, SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
On condition that spectral pulse width is sufficient the coherent interaction of ultrashort pulses with a multilevel medium becomes possible. Using the five-level configuration of Rb with permitted optical transitions between s-, p- and d-terms as an example it was shown that level population and absorption depends on the time between pulses as a superposition of harmonic oscillations with frequencies of fine (hyperfine) structure. Also the possibility of using these results for the creation of new standards of time was considered.
PI-32) Prospects of A Dark Magneto-Optical Lattice for Observation of Particle Quantum Statistics Effects.
A.V.Taichenachev, A.M.Tumaikin, V.I.Yudin,
Novosibirsk State University
Abstract is not available.
PI-33) Quasienergy and space-velocity distributions in an oscillating parabolic potential
V.A.Alekseev, D.D. Krylova
P.N.Lebedev Physical Institute, Leninsky pr. 53, Moscow 117924, RUSSIA
We used the conception of quasienergy of the quantum state of the particle in a time-oscillating parabolic potential to find the particles distribution function thermolized by the collisions with the surrounding gas molecules.
PI-34) Trapping of atoms with J ® J-1 transition in a dark magneto-optical lattice
N.P.Konopleva, A.M.Tumaikin
Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia
Abstract is not available.
PI-35) Polarization Pecularities of Atomic Motion in A Standing Light Wave.
O.N.Prudnikov, A.M.Tumaikin, A.V.Taichenachev, V.I.Yudin
Novosibirsk State University, Russia
Abstract is not available.
PI-36) Longtime Frequency Measurements of the Transportable He-Ne/CH4 Laser.
S.N.Bagayev, A.K.Dmitriyev, M.V.Okhapkin, P.V.Pokasov and G.L.Marchuk1,
Institute of Laser Physics, Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Prosp. Lavrentyev 13/3, 630090 Novosibirsk, Russia
1) Moscow State Scientific-Research Experimental Institute
The results of investigations of frequency stability and reproducibility of the transportable HeNe/CH4 laser at 3.39 m m over a period 1993¸ 1997 are presented. The procedure of the relative frequency measurements, were obtained with a high resolution laser spectrometer, are fully considered. The frequency of the transportable HeNe/CH4 laser stabilized over a central 7 - 6 component of the F2(2) P(7) n 3 methane absorption line is reproducible within 2´ 10- 13.
PI-37) Frequency multiplication and mixing on InP and GaAs Schottky diodes in IR and FIR regions, their use for optical time clock and absolute frequency measurements.
Bagayev S.N., Chepurov S.V., Klementyev V.M., Marchuk G.L.,
Malinin S.A., Zakhar'yash V.F., Pivtsov V.S.
Institute of Laser Physics, Siberian Division of Russian Academy of Sciences. Prosp. Lavrentyev 13/3, Novosibirsk 630090, Russia
The results of the further investigations on creating of the transportable optical clock with application of InP and GaAs Schottky diodes are discussed. The principal problems of the optical clock creation are characterized. The arrangement of the optical clock is briefly described. The new frequency characteristics of the He-Ne/CH4-frequency standard are given. The description of the Gunn diode frequency synthesizer (~142 GHz) is given. The Schottky diode mixer-multiplier head construction is described. The method of the optical pump N2O-laser frequency stabilization is described. The investigated results GaAs and InP Schottky diodes in AMM, IR and visible diapasons for frequency transformation are reported.
PI-38) Two Dimensional Measurement of Optical Parameters of Super-High Quality Mirrors
Akitoshi Ueda and Ken-ichi Ueda,
Institute of Laser Science, University of Electro-Communications 1-5-1 Chofugaoka, Chofu, Tokyo 182 Japan
Two dimensional measurement of optical parameters such as reflectivity, transmission, scattering and absorption for super-high quality mirrors is discussed as a research program of TAMA gravitational wave interferometer in Japan.
PI-39) Frequency shifts of laser standards caused by resonator design.
V.A.Alekseev, D.D.Krylova
P.N.Lebedev Physical Institute, Leninsky pr. 53, Moscow 117924, RUSSIA
We calculated the frequency shifts of laser standards
connected with the form of diaphragms, position, and curvature of resonator mirrors. The
resulting shifts are of the order of magnitude , where g is the width of nonlinear resonance.
PI-40) Amplified Optical Bistability in Gravitational Wave Detection
S.N. Bagayev, V.I. Denisov, I.I. Korel
Institute of Laser Physics, SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
Using of the new type of amplified optical bistability for
amplifying of weak components induced by the gravitational wave also for registration of
the phase deviation in resonant gravitational antennas and long baseline laser
interferometers (LIGO, VIRGO, GEO etc.) is to be studied. It was found that coefficient of
amplification of weak component is up to -
PI-41) Possibilities of Using ultra-Stable Lasers for Gravitational Red Shift Detection
V.I.Denisov, I.I.Korel, V.V.Korukhov1, R.F.Polishchuk2, V.G.Zhotikov3
Institute of Laser Physics, SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
1 Institute of Philosophy and Law, SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
2 Lebedev Phys. Inst., RAS, Moscow, Russia
3 Ministery of Science and Technologies of Russia, Moscow, Russia
Abstract is not available.
Thursday, July 31
1730 - 1900
Chair: A.M.Razhev, H.P.Weber
PII-1) Coherent amplification due to cooperative effects in optically dense resonant media without the population inversion
A.G.Vladimirov, V.S.Egorov, P.V.Moroshkin, A.N.Fedorov and I.A.Chekhonin,
Russian Center of Laser Physics, St.-Petersburg State University, Russia
Abstract is not available.
PII-2) Coherent Population Transfer in Multilevel Atom system with the Loop Contour of Interaction.
D.Kosachiov, Yu.Rozhdestvensky
Abstract is not available.
PII-3) Quantum-noise-limited Measurements with Ultrashort Laser Pulses.
D.Yu.Paraschuk, N.V.Chigarev, X.Y.Pan
Moscow State University, Physics Department, Moscow 119899, Russia
tel.: (095) 9392228
Shot-noise-limited sensitivity and picosecond time resolution have been simultaneously attained in precise photodeflection measurements. The sensitivity of 1 nrad Hz-1/2 to small surface local gradients has been realized on the basis of an original radio frequency lock-in detection technique.
PII-4) Frequency sweeping of the narrowline diode-pumped microlaser radiation in multipass pulsed slab amplifier.
I.V.Golovnin, A.N.Konovalov, G.D.Laptev, N.V.Kravtsov1
International Laser Center, Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
1Nuclear Physics Institute, Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
Abstract is not available.
PII-5) Waveguide CO2 Amplifier with Excitation by DC and Traverse RF Capacitance Discharges
A.S.Provorov, M.Yu.Reushev, S.A.Fen
Dept. of Pathophysiology, Krasnoyarsk State Medical Institute Dept. of Quantum Electronics, Krasnoyarsk State University, Krasnoyarsk, 660041, Russia, Phone: +7 3912/44 82 13
An investigation was made of a waveguide CO2 amplifier excited by a combination of a high-voltage longitudinal dc discharge and a transverse rf capacitance discharge. A qualitative analysis of the effect was made.
PII-6) A model of CO2 laser generating Radiation Pulses of Constant Power
A.I.Karapusikov, K.A.Nasyrov, V.N.Tischenko
Institute of Laser Physics SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
A model of a CO2 laser generating pulse-periodic radiation with steady power of pulses and control duration has been developed. Pumping occurs by continuous electric discharge.
PII-7) On the extreme efficiency of power coupling from semiconductor laser into optical fiber
S.B.Sevastianov, S.M.Vatnik, A.P.Majorov
Institute of Laser Physics SB RAS, 630090 Novosibirsk, Russia
An entering surface having an extremely accessible efficiency of coupling light from a laser diode into multimode optical fiber is considered. Geometry of the surface is obtained under condition of keeping the refracted rays within the fiber with simultaneous minimization a reflection coefficient in each point of the surface.
PII-8) Advances in the Development of Room Temperature CW Crystalline Lasers on the Base of Monoclinic BaY2F8 and Orthorhombic BaLu2F8 Fluorides, Doped with Ln3+ Ions
A.A.Kaminskii1 (a), S.N.Bagayev (b), H.J.Eichler (c), J.Findeisen (c), B.Liu (c), P.Peuser (d), A.V.Butashin (a), and S.N.Sulyanov (a)
(a) Institute of Crystallography, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia
(b) Institute of Laser Physics SD RAS, Russia
(c) Optical Institute, Technical University of Berlin, Germany
(d) Daimler-Benz AG, Forschung und Technik, Germany
A systematic investigation on 3m m laser action by laser-diode pumping of monoclinic BaY2F8:Er3+ crystals was conducted to optimize their laser performance. The highest slope efficiency of 32 % near the quantum defect (35 %) was obtained with a 10 % doped BaY2F8:Er3+ crystal. We also report on growth of orthorhombic BaLu2F8 crystal with the ordered structure, a new crystalline material for generating Ln3+ ions. Spectroscopic and laser characteristics of these crystals are discussed for Nd3+-and Er3+-doped samples serving as representative examples.
PII-9) Energy Dependence of Crystal-Field Parameters due to Configuration Interaction in Rare-Earth Ions
A.A.Kornienko (a), A.A.Kaminskii (b), E.B.Dunina (a), and V.L.Yankevich (a)
(a) Vitebsk State University, Vitebsk, Byelarus
(b) Institute of Crystallography, RAS, Russia
The energy intervals between excited configuration and highly- and low-lying manifolds of Ln3+ ions differ considerably from each other. This effect is analysed in third order of perturbation theory using the method of an effective operator, and a new crystal-field Hamiltonian is suggested. The comparison of theory with experiment is made on laser crystals Y3Al5O12:Tm3+ and LiYF4:Pr3+, as well as highly concentrated Cs2NaPrCl6 and Cs2NaErCl6 chlorides promising for excitation up-conversion stimulated emission.
PII-10) Growth and spectroscopic properties of the rare earth doped chlorides
L.I.Isaenko, A.P.Yelisseyev, V.A.Nadolinny, V.Pashkov, S.Payne, R.Solarz,
Design & Technological Inst. of Monocrystals, Novosibirsk,630058,Russkaya 43, Russia,
The Bridgeman grown single crystals of BaCl2, PbCl2, KPb2Cl5 and other chlorides were investigated using the ESR and optical spectroscopy. Formation of the only type of RE(3+) centre with intensive luminescence from all excited state levels was found. The Dy-doped chlorides are considered as a promising media for 1.3 mkm fiber amplifiers in telecommunications network.
PII-11) Stimulated and spontaneous radiation on 2p-2 valence transitions in SiO2 and Al2O3
V.I.Baryshnikov, T.A.Kolesnikova, S.V.Dorohov,
Institute Applied Physics of Irkutsk State University, Blvd. Gagarin 20, Irkutsk, 664003, Russia,
The amplification of the wide-band picosecond optical pulses was achieved on electron transitions of 2p-2 valence subzones in quartz low-mode fiber pumped by powerful nanosecond electron beams.
PII-12) Study or Polarization State of Neodymium Laser Passively Q-Switched with Cr4+:YAG Crystal: Experiment and Theory.
N.N.Ilichev, A.V.Kiryanov, E.S.Gulyamova, and P.P.Pashinin,
General Physics Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Vavilov St., 38, Moscow 117942, Russia.
Nonlinear absorption anisotropy at the saturation stage in Cr4+:YAG phototropic centers is shown to determine the angular dependencies of output energy and polarisation state of neodymium laser passively Q-switched with Cr4+:YAG crystal in the cases of total, partial and no polariser in the cavity.
PII-13) Correlation between nonlinear optical properties and crystal chemistry parameters of oxide materials
B.I.Kidyarov, E.V.Pestryakov *,
Institute of Semiconductor Physics SB RAS, Novosibirsk 630090, Russia; *Institute of Laser Physics SB RAS, Novosibirsk 630090, Russia
Abstract is not available.
PII-14) About Progress in Zinc-Germanium Biphosphide Technology
Verozubova G.A, Gribenyukov A.I., Korotkova V.V.
Abstract is not available.
PII-15) Magnetic resonance imaging using laser polarized noble gases
M. Leduc, P.J. Nacher, G. Tastevin,
Laboratoire Kastler Brossel, ENS, 24, rue Lhomond, 75231 PARIS CEDEX 05, France
A new MRI method uses hyperpolarized noble gases inhaled into the human lungs. The large polarization resulting from laser optical pumping compensates the low density of the gas. Production methods, images and medical perspectives will be discussed.
PII-16) Medical Laser Radiation Delivery via Modified PCS Optical Fibers.
Atis Skudra, Janis Spigulis, Daumants Pfafrods* and Maris Stafeckis*
University of Latvia, 19 Raina Blvd, Riga, LV-1586, Latvia
*)ANDA OPTEC Ltd, Latvia
Abstract is not available.
PII-17) "Forbidden" second harmonic generation in bacteriorhodopsin: steady- state and time- resolved studies.
A.V. Balakin a , D.Boucherb , E.Ferteinb , P.Masselinb , A.V.Pakuleva , A.P.Shkurinova , N.I. Koroteeva .
a International Laser Center and Physics Department, Moscow State University, Vorobievy Gory, Moscow 119899 Russia,
b MRIED - 145, Route du Pertuis dAmont, Universite du Littoral, 59140 Dunkerque Cedex 1, France
Abstract is not available.
PII-18) Laser ablation and modification of biological tissue monitored by optical coherent tomography
N.Bityurin, V. Kamensky, S.Muraviov, F. Feldchtein, V. Gelikonov, G.Gelikonov, A.Malyshev, A.Sergeev,
Institute of Applied Physics RAS , 46 Ul'janov str., 603600, Nizhnii Novgorod, Russia
Abstract is not available.
PII-19) Laser-Stimulated thermodynamics of proteins
A.A.Karabutov, N.B.Podymova,
International Center of Moscov State University 119899 Moscow, Russia
The new opto-acoustic method of investigation of thermogynamics of liquid proteins during pulsed laser heating is proposed. Ileating of the medium by absorbing of light in thin film coupled to the medium is studied theoretically and experimentally.
PII-20) Opto-acoustic Investigation of Light Absorption in Tissue in vivo.
A.A. Karabutov, N.B. Podymova,
International Centre of Moscow State University, 119899 Moscow, Russia
Abstract is not available.
PII-21) The observation of dynamic peculiarities of motility of individual microparticles of living and inanimate nature
S.N.Bagayev, V.A.Gusev*, V.A.Orlov, S.V.Panov
Institute of Laser Physics SD RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
*Mathematics Institute SD RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
Abstract is not available.
PII-22) The resonance conformational nonequilibrium bio-simular media for hologram recording
Vigovsky Yu. N., Malov A.N., Malov S.N.
Abstract is not available.
PII-23) Influence of submillimeter laser radiation on nervous cells.
Ratushnyak A.S1, Zapara T.A1, Fedorov V.I2, Khamoyan A.G.2 ,
1Computer Technology Research Institute Sib.Br. RAS,
2Institute of Laser Physics Sib.Br. RAS
The action of submillimeter laser irradiation (5 lines, diapason from 80 to 420 m m) on morphological patterns of the regenerative neuron in vitro was studied. It is first found that Tera-hertz waves act on adhesion to dishes and on abnormal transformations of the morphogenetic structures of cells.
PII-24) Intracavity doubling or summation of the frequency in raman lasers based on YAG and YAP with Ba(NO3)2
1V.M.Khulugurov, 1E.A.Oleynikov, 2A.B.Kaplun, 2A.B.Meshalkin
1Applied Physics Institute, 20 Gagarin Blvd, Irkutsk,664003 Russia.
2Institute of Thermophysic, 1 Lavrent'eva, Novosibirsk 630090, Russia
Raman lasers based on YAG and YAP with barium nitrate and with intracavity doubling or summation of the frequency on angular tuning KTP crystal for photodynamic therapy using are presented.
PII-25) Influence of laser radiation on the frequency of somatic mutations in Drosophila melanogaster wing cells.
Zakharenko L.P, Dubatolova T.D, Fedorov V.I, Khamoyan A.G.
Institute of cytology and genetics SB RAS, Institute of Laser Physics SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
Third instar larval of Drosophila melanogaster with genotype mwh flr+ /mwh+ flr3 were irradiated for an hour with a submillimeter laser (beam diameter 8 mm, wavelength 81,5 m m, specific power 40 mW/cm2 ). In a tentative experiment a decrease in frequency of small single mutant spots characteristic of spontaneous mutations was observed.
PII-26) Pathophysiological and immunocorrection aspects of laser application
A.B.Egorova, E.Yu. Stavitskay, V.V.Salmin, L.V.Fedukovich, S.V.Mikhutkina, M.V.Shapran, V.V.Ivanov, A.S.Provorov, Y.J.Pukhova
Dept. of Pathophysiology, Krasnoyarsk State Medical Institute Dept. of Quantum Electronics, Krasnoyarsk State University, Krasnoyarsk, 660041, Russia, Phone: +7 3912/44 82 13
New dates of laser radiation action on immune system cells and kinetic of carbon monoxide association with hemoglobin will be present. The kinetic model of laser radiation action on biomolecular complexes will be discuss.