ate the controller class once per request. * * @since 6.4.0 * * @return WP_REST_Controller|null The controller instance, or null if the post type * is set not to show in rest. */ public function get_revisions_rest_controller() { if ( ! $this->show_in_rest ) { return null; } if ( ! post_type_supports( $this->name, 'revisions' ) ) { return null; } $class = $this->revisions_rest_controller_class ? $this->revisions_rest_controller_class : WP_REST_Revisions_Controller::class; if ( ! class_exists( $class ) ) { return null; } if ( ! is_subclass_of( $class, WP_REST_Controller::class ) ) { return null; } if ( ! $this->revisions_rest_controller ) { $this->revisions_rest_controller = new $class( $this->name ); } if ( ! ( $this->revisions_rest_controller instanceof $class ) ) { return null; } return $this->revisions_rest_controller; } /** * Gets the REST API autosave controller for this post type. * * Will only instantiate the controller class once per request. * * @since 6.4.0 * * @return WP_REST_Controller|null The controller instance, or null if the post type * is set not to show in rest. */ public function get_autosave_rest_controller() { if ( ! $this->show_in_rest ) { return null; } if ( ! post_type_supports( $this->name, 'autosave' ) ) { return null; } $class = $this->autosave_rest_controller_class ? $this->autosave_rest_controller_class : WP_REST_Autosaves_Controller::class; if ( ! class_exists( $class ) ) { return null; } if ( ! is_subclass_of( $class, WP_REST_Controller::class ) ) { return null; } if ( ! $this->autosave_rest_controller ) { $this->autosave_rest_controller = new $class( $this->name ); } if ( ! ( $this->autosave_rest_controller instanceof $class ) ) { return null; } return $this->autosave_rest_controller; } /** * Returns the default labels for post types. * * @since 6.0.0 * * @return (string|null)[][] The default labels for post types. */ public static function get_default_labels() { if ( ! empty( self::$default_labels ) ) { return self::$default_labels; } self::$default_labels = array( 'name' => array( _x( 'Posts', 'post type general name' ), _x( 'Pages', 'post type general name' ) ), 'singular_name' => array( _x( 'Post', 'post type singular name' ), _x( 'Page', 'post type singular name' ) ), 'add_new' => array( __( 'Add New' ), __( 'Add New' ) ), 'add_new_item' => array( __( 'Add New Post' ), __( 'Add New Page' ) ), 'edit_item' => array( __( 'Edit Post' ), __( 'Edit Page' ) ), 'new_item' => array( __( 'New Post' ), __( 'New Page' ) ), 'view_item' => array( __( 'View Post' ), __( 'View Page' ) ), 'view_items' => array( __( 'View Posts' ), __( 'View Pages' ) ), 'search_items' => array( __( 'Search Posts' ), __( 'Search Pages' ) ), 'not_found' => array( __( 'No posts found.' ), __( 'No pages found.' ) ), 'not_found_in_trash' => array( __( 'No posts found in Trash.' ), __( 'No pages found in Trash.' ) ), 'parent_item_colon' => array( null, __( 'Parent Page:' ) ), 'all_items' => array( __( 'All Posts' ), __( 'All Pages' ) ), 'archives' => array( __( 'Post Archives' ), __( 'Page Archives' ) ), 'attributes' => array( __( 'Post Attributes' ), __( 'Page Attributes' ) ), 'insert_into_item' => array( __( 'Insert into post' ), __( 'Insert into page' ) ), 'uploaded_to_this_item' => array( __( 'Uploaded to this post' ), __( 'Uploaded to this page' ) ), 'featured_image' => array( _x( 'Featured image', 'post' ), _x( 'Featured image', 'page' ) ), 'set_featured_image' => array( _x( 'Set featured image', 'post' ), _x( 'Set featured image', 'page' ) ), 'remove_featured_image' => array( _x( 'Remove featured image', 'post' ), _x( 'Remove featured image', 'page' ) ), 'use_featured_image' => array( _x( 'Use as featured image', 'post' ), _x( 'Use as featured image', 'page' ) ), 'filter_items_list' => array( __( 'Filter posts list' ), __( 'Filter pages list' ) ), 'filter_by_date' => array( __( 'Filter by date' ), __( 'Filter by date' ) ), 'items_list_navigation' => array( __( 'Posts list navigation' ), __( 'Pages list navigation' ) ), 'items_list' => array( __( 'Posts list' ), __( 'Pages list' ) ), 'item_published' => array( __( 'Post published.' ), __( 'Page published.' ) ), 'item_published_privately' => array( __( 'Post published privately.' ), __( 'Page published privately.' ) ), 'item_reverted_to_draft' => array( __( 'Post reverted to draft.' ), __( 'Page reverted to draft.' ) ), 'item_trashed' => array( __( 'Post trashed.' ), __( 'Page trashed.' ) ), 'item_scheduled' => array( __( 'Post scheduled.' ), __( 'Page scheduled.' ) ), 'item_updated' => array( __( 'Post updated.' ), __( 'Page updated.' ) ), 'item_link' => array( _x( 'Post Link', 'navigation link block title' ), _x( 'Page Link', 'navigation link block title' ), ), 'item_link_description' => array( _x( 'A link to a post.', 'navigation link block description' ), _x( 'A link to a page.', 'navigation link block description' ), ), ); return self::$default_labels; } /** * Resets the cache for the default labels. * * @since 6.0.0 */ public static function reset_default_labels() { self::$default_labels = array(); } } ; return in_array( $menu_id, $nav_menu_option['auto_add'], true ); } /** * Updates the menu's auto add from a REST request. * * @since 5.9.0 * * @param int $menu_id The menu id to update. * @param WP_REST_Request $request Full details about the request. * @return bool True if the auto add setting was successfully updated. */ protected function handle_auto_add( $menu_id, $request ) { if ( ! isset( $request['auto_add'] ) ) { return true; } $nav_menu_option = (array) get_option( 'nav_menu_options', array( 'auto_add' => array() ) ); if ( ! isset( $nav_menu_option['auto_add'] ) ) { $nav_menu_option['auto_add'] = array(); } $auto_add = $request['auto_add']; $i = array_search( $menu_id, $nav_menu_option['auto_add'], true ); if ( $auto_add && false === $i ) { $nav_menu_option['auto_add'][] = $menu_id; } elseif ( ! $auto_add && false !== $i ) { array_splice( $nav_menu_option['auto_add'], $i, 1 ); } $update = update_option( 'nav_menu_options', $nav_menu_option ); /** This action is documented in wp-includes/nav-menu.php */ do_action( 'wp_update_nav_menu', $menu_id ); return $update; } /** * Returns the names of the locations assigned to the menu. * * @since 5.9.0 * * @param int $menu_id The menu id. * @return string[] The locations assigned to the menu. */ protected function get_menu_locations( $menu_id ) { $locations = get_nav_menu_locations(); $menu_locations = array(); foreach ( $locations as $location => $assigned_menu_id ) { if ( $menu_id === $assigned_menu_id ) { $menu_locations[] = $location; } } return $menu_locations; } /** * Updates the menu's locations from a REST request. * * @since 5.9.0 * * @param int $menu_id The menu id to update. * @param WP_REST_Request $request Full details about the request. * @return true|WP_Error True on success, a WP_Error on an error updating any of the locations. */ protected function handle_locations( $menu_id, $request ) { if ( ! isset( $request['locations'] ) ) { return true; } $menu_locations = get_registered_nav_menus(); $menu_locations = array_keys( $menu_locations ); $new_locations = array(); foreach ( $request['locations'] as $location ) { if ( ! in_array( $location, $menu_locations, true ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'rest_invalid_menu_location', __( 'Invalid menu location.' ), array( 'status' => 400, 'location' => $location, ) ); } $new_locations[ $location ] = $menu_id; } $assigned_menu = get_nav_menu_locations(); foreach ( $assigned_menu as $location => $term_id ) { if ( $term_id === $menu_id ) { unset( $assigned_menu[ $location ] ); } } $new_assignments = array_merge( $assigned_menu, $new_locations ); set_theme_mod( 'nav_menu_locations', $new_assignments ); return true; } /** * Retrieves the term's schema, conforming to JSON Schema. * * @since 5.9.0 * * @return array Item schema data. */ public function get_item_schema() { if ( $this->schema ) { return $this->add_additional_fields_schema( $this->schema ); } $schema = parent::get_item_schema(); unset( $schema['properties']['count'], $schema['properties']['link'], $schema['properties']['taxonomy'] ); $schema['properties']['locations'] = array( 'description' => __( 'The locations assigned to the menu.' ), 'type' => 'array', 'items' => array( 'type' => 'string', ), 'context' => array( 'view', 'edit' ), 'arg_options' => array( 'validate_callback' => static function ( $locations, $request, $param ) { $valid = rest_validate_request_arg( $locations, $request, $param ); if ( true !== $valid ) { return $valid; } $locations = rest_sanitize_request_arg( $locations, $request, $param ); foreach ( $locations as $location ) { if ( ! array_key_exists( $location, get_registered_nav_menus() ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'rest_invalid_menu_location', __( 'Invalid menu location.' ), array( 'location' => $location, ) ); } } return true; }, ), ); $schema['properties']['auto_add'] = array( 'description' => __( 'Whether to automatically add top level pages to this menu.' ), 'context' => array( 'view', 'edit' ), 'type' => 'boolean', ); $this->schema = $schema; return $this->add_additional_fields_schema( $this->schema ); } }