function whenMissing($key, Closure $callback) { if ($this->missing($key)) { return $callback($key, $this); } return $this; } /** * Set an item into the request inputs * @param string $key * @param mixed */ public function set($key, $value) { Arr::set($this->request, $key, $value); return $this; } /** * Retrive all the items from the request inputs * @return array */ public function all() { return $this->get(); } /** * Retrieve an item from the request inputs * @param string|null $key * @param mixed $default * @return mixed */ public function get($key = null, $default = null) { return Helper::dataGet($this->inputs(), $key, $default); } /** * Check the content-type for JSON * * @return boolean */ public function isJson() { return $this->is_json_content_type(); } /** * Check if current request is a Rest request * * @return boolean */ public function isRest() { if ($this->app->isUnitTesting()) { return false; } $isRest = false; $url = $this->url(); $niddle = $this->app->config->get( 'app.rest_namespace' ).'/__endpoints'; if (str_contains($url, $niddle)) { return $isRest; } $isRest = defined('REST_REQUEST') && REST_REQUEST; if (!$isRest) { if (!get_option('permalink_structure')) { $isRest = $this->query('rest_route', false); } else { $parsed = parse_url($url); $path = isset($parsed['path']) ? $parsed['path'] : ''; $isRest = str_starts_with($path, '/wp-json'); } } return $isRest; } /** * Retrieve an item from the json payload of the request * @param string $key * @param string $default * @return mixed */ public function json($key = null, $default = null) { if (!$this->isJson()) return; if (!isset($this->json)) { $json = $this->get_json_params() ?: $this->getContent(); $this->json = (array) json_decode($json, true); } if (is_null($key)) { return $this->json; } return Helper::dataGet($this->json, $key, $default); } /** * Retrieve an item from the PHP $_SERVER array * @param string $key * @param string $default * @return mixed */ public function server($key = null, $default = null) { return $key ? Arr::get($this->server, $key, $default) : $this->server; } /** * Retrieve an item from the PHP headers * @param string $key * @param string $default * @return mixed */ public function header($key = null, $default = null) { if (!$this->headers) { $this->headers = $this->setHeaders(); } return $key ? Arr::get($this->headers, $key, $default) : $this->headers; } /** * Retrieve an item from the cookie * @param string $key * @param mixed $default * @return mixed */ public function cookie($key = null, $default = null) { $cookie = $key ? Arr::get($this->cookie, $key, $default) : $this->cookie; return json_decode(base64_decode($cookie, true)); } /** * Get the files array from the request. * * @return array */ public function files($asCollection = false) { return $asCollection ? Helper::collect( $this->files ) : $this->files; } /** * Get the files as collection from the request. * * @return array */ public function fileCollection() { return $this->files(true); } /** * Get the file from the request by key name. * * @return array */ public function file($name) { if (isset($this->files[$name])) { return $this->files[$name]; } throw new InvalidArgumentException('File does not exist: '.$name); } /** * Get an item from the PHP $_GET array * @param string $key * @param mixed $default * @return mixed */ public function query($key = null, $default = null) { return $key ? Arr::get($this->get, $key, $default) : $this->get; } /** * Get an item from the PHP $_POST array * @param string $key * @param mixed $default * @return mixed */ public function post($key = null, $default = null) { return $key ? Arr::get($this->post, $key, $default) : $this->post; } /** * Return the only items given in the args * @param array $keys * @return array */ public function only($keys) { $keys = is_array($keys) ? $keys : func_get_args(); return Arr::only($this->inputs(), $keys); } /** * Return a subset of the request inputs except the given keys * @param array $keys * @return array */ public function except($keys) { $keys = is_array($keys) ? $keys : func_get_args(); return Arr::except($this->inputs(), $keys); } /** * Merge array with the request inputs * @param array $data * @return self */ public function merge(array $data = []) { $this->request = array_replace($this->inputs(), $data); return $this; } /** * Merge array with the request inputs * @param array $data * @return self */ public function mergeMissing(array $data = []) { $all = $this->inputs(); $this->merge(Arr::mergeMissing($data, $all)); return $this; } /** * Returns the request body content. * * @param bool $asResource If true, a resource will be returned * * @return string|resource */ public function getContent() { if (null === $this->content || false === $this->content) { $this->content = file_get_contents('php://input'); } return $this->content; } public function mergeInputsFromRestRequest($wpRestRequest) { $this->request = array_merge( $this->request, $wpRestRequest->get_params() ); $this->post = array_merge( $this->post, $wpRestRequest->get_body_params() ); $this->get = array_merge( $this->get, $wpRestRequest->get_query_params() ); $this->wpRestRequest = true; } /** * Retrieve an input item from the request. * * @param string|null $key * @param mixed $default * @return mixed */ public function input($key = null, $default = null) { return Arr::get($this->inputs(), $key, $default); } /** * Remove a key(s) from the $request array * @param mixed $key * @return self */ public function forget($key) { Arr::forget($this->request, $key); return $this; } /** * Get all inputs * * @return array $this->request */ protected function inputs() { if (!$this->wpRestRequest) { if ($this->app->bound('wprestrequest')) { $this->mergeInputsFromRestRequest($this->app->wprestrequest); } } if ($this->safe === true) { $this->safe = false; return $this->validated; } return $this->request; } /** * To get item(s) from validated inputs * * @return self */ public function safe() { $this->safe = true; return $this; } /** * Get user ip address * @return string */ public function getIp() { if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP'])) { $ip = $this->server('HTTP_CLIENT_IP'); } elseif (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'])) { $ip = $this->server('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'); } else { $ip = $this->server('REMOTE_ADDR'); } return $ip; } /** * Taken and modified from Symfony */ public function setHeaders() { $headers = array(); $parameters = $this->server; $contentHeaders = array('CONTENT_LENGTH' => true, 'CONTENT_MD5' => true, 'CONTENT_TYPE' => true); foreach ($parameters as $key => $value) { if (0 === strpos($key, 'HTTP_')) { $headers[substr($key, 5)] = $value; } // CONTENT_* are not prefixed with HTTP_ elseif (isset($contentHeaders[$key])) { $headers[$key] = $value; } } if (isset($parameters['PHP_AUTH_USER'])) { $headers['PHP_AUTH_USER'] = $parameters['PHP_AUTH_USER']; $headers['PHP_AUTH_PW'] = isset($parameters['PHP_AUTH_PW']) ? $parameters['PHP_AUTH_PW'] : ''; } else { /* * php-cgi under Apache does not pass HTTP Basic user/pass to PHP by default * For this workaround to work, add these lines to your .htaccess file: * RewriteCond %{HTTP:Authorization} ^(.+)$ * RewriteRule .* - [E=HTTP_AUTHORIZATION:%{HTTP:Authorization}] * * A sample .htaccess file: * RewriteEngine On * RewriteCond %{HTTP:Authorization} ^(.+)$ * RewriteRule .* - [E=HTTP_AUTHORIZATION:%{HTTP:Authorization}] * RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f * RewriteRule ^(.*)$ app.php [QSA,L] */ $authorizationHeader = null; if (isset($parameters['HTTP_AUTHORIZATION'])) { $authorizationHeader = $parameters['HTTP_AUTHORIZATION']; } elseif (isset($parameters['REDIRECT_HTTP_AUTHORIZATION'])) { $authorizationHeader = $parameters['REDIRECT_HTTP_AUTHORIZATION']; } if (null !== $authorizationHeader) { if (0 === stripos($authorizationHeader, 'basic ')) { // Decode AUTHORIZATION header into PHP_AUTH_USER and PHP_AUTH_PW when authorization header is basic $exploded = explode(':', base64_decode(substr($authorizationHeader, 6)), 2); if (count($exploded) == 2) { list($headers['PHP_AUTH_USER'], $headers['PHP_AUTH_PW']) = $exploded; } } elseif (empty($parameters['PHP_AUTH_DIGEST']) && (0 === stripos($authorizationHeader, 'digest '))) { // In some circumstances PHP_AUTH_DIGEST needs to be set $headers['PHP_AUTH_DIGEST'] = $authorizationHeader; $parameters['PHP_AUTH_DIGEST'] = $authorizationHeader; } elseif (0 === stripos($authorizationHeader, 'bearer ')) { /* * XXX: Since there is no PHP_AUTH_BEARER in PHP predefined variables, * I'll just set $headers['AUTHORIZATION'] here. * */ $headers['AUTHORIZATION'] = $authorizationHeader; } } } if (isset($headers['AUTHORIZATION'])) { return $headers; } // PHP_AUTH_USER/PHP_AUTH_PW if (isset($headers['PHP_AUTH_USER'])) { $headers['AUTHORIZATION'] = 'Basic '.base64_encode($headers['PHP_AUTH_USER'].':'.$headers['PHP_AUTH_PW']); } elseif (isset($headers['PHP_AUTH_DIGEST'])) { $headers['AUTHORIZATION'] = $headers['PHP_AUTH_DIGEST']; } return $headers; } public function method() { return $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']; } /** * Get the URL (no query string) for the request. * * @return string */ public function url() { return preg_replace('/\?.*/', '', $this->getFullUrl()); } /** * Get the full URL for the request. * * @return string */ public function getFullUrl() { return get_site_url() . rtrim($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '/'); } /** * Validate the request. * * @param string $key * @return mixed */ public function validate(array $rules, array $messages = []) { $instance = $this->app->make('validator'); $validator = $instance->make($data = $this->all(), $rules, $messages); if ($validator->validate()->fails()) { throw new ValidationException( 'Unprocessable Entity!', 422, null, $validator->errors() ); } $this->validated = $validator->validated(); return $data; } /** * Get the valid data after validation has been passed. * * @return array */ public function validated($data = []) { if ($data) { return $this->validated = $data; } return (array) $this->validated; } /** * Abort the request. * * @param integer $status * @param string $message * @return \WP_REST_Response */ public function abort($status = 403, $message = null) { if (is_object($status)) { if (method_exists($status, 'errors')) { throw new ValidationException( 'Unprocessable Entity!', 422, null, $status->errors() ); } } if (!$message && !is_numeric($status) && is_string($status)) { $message = $status; $status = 403; } $message = $message ?: 'Request has benn aborted.'; return new \WP_REST_Response( is_array($message) ? $message : ['message' => (string) $message], $status ); } /** * Get an input element from the request. * * @param string $key * @return mixed */ public function __get($key) { return $this->get($key); } /** * Retrieves the currently logged in user. * * @return \NinjaTables\Framework\Http\Request\WPUserProxy */ public function user() { return new WPUserProxy( new \WP_User(get_current_user_id()) ); } /** * Dynamyc method calls (specially for WP_rest_request) * @param string $method * @param array $params * @return mixed */ public function __call($method, $params = []) { if (static::hasMacro($method)) { return $this->macroCall($method, $params); } if ($method == 'route') { if ($params) { return $this->app->route->{$params[0]}; } return $this->app->route; } if ($this->app->bound('wprestrequest')) { if (!method_exists($this->app->wprestrequest, $method)) { $method = strtolower( preg_replace([ '/([a-z\d])([A-Z])/', '/([^_])([A-Z][a-z])/' ], '$1_$2', $method) ); } return call_user_func_array([ $this->app->wprestrequest, $method], $params ); } } }