Home Page MPLP Symposium MPLP'97
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Monday, July 28

1100 - Opening of the Symposium MPLP’97 (S.N.Bagayev - Symposium Chairman)

Tuesday, July 29
Wednesday, July 30
Thursday, July 31
Friday, August 1


Monday, July 28

Session 1 - New trends in laser physics

Chair: A.N. Rubinov, Th.W.Hansch

1115 - 1145

Quasiphasematched nonlinear devices including parametric oscillators and harmonic conversion to the blue and near UV.


Center for Nonlinear Optical materials, Edward L. Ginzton Laboratory, Stanford University, USA

Domain Patterned Lithium Niobate (DP-LiNbO3) is being used to demonstrate watt level average power QPM infrared parametric oscillators that operate at greater than 90 % efficiency. Recent work has led to 40 % efficient cw second harmonic generation converting 6.5W of 1064nm to 2.3W of 532nm in a 5.3cm long DP-LiNbO3.Work is underway to extend QPM interactions to the ultraviolet in LiTaO3. Spatially chirped QPM gratings allow pulse compression during harmonic generation.

1145 - 1215

Ultra-stable lasers and precision physical experiments


Institute of Laser Physics, SD RAS

Pr. Lavrentyev 13/3, Novosibirsk 630090, Russia

Abstract is not available.

1215 - 1245

Fast modulation of FIR radiation.

A.Bertolini, G.Carelli, N.Ioli, C.A.Massa, A.Moretti and F.Strumia

Dipartimento di Fisica dell'Universita di Pisa, Italy

Laser pulses can induce fast modulation of the FIR radiation reflected by a semiconductor surface, by changing suddendly the electronic density in the conduction band. Time response of the order of ns has been observed. An InSb crystal is irradiated with an optically pumped CW FIR laser and its reflectivity at FIR frequency is changed by the ionizing radiation of a pulsed Nd-YAG laser. Reflectivity changes from 18% to 90% have been obtained.

1300 - 1400 Lunch

Session 2 - High resolution and precision laser spectroscopy

Chair: E.Vinogradov, M.Ducloy

1430 - 1500

Spectroscopy of Ions and Atoms in Superfluid Helium.

G. zu Putlitz

Physikalisches Institut der Universitat Heidelberg Heidelberg 1, Germany.

1500 - 1530

Slow-molecule detection in non linear laser spectroscopy

Ch. Chardoneet

Laboratoire de Physique des Lasers, URA n° 282 du C.N.R.S. Universite Paris 13, Avenue J.-B. Clement - 93430 VILLETANEUSE - FRANCE

After a review of the experimental spectroscopic results obtained with an optical detection of slow molecules the main characteristics of the slow molecule detection in saturated absorption and in Doppler-free two-photon spectroscopy are described and compared.

1530 - 1600

Observation of the four-quantum magnetic resonance in Zeeman structure of the ground state of the atom 39K.

E.B.Alexandrov1, A.S. Pazgalev1 and J.Rasson2

1State Optical Institute, Saint Petersburg,Russia 2Institut Royal Meteorologique, Belgique

Abstract is not available.

1600 - 1630

Applied Spectroscopy Using Molecular Gas Lasers

W. Urban,

Institut fur Angewandte Physik, Wegelerstr. 8, 53115 Bonn, Germany

Molecular gas lasers operate in the so called finger pring region of environmentally relevant trace gases. Photoacoustic (PA) detection is suitable to detect trace gases in the neighborhood of plants, this is giving access to questions in plant physiology. Laser Magnetic Resonance (LMR) can be used for on-line monitoring of NO in the human exhalation. These results are of medical and pharmacological interest.

1630 - 1700 Break

Session 3 - High resolution and precision laser spectroscopy

Chair: Ya.I.Khanin, J.Helmcke

1700 - 1730

Polarization-Sensitive Four-Photon Spectroscopy of Laser-Produced Plasmas

D.A. Akimov, A.B. Fedotov, N.I.Koroteev, A.N.Naumov,

D.A. Sidorov-Biryukov, and A.M.Zheltikov

International Laser Center, Physics Department, Moscow, 119899, Russia

An experimental technique for the two-dimensional mapping of the relative populations of excited states of atoms and ions in a low-temperature plasma of optical breakdown is developed on the basis of coherent four-wave mixing (FWM) with hyper-Raman resonances. The sensitivity of the method was increased by means of polarization control of FWM spectra. Conditions when FWM in a plasma occurs in the phase-matched regime and is not subject to significant influence of one-photon absorption are experimentally determined. A folded FWM scheme for single-pulse two-dimensional imaging of spatial distributions of atoms and ions in a laser-produced plasma is discussed. A technique for resolving closely spaced atomic and ionic spectral lines in FWM spectra based on coherent ellipsometry is proposed.

1730 - 1800

Diode lasers as spectroscopic tool for plasma diagnostics

N. Beverini, F. Maccarrone, P. Marsili and F. Strumia,

Dipartimento di Fisica dell'Universita di Pisa, Italy

Diode lasers can be used to obtain information on the kinetics of neutral and ionic components of low-density plasmas through line-of-sight absorption technique. Fast frequency tuning allows transient analysis with high temporal resolution.

1800 - 1830

Methods of High Resolution Laser Spectroscopy of Helium.


Institute of Laser Physics , Siberian Division of Russian Academy of Sciences, Prospect Lavrentyev, 13/3, Novosibirsk, 630090, Russia

The basic methods of high resolution laser spectroscopy of helium are analyzed. The results permit to make a conclusion that the low-lying energy levels of helium can be measured with accuracy 10-10-10-12.

Tuesday, July 29

Session 4 - High resolution and precision laser spectroscopy

Chair: E.Alexandrov, G. Zu Putlitz

830 - 900

Precision spectroscopy of atomic hydrogen


Max-Planck-Institut fuer Quantenoptik, Garching 85748, Germany

Doppler-free two-photon spectroscopy of the 1S-2S transition in hydrogen and deuterium has reached a resolution of better than 1 part in 10-12. The absolute frequency has been measured with a phase – coherent laser frequency chain to within 3.4 parts in 10-13. Together with the results of previous measurements we obtain precise new values of the Rydberg constant, the 1S ground state Lamb shift, and the structure radius of the deuteron. Future experiments with a hydrogen atom interferometer are aiming at a new value of the fine structure a . A planned spectroscopic comparison of hydrogen and antihydrogen should provide a stringent test of CPT-Symmetry between matter and antimatter.

900 - 930

QED and Precise Spectroscopy of Hydrogenic Atoms.

M.G.Boshier (UK)

Abstract is not available.

930 - 1000

High resolution spectroscopy of hydrogen and deuterium atoms.

B. de Beauvoir1, L. Hilico1, L.Julien1, F. Biraben1, B.Cagnac1 and F. Nez1, J.J. Zondy2, D. Touahri2, O. Acef2 and A. Clairon2

1Laboratoire Kastler Brossel, Laboratoire de l’Ecole Normale Superieure, associe ua CNRS URA 18 Universite Pierre et Marie Curie, 4 place Jussieu, 75252 Paris Cedex 05, France;

2Laboratoire Primaire du Temps et des Frequences, BNM/ OP, 61 avenue de l’ Observatoire, 75014 Paris, France

We have performed a pure optical frequency measurement of the 2S-8S/D two- photon transitions in atomic hydrogen and deuterium. We deduce a new value for Rydberg constant, R~ = 10973.3156859 (10) cm-1 with uncertainty of 9x 10-12.

1000 - 1030

Precision Spectroscopy of Light Hydrogen Isotopes

Klaus Jungmann,

Physics Institute, University of Heidelberg, Philosophenweg 12, D-69120 Heidelberg, Germany

Purely leptonic hydrogen-like atoms like muonium or positrionium offer clean possibilities to test bound state quantum electrodynamics and fundamental symmetries in physical nature. Precise values of fundamental constants can be obtained from precision spectroscopy.

1030 - 1100 Break


Session 5 - Nonlinear optical phenomena

Chair: E.Baklanov, M.L.Wolbarsht

1100 - 1130

Interactions of real metal surfaces with laser light: photochemistry, second harmonic generation and ultrafast dynamics.


Fachbereich Physik, Universitaet Kassel, Kassel, Germany

This talk gives an overview of recent work on such real metal surfaces using laser radiation. Non-thermal desorption studies, optical second harmonic experiments and femtosecond pump-and-probe measurements will be described.

1130 - 1200

Ultrafast energy relaxation of molecular vibrations at interfaces probed by three-color sum-frequency spectroscopy.

K.Wolfrum and J.Lo bau,

Physics-Department E11, Technical University Munich, D-85748 Garching, Germany

The vibrational dynamics of adsorbed molecules is studied by 3-color sum-frequency spectroscopy in total-internal reflection geometry. Intramolecular energy flow processes and relaxation times of molecules adsorbed at dielectric surfaces are determined for the first time.

1200 - 1230

Amplification of Harmonics Generated by Wave-Mixing


Dipartimento di Fisica - Universita’ di Pisa, Piazza Torricelli 2-56126 Pisa - Italy

We present results dealing with the harmonic generation by wave-mixing in different type of atomic and molecular gases. We show that wave-mixing enhances the conversion efficiency and is barely affected by phase mismatch of pump fields in a large range of gas density. We discuss new configurations of the interaction zone in order to achieve amplification of harmonic spectrum.

1230 - 1300

New types of spatial solitons in photorefractive crystals

V.Kutuzov, V.M.Petnikova, V.V.Shuvalov, V.A.Vysloukh,

International Laser Center, M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University, Vorobevy Gory, Moscov, 119899, Russia,

Our last results in studying of new types of “bright”, “dark”, and “gray” spatial solitons as well as spatial shock waves in photo-refractive crystals are presented. All the analytical results are confirmed by the data of computer simulation.

1300 - 1415 Lunch

1430 - 1600 Excursion to Institute


Session 6 - Femtosecond sources, ultrafast processes, superstrong laser fields

Chair: F.Traeger, N.I.Koroteev

1600 - 1630

Novel femtosecond solid-state laser.

I.T.Sorokina, E.Sorokin, and E.Wintner,

Technische Universitat Wien, Abt. Quantenelektronik and Lasertechnik. Gubhausstr. 27/359, A-1040 Wien, Austria

Cr:LiSAF and Cr:LiSGaF evolved to be the materials of choice for diode-pumped femtosecond solid-state lasers. We report the shortes pulses so far with a duration of 14 fs and 100 mW average power obtained out of a new extremely compact, simple and reliable mirror dispersion compensated Kerr-lens modelocked resonator containing just four mirrors and an aperture.

1630 - 1700

Laser Active Media with Anomalous Wide Gain Bands for Generation of Femtosecond Pulses.

E.V.Pestryakov, V.V.Petrov, A.V.Kirpichnikov, V.I.Trunov, A.I.Alimpiev *

Institute of Laser Physics SB RAS, Novosibirsk,630090, Russia

* Technological Institute of Monocrystals SB RAS, Novosibirsk, 630058, Russia.

The investigations confirm that Jahn-Teller ions in acentrical positions, because of removing degeneracy of electronic degenerating ground state, can have the anomalous wide bands of luminescence which is promising for generation of femtosecond pulses in near and middle IR ranges.

1700 - 1730

Ultrafast Dynamics and Parametric Excitation of Cavity Modes.

E.A.Vinogradov, Yu.E.Lozovik, Yu.A.Matveets,

Institute of Spectroscopy of RAS, 142092, Troitsk, Moscow, Russia

By femtosecond pump-probe spectroscopy the excitation and relaxation of modes of semiconductor microcavity (ZnSe films on Cr and Cu surfaces) were investigated. Photoinduced red shift of cavity modes due to parametric pump of ZnSe film and film-metal interface and the generation of coherent phonon oscillations in ZnSe were observed and they will be discussed.

1730 - 1745 Break

1745 - 1815

Atoms in strong, short laser pulses

P. Lambropoulos1,2, and Jian Zhang1,

1 Max-Planck-Institut fur Quantenoptik, D-85748 Garching, Germany; 2 Foundation for Research and Technology-Hellas (FO.R.T.H.) Institute of Electronic Structure & Laser, Heraklion 71110, Crete, Greece and Department of Physics, University of Crete, Greece

A general method addressing the problem of atoms in strong short-pulse lasers is discussed with emphasis on two-electron atoms. Phenomena such as above threshold ionization and harmonic generation are explored in that context.

1815 - 1845

Femtosecond plasma in solid targets with reduced thermal conduction: X-ray production and harmonic generation

V.M.Gordienko, M.S.Dzhidzhoev, M.A.Joukov A.B.Savel'ev, A.A.Shashkov, R.V.Volkov

International Laser Center of M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia

1845 - 1915

Recent progress in laser-wake-field electron accelerator experiments

A.Stepanov, A.Babin, A.Sergeev

Institute of Applied Physics, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia

M.Downer, T.Tajima

University of Texas at Austin, USA

An intense laser pulse due to pondermotive force exites plasma waves via the laser beat-wave (LBW), the laser wake field (LWF) or the self-modulated laser wake field (SMLWF) processes. This report is a review of recent experimental results relevant to plasma-based acclerator problem. Among them, first observations of injected electron acceleration, development of diagnostic techniques to characterize LWF, first results on high-energy electron production in SMLWF scheme, and experiments on driving laser pulse guiding in plasma channels will be especially addressed.

Wednesday, July 30

Session 7 - Laser cooling and trapping.

Chair: A.S.Chirkin, P.Hannaford

830 - 900

Coherent wavepackets of ultracold helium atoms

M. Leduc, B. Saubamea, S. Kulin, T. Hijmans, E. Peik, J. Lawall, E. Rasel, C. Cohen-Tannoudji,

Laboratoire Kastler Brossel, 24 Rue Lhomond 75231 Paris Cedex 05, France

Helium atoms are laser pumped into velocity selective dark states and cooled far below the recoil temperature. Atomic wavepackets are coherently manipulated by adiabatic transfer. A novel method to directly measure the coherence length is presented.

900 - 930

One-atom maser and laser with quantized motion

G.M.Meyer, M.L?ffler, and H.Walther

Max-Planck-Institut fur Quantenoptik

Hans-Kopfermann-Str.1, D-85748 Garching, Germany

Phone: +49-89-32905-732

We have studied the quantized center-of-mass motion and its influence on the atom-field interaction for both the micromaser and the recently proposed ion-trap laser.

930 - 1000

Evaporation, Raman- and Sideband Cooling of Cesium in a Crossed Dipole Force Trap

A.Kuhn, H.Perrin, M.-O.Mewes, I.Bouchoule and C.Salomon,

Lab. Kastler Brossel, ENS, 24 Rue Lhomond, F--75231 Paris Cedex 05, France,

A crossed dipole force trap is loaded with 106 Cesium atoms atn=3? 1012,cm-3 and T=20 mK. We realized three different cooling schemes with the aim to reach quantum degeneracy. With the most promising Raman cooling technique, a phase space density of nl3=2? 104 was reached.

1000 - 1030

Bose-Einstein Condensation of Weakly Nonideal Gas In A Trap

V.A.Alekseev, D.D.Krylova

P.N.Lebedev Physical Institute, Russian Academy of Science,

Leninsky prospect 53, 117924 Moscow, RUSSIA

In the binary interaction approximation at low temperature we have found the correction to the energy of the ground state and the number of particles in the excited state. It is shown, that in the case of traps usually used the interaction between the particles is important when the number of trapped atoms is larger than N > 1000.

1030 - 1100 Break


Session 8. Atomic interferometry

Chair: V.A.Alekseev, E.Giacobino

1100 - 1130

Holographic manipulation of an atomic beam

Fujio Shimizu

Department of Applied Physics, University of Tokyo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113, Japan

Abstract is not available.

1130 - 1200

Atom optics and high resolution spectroscopy of Mg atoms at 457 and 285 nm

S.N.Bagayev, V.I.Baraulya, A.E.Bonert, A.N.Goncharov,

Institute of Laser Physics, SB RAS, Novosibirsk Russia

To realize an atom-optical interferometer with magnesium atoms and to detect interferometric fringes with highest resolution one have to build up a laser source at 457 nm with linewidth < 10 Hz and with long term frequency stability better than D n /n =10-14 with 102-103 s. integration time. We discuss the possibility of an external magnesium cell and saturation resonance at 1S0 -> 3P1 transition for long term stabilization of Ti:Al2O3/LBO doubler laser system. The results of high resolution spectroscopy of magnesium beam at 285 nm and 457 nm are presented.

1200 - 1230

Magnetostatic optical elements for beams of laser-cooled atoms.

A.I.Sidorov, D.C.Lau and G.I.Opat

School of Physics, University of Melbourne, Parkville 3052, Australia

R.J.McLean, W.J.Rowlands and P.Hannaford

CSIRO Division of Materials, Science and Technology, Private Bag 33, Clayton South MDC, Victoria 3169, Australia, FAX 61-3-9544 1128

Abstract is not available.

1230 - 1300

Laser cooling and wigner crystallization of resonant plasma in magneto-optical trap

Gavriluk A.P, Krasnov I.V., Shaparev N.Ya.


Abstract is not available.

1300 - 1430 Lunch


Session 9 - Highly stable lasers, precision measurements

Chair: S.N.Bagayev, R.L.Byer

1430 - 1500

Optical Frequency Standard Based on Trapped Ca Atoms.

Juergen Helmcke,

Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB), D-38023 Braunschweig, Germany

An optical frequency standard based on cold Ca atoms is presented. Comparison of two similar standards results to the same frequency within 10-13 n . Phase-coherent frequency measurements starting from the Cs atomic clock lead to a mean value of n  = 455 986 240 494.07 kHz with a relative standard uncertainty of 3? 10-13.

1500 - 1530

Novel schemes for laser diode frequency stabilization onto atomic references.


Laboratoire de Physique des Lasers, URA 282 du CNRS

Institut Galilee, Universite Paris 13, 93430 Villetaneuse, France

A laser diode is frequency-stabilized on the narrow intercombination line of Ba through a nearly all-optical method. Alternately, frequency-stabilization on the Dopppler-free Cs resonance is demonstrated through purely electronic means with only 10 nW of incident power via a selective reflection spectroscopy signal.

1530 - 1600

High-performance Trapped 199Hg+ Microwave and Optical Frequency Standards

Dana J. Berkeland, Flavio C. Cruz, John D. Miller, Brent C. Young, Wayne M. Itano, James C. Bergquist and David J. Wineland,

National Institute of Standards and Technology, Boulder, CO (USA)

Using strings of laser-cooled trapped 199Hg+ ions, we have demonstrated a microwave frequency standard at 40.5 GHz, and are developing an optical frequency standard at 282 nm.

1600 - 1630

A highly-stabilized 10-Watt Nd:YAG laser for the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (LIGO).

Richard L.Savage, Jr. , P.J.King, and S.U.Seel

LIGO Project, Pasadena, CA 91125 CALTECH, USA

The LIGO will utilize highly-stabilized, 10-W Nd:YAG lasers. Feedback control will reduce power and frequency fluctuations in the 40 to 10, 000 Hz band. Passive filtering will enable near shot-noise-limited sensitivity. Design details will be discussed.

1630 - 1700

High - stable, compact Nd:YAG/127I2-laser system for precise spectroscopy of molecular iodine.

M.N. Skvortsov, I.S. Moskalev, A.Yu. Nevsky and S.N. Bagayev,

Institute of Laser Physics, Siberian Division of Russian Academy of Sciences. Prosp. Lavrentyev 13/3, Novosibirsk 630090, Russia

The results of the experiments on creating of a two-wavelength frequency standard on the basis of a compact frequency-doubled diode-pumped Nd:YAG laser (1064nm, 532nm) are presented. The use of a iodine luminescent cell allowed to create a very compact laser system with a long-term frequency stability about 5? 10-14 at an averaging time of 200? 1000sec. High - stable Nd:YAG laser was used for precise spectroscopy of the molecular iodine. In the case of the unidirectional waves the pressure broadening of the saturated absorption resonances due to the different buffer gases was studied.

1700 - 1730 Break

1730 - 1900


Chair: S.M.Arakelian, E.Wintner

1900 Dinner

2000 - 2200

POSTER SESSION I (continued)


Thursday, July 31

Session 10 - Quantum optics, suppression of quantum noise

Chair: A.Goncharov, M.Ledus

830 - 900

Quantum optics with semiconductor lasers


Laboratoire Kastler Brossel; Case 74, Universite Pierre et Marie Curie 4 place Jussieu 75252 PARIS cedex 05 France

Experimental results on intensity noise of squeezed semiconductor laser were compared in a detailed way with theoretical predictions of several models. This procedure allows us to effectively check the validity of the models. As an application of these lasers, high sensitivity spectroscopy with squeezed semiconductor lasers was demonstrated.

900 - 930

Laser dynamics: some new results and trends.


Institute of Applied Physics RAS Nizhny Novgorod (Russia)

Abstract is not available.

930 - 1000

Atomic Localization in Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics.

Q. A. Turchette, H. Mabuchi, M. S. Chapman, C. J. Hood, T.Lynn, D. W. Vernooy, A. Furusawa, H. J. Kimble,

Norman Bridge Laboratory of Physics, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125, USA

With the recent real-time observation of slow atoms falling through a high-finesse optical cavity, the prospects for atom localization on wavelength scales within the cavity mode itself are very promising. In this article we will describe two experiments in the strong-coupling regime of cavity QED in which real-time atom-trajectory tracking has been achieved. We will then discuss possibilities for further experiments utilizing the mechanical forces of single photons which will lead to realizations of quantum logic, quantum state preparation, and free-mass position measurements at the standard quantum limit.

1000 - 1030

Transformation of Quantum Polarization Fluctuations of Laser Radiation at Frequency Doubling

V.N.Beskrovnyi, A.S.Chirkin,

Physics Department, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow 119899, Russia

Quantum analysis of second optical harmonic generation at high efficiency conversion coefficient was carried out. It was found out that quantum fluctuations of three Stokes parameters can be significantly suppressed compared with the fluctuation level of a coherent laser radiation.

1030 - 1100

Precise quantum measurements for polarization of light - a new class of phenomena in quantum optics

A.P. Alodjants, S.M. Arakelian,

Vladimir State University, Vladimir 600026, Russia.

A possibility to formate a light with nonclassical polarization characteristics (so-called, polarization-squeezed light) in the case of interaction of two orthogonally polarized modes in a spatio-periodical nonlinear Kerr-like medium is discussed. It is shown that the fluctuations of a Stokes parameter is less than its fluctuations in coherent state at the output of such a nonlinear medium. A procedure of the quantum nondemolition (QND) measurement of the Stokes parameters of light in the scheme with two or four polarization modes is analysed for the first time. The possible directions of application of considered quantum effects in quantum and atomic optics are discussed.

1100 - 1130 Break


Session 11 - Diode pumped solid-state lasers

Chair: A.A.Kaminskii, K.Ueda

1130 - 1200

A comparative analysis of semiconductor packaging methods and future trends in high power cw arrays

Richard W. Solarz,

Laser Program, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, USA,

The figure of merit for high power cw diode arrays is W-hr/$ and describes the low cost and reliable delivery of high power diode pump radiation. Fabrication of an optimized package for this figure of merit is driven by cost centers in the growth, processing, and packaging of diode arrays and their impact on the electro-optical and thermal performance of the resulting structure. Limits are also imposed by facet damage and bulk defects which are amenable to treatment through passivation, Al-free materials use, and other avenues. Trade-offs in these factors are discussed and current demonstrations of high power performance are presented.

1200 - 1230

Ytterbium laser hosts for high average power solid state lasers.



Abstract is not available.

1230 - 1300

Mercury Laser Project at Livermore.



Abstract is not available.

1300 - 1330

New Lasers and Laser Systems developed by Coherent Inc.


Coherent GmbH, Dieselstr. 5 b, D-64807 Dieburg, Germany

Coherent presents improvements in solid state laser technology. Compact, hands off UF-system. Extended tuning range of CW-lasers by using PPLN. High power Diode Lasers.

1330 - 1445 Lunch


Session 12 - New laser materials

Chair: V.V.Shuvalov, B.Chai

1445 - 1515

Neodymium activated Ca4GdB3O10 (Nd:GdCOB), a multifonctional material exhibiting both laser and non-linear optical properties

D.Vivien(1), F.Mougel(1,2), G.Aka(1), A.Kahn-Harari(1), D.Pelene(12)

(1)Chime Applique de I'Etat Solid, ENSCP 11 rue Picker et Marie Curie, 75231 Paris cede 05, France

(2)Prismatic, Z.I. de Mayencin, 2 rue Des Asserts, 38610 Gyres, France

This new material exhibits NLO properties similar to those of BBO and LBO, but contrary to them melts concurrently. Laser single crystals are grown using Czochralski method. Laser action and self-doubling laser emission is obtained in Nd doped GdCOB.

1515 - 1545

Orthorhombic LiNbGeO5 and LiNbGeO5:Cr - New Stimulated Raman Scattering- and Laser- Active Crystals

A.A.Kaminskii1 (a), S.N.Bagayev (b), H.J.Eichler (c), D.Grebe (c), R.Macdonald (c), J.Findeisen (c), A.V.Butashin (a), A.F.Konstantinova (a), R.Moncorge (d),

F.Bourgeois (d), G.Boulon (d), and H.Manaa (e)

(a) Institute of Crystallography, Russian Academy of Sciences, Leninskii pr. 59,

117333 Moscow, Russia (FAX: 7-095-135-1011)

(b) Institute of Laser Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Pr. Lavrent’eva 13/3, 630090 Novosibirsk, Russia (FAX: 7-383-235-6707)

(c) Optical Institute, Technical University of Berlin, St. des 17. Juni 135,

D-10623 Berlin, Germany (FAX: 49-30-314-26888)

(d) University Lyon 1, UMR 5620 CNRS, 43 bd du 11 Novembre 1918, 69622 Villeurbanne Cedex, France (FAX: 33-4-72-431130)

(e) University of Bahrain, Department of Physics, P.O.Box 32038, Bahrain

(FAX: 973-688-396)

An efficient multiple SRS is for the first time excited in LiNbGeO5 crystal at 300 K under picosecond pumping, that points to the crystal to possess the cubic nonlinear susceptibility (c (3)) of a significant value. It is found, that obtained spectra of multiple Stokes and anti-Stokes (up to 15-th component) generation is connected with three SRS-active vibration modes of the crystal (n R=786, 754, and 699 cm-1). A spectroscopic and laser characterization of LiNbGeO5:Cr crystal is carried out, and spontaneous Raman scattering spectrum and principal refractive indices of LiNbGeO5 crystal are studied in the work.

1545 - 1615

Sol-Gel Based Active Silica Glasses for Laser Applications

Wieslaw Strek, Krzysztof Maruszewski and G.Malashkevich1

Institute for Low Temperature and Structure Research, Polish Academy of Sciences, Wroclaw, Poland

1Institute of Atomic and Molecular Physics, Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk, Belarus

The sol-gel technology creates quite new possibilities of processing optical components, not only applied as passive elements (lenses, prisma, fibers) but also as active ones utilizing different chemical and physical properties of metal ions, inorganic and organic molecules entrapped within.

In this paper we review the state of art of the sol-gel based silica glasses activated with different chemical moieties. In particular the aerogels and thermally densified active silica glasses with can find a broad application in laser technique will be presented.

1615 - 1645

Porous Silicon Optical Filters for Application to Laser Technology

G. Matteia, A. Maruccia, V.A. Yakovlevb and M. Pagannonea,

a Istituto di Metodologie Avanzare Inorganiche and MITER, CNR, Area della Ricerca di Roma C.P. 10, 00016 Monterotondo Sc. , Italy, b Institute of Spectroscopy, Russian Academy of Sciences, Troisk, Moscow reg. 141092 Russia

Optical filters (e.g. high reflectivity Bragg mirrors, microcavities. etc.) made by porous silicon layers are described together with their possible application in laser technology. The design, preparation and filter characterisation are also presented.

1645 - 1715 Break

1715 - 1900


Chair: A.M.Razhev, H.P.Weber

2000 Symposium Dinner

Friday, August 1

Session 13 - Fibre and waveguide lasers

Chair: A.M.Sergeev, F.Strumia

830 - 900

Future of High Power Fiber Lasers

Ken-ichi Ueda and Anping Liu, Institute of Laser Science,

University of Electro-Communications 1-5-1 Chofugaoka, Chofu, Tokyo 182 Japan

Great potentials of high power fiber lasers operating in CW-mode are described using simple and basic laser physics. High brightness compression was performed in clad pumping scheme. The consideration of solar pumping in the natural flux density introduced the kW-class side-pumping fiber disk for industrial applications.

900 - 930

Liquid phase epitaxy for waveguide laser applications.

J.Hulliger, P.Rogin, R.Burkhalter and P. Mikhail,

Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry University of Berne, Freiestr. 3, CH- 3012 Berne, Switzerland

Liquid phase epitaxy (LPE) was used to grow LiY1-x-yLnxGdyF4 (Ln=Nd, Er) waveguides on LiYF4 (YLF). Buried waveguides were obtained by growing an YLF cladding layer. Laser operation was demonstrated for a ridge- type YLF:Nd end- pumped waveguide with a laser diode of 806.5 nm

930 - 1000

Novel fiber phase conjugators for high power lasers

H.J.Eichler, A.Haase, B.Liu, O.Mehl

Technische Universitat Berlin, Optisches Institut, Sekr. P11, Strass des 17. Juni 135, 10623 Berlin, Germany

Abstract is not available.

1000 - 1030 Break


Session 14 - Physics of laser biomedicine and chemistry.

Chair: V.B.Smirnov, W.Urban

1030 - 1100

Thermal and non-thermal mechanisms in the removal of portwine stains

M. L. Wolbarsht,

Duke University, Durham, NC 27708 USA

Laser exposure thermal models for destruction of skin blood vessels will be compared to a laser generated oxygen free radical model. Theoretical aspects and clinical results for the new model will be presented showing its advantages.

1100 - 1130

Time resolved site selective laser spectroscopy of biological membranes.

A.N. Rubinov, N.A. Nemkovich

Institute of Physics, Academy of Sciences of Belarus,

F. Skaryna Ave. 70, 220072 Minsk

Abstract is not available.

1130 - 1200

Laser as Medical Instrument for Surgery, a Report including recent Results of Ear-Surgery, performed on 25 Patients

H.P. Weber, M. Frenz, H. Pratisto, M. Ith a, R. Haeusler b,

a Institute of Applied Physics, University of Bern, Switzerland, b University Clinic of ENT, Head and Neck Surgery, Inselspital Berne, Switzerland

Erbium and holmium lasers offer unique properties such as extremely high precision and controllable hemostasis for minimally invasive surgery. The basic physical mechanisms underlying pulsed tissue ablation will be illustrated on an inner ear treatment.

1200 - 1230

Excimer Laser Ophthalmic Devices for Eye Microsurgery

S.N.Bagayev, A.M.Razhev, A.A.Zhupikov

Institute of Laser Physics SB RAS, Lavrentyev st. 13/3, Novosibirsk, Russia,

A new surgical system Medilex based on KrCl excimer laser (223 nm) is presented. In this system new beam delivery system for myopic and hyperopic corrections is used. UV ophthalmic laser system Medilex is designed for ArF excimer laser (193 nm) or KrCl excimer laser (223 nm).

1230 - 1300

Recent Results and Trends in Low-Coherence Imaging of Biotissues

A.M.Sergeev, F.I.Feldchtein, V.M.Gelikonov, G.V.Gelikonov

Institute of Applied Physics RAS , Nizhnii Novgorod, Russia