return $this->step_in_cell();
return $this->step_in_select();
return $this->step_in_select_in_table();
return $this->step_in_template();
return $this->step_after_body();
return $this->step_in_frameset();
return $this->step_after_frameset();
return $this->step_after_after_body();
return $this->step_after_after_frameset();
// This should be unreachable but PHP doesn't have total type checking on switch.
$this->bail( "Unaware of the requested parsing mode: '{$this->state->insertion_mode}'." );
} catch ( WP_HTML_Unsupported_Exception $e ) {
* Exceptions are used in this class to escape deep call stacks that
* otherwise might involve messier calling and return conventions.
return false;
* Computes the HTML breadcrumbs for the currently-matched node, if matched.
* Breadcrumbs start at the outermost parent and descend toward the matched element.
* They always include the entire path from the root HTML node to the matched element.
* @todo It could be more efficient to expose a generator-based version of this function
* to avoid creating the array copy on tag iteration. If this is done, it would likely
* be more useful to walk up the stack when yielding instead of starting at the top.
* Example
* $processor = WP_HTML_Processor::create_fragment( '
' );
* $processor->next_tag( 'IMG' );
* $processor->get_breadcrumbs() === array( 'HTML', 'BODY', 'P', 'STRONG', 'EM', 'IMG' );
* @since 6.4.0
* @return string[]|null Array of tag names representing path to matched node, if matched, otherwise NULL.
public function get_breadcrumbs(): ?array {
return $this->breadcrumbs;
* Returns the nesting depth of the current location in the document.
* Example:
* $processor = WP_HTML_Processor::create_fragment( '' );
* // The processor starts in the BODY context, meaning it has depth from the start: HTML > BODY.
* 2 === $processor->get_current_depth();
* // Opening the DIV element increases the depth.
* $processor->next_token();
* 3 === $processor->get_current_depth();
* // Opening the P element increases the depth.
* $processor->next_token();
* 4 === $processor->get_current_depth();
* // The P element is closed during `next_token()` so the depth is decreased to reflect that.
* $processor->next_token();
* 3 === $processor->get_current_depth();
* @since 6.6.0
* @return int Nesting-depth of current location in the document.
public function get_current_depth(): int {
return count( $this->breadcrumbs );
* Normalizes an HTML fragment by serializing it.
* This method assumes that the given HTML snippet is found in BODY context.
* For normalizing full documents or fragments found in other contexts, create
* a new processor using {@see WP_HTML_Processor::create_fragment} or
* {@see WP_HTML_Processor::create_full_parser} and call {@see WP_HTML_Processor::serialize}
* on the created instances.
* Many aspects of an input HTML fragment may be changed during normalization.
* - Attribute values will be double-quoted.
* - Duplicate attributes will be removed.
* - Omitted tags will be added.
* - Tag and attribute name casing will be lower-cased,
* except for specific SVG and MathML tags or attributes.
* - Text will be re-encoded, null bytes handled,
* and invalid UTF-8 replaced with U+FFFD.
* - Any incomplete syntax trailing at the end will be omitted,
* for example, an unclosed comment opener will be removed.
* Example:
* echo WP_HTML_Processor::normalize( 'One syntax < <> "oddities"
* @since 6.7.0
* @param string $html Input HTML to normalize.
* @return string|null Normalized output, or `null` if unable to normalize.
public static function normalize( string $html ): ?string {
return static::create_fragment( $html )->serialize();
* Returns normalized HTML for a fragment by serializing it.
* This differs from {@see WP_HTML_Processor::normalize} in that it starts with
* a specific HTML Processor, which _must_ not have already started scanning;
* it must be in the initial ready state and will be in the completed state once
* serialization is complete.
* Many aspects of an input HTML fragment may be changed during normalization.
* - Attribute values will be double-quoted.
* - Duplicate attributes will be removed.
* - Omitted tags will be added.
* - Tag and attribute name casing will be lower-cased,
* except for specific SVG and MathML tags or attributes.
* - Text will be re-encoded, null bytes handled,
* and invalid UTF-8 replaced with U+FFFD.
* - Any incomplete syntax trailing at the end will be omitted,
* for example, an unclosed comment opener will be removed.
* Example:
* $processor = WP_HTML_Processor::create_fragment( 'One syntax < <> "oddities"
* @since 6.7.0
* @return string|null Normalized HTML markup represented by processor,
* or `null` if unable to generate serialization.
public function serialize(): ?string {
if ( WP_HTML_Tag_Processor::STATE_READY !== $this->parser_state ) {
'An HTML Processor which has already started processing cannot serialize its contents. Serialize immediately after creating the instance.',
return null;
$html = '';
while ( $this->next_token() ) {
$html .= $this->serialize_token();
if ( null !== $this->get_last_error() ) {
"Cannot serialize HTML Processor with parsing error: {$this->get_last_error()}.",
return null;
return $html;
* Serializes the currently-matched token.
* This method produces a fully-normative HTML string for the currently-matched token,
* if able. If not matched at any token or if the token doesn't correspond to any HTML
* it will return an empty string (for example, presumptuous end tags are ignored).
* @see static::serialize()
* @since 6.7.0
* @return string Serialization of token, or empty string if no serialization exists.
protected function serialize_token(): string {
$html = '';
$token_type = $this->get_token_type();
switch ( $token_type ) {
case '#doctype':
$doctype = $this->get_doctype_info();
if ( null === $doctype ) {
$html .= 'name ) {
$html .= " {$doctype->name}";
if ( null !== $doctype->public_identifier ) {
$quote = str_contains( $doctype->public_identifier, '"' ) ? "'" : '"';
$html .= " PUBLIC {$quote}{$doctype->public_identifier}{$quote}";
if ( null !== $doctype->system_identifier ) {
if ( null === $doctype->public_identifier ) {
$html .= ' SYSTEM';
$quote = str_contains( $doctype->system_identifier, '"' ) ? "'" : '"';
$html .= " {$quote}{$doctype->system_identifier}{$quote}";
$html .= '>';
case '#text':
$html .= htmlspecialchars( $this->get_modifiable_text(), ENT_QUOTES | ENT_SUBSTITUTE | ENT_HTML5, 'UTF-8' );
// Unlike the `<>` which is interpreted as plaintext, this is ignored entirely.
case '#presumptuous-tag':
case '#funky-comment':
case '#comment':
$html .= "";
case '#cdata-section':
$html .= "get_modifiable_text()}]]>";
if ( '#tag' !== $token_type ) {
return $html;
$tag_name = str_replace( "\x00", "\u{FFFD}", $this->get_tag() );
$in_html = 'html' === $this->get_namespace();
$qualified_name = $in_html ? strtolower( $tag_name ) : $this->get_qualified_tag_name();
if ( $this->is_tag_closer() ) {
$html .= "{$qualified_name}>";
return $html;
$attribute_names = $this->get_attribute_names_with_prefix( '' );
if ( ! isset( $attribute_names ) ) {
$html .= "<{$qualified_name}>";
return $html;
$html .= "<{$qualified_name}";
foreach ( $attribute_names as $attribute_name ) {
$html .= " {$this->get_qualified_attribute_name( $attribute_name )}";
$value = $this->get_attribute( $attribute_name );
if ( is_string( $value ) ) {
$html .= '="' . htmlspecialchars( $value, ENT_QUOTES | ENT_SUBSTITUTE | ENT_HTML5 ) . '"';
$html = str_replace( "\x00", "\u{FFFD}", $html );
if ( ! $in_html && $this->has_self_closing_flag() ) {
$html .= ' /';
$html .= '>';
// Flush out self-contained elements.
if ( $in_html && in_array( $tag_name, array( 'IFRAME', 'NOEMBED', 'NOFRAMES', 'SCRIPT', 'STYLE', 'TEXTAREA', 'TITLE', 'XMP' ), true ) ) {
$text = $this->get_modifiable_text();
switch ( $tag_name ) {
case 'IFRAME':
case 'NOEMBED':
case 'NOFRAMES':
$text = '';
case 'SCRIPT':
case 'STYLE':
$text = htmlspecialchars( $text, ENT_QUOTES | ENT_SUBSTITUTE | ENT_HTML5, 'UTF-8' );
$html .= "{$text}{$qualified_name}>";
return $html;
* Parses next element in the 'initial' insertion mode.
* This internal function performs the 'initial' insertion mode
* logic for the generalized WP_HTML_Processor::step() function.
* @since 6.7.0
* @throws WP_HTML_Unsupported_Exception When encountering unsupported HTML input.
* @see https://html.spec.whatwg.org/#the-initial-insertion-mode
* @see WP_HTML_Processor::step
* @return bool Whether an element was found.
private function step_initial(): bool {
$token_name = $this->get_token_name();
$token_type = $this->get_token_type();
$op_sigil = '#tag' === $token_type ? ( parent::is_tag_closer() ? '-' : '+' ) : '';
$op = "{$op_sigil}{$token_name}";
switch ( $op ) {
* > A character token that is one of U+0009 CHARACTER TABULATION,
* > U+000A LINE FEED (LF), U+000C FORM FEED (FF),
* > U+000D CARRIAGE RETURN (CR), or U+0020 SPACE
* Parse error: ignore the token.
case '#text':
if ( parent::TEXT_IS_WHITESPACE === $this->text_node_classification ) {
return $this->step();
goto initial_anything_else;
* > A comment token
case '#comment':
case '#funky-comment':
case '#presumptuous-tag':
$this->insert_html_element( $this->state->current_token );
return true;
* > A DOCTYPE token
case 'html':
$doctype = $this->get_doctype_info();
if ( null !== $doctype && 'quirks' === $doctype->indicated_compatability_mode ) {
$this->compat_mode = WP_HTML_Tag_Processor::QUIRKS_MODE;
* > Then, switch the insertion mode to "before html".
$this->state->insertion_mode = WP_HTML_Processor_State::INSERTION_MODE_BEFORE_HTML;
$this->insert_html_element( $this->state->current_token );
return true;
* > Anything else
$this->compat_mode = WP_HTML_Tag_Processor::QUIRKS_MODE;
$this->state->insertion_mode = WP_HTML_Processor_State::INSERTION_MODE_BEFORE_HTML;
return $this->step( self::REPROCESS_CURRENT_NODE );
* Parses next element in the 'before html' insertion mode.
* This internal function performs the 'before html' insertion mode
* logic for the generalized WP_HTML_Processor::step() function.
* @since 6.7.0
* @throws WP_HTML_Unsupported_Exception When encountering unsupported HTML input.
* @see https://html.spec.whatwg.org/#the-before-html-insertion-mode
* @see WP_HTML_Processor::step
* @return bool Whether an element was found.
private function step_before_html(): bool {
$token_name = $this->get_token_name();
$token_type = $this->get_token_type();
$is_closer = parent::is_tag_closer();
$op_sigil = '#tag' === $token_type ? ( $is_closer ? '-' : '+' ) : '';
$op = "{$op_sigil}{$token_name}";
switch ( $op ) {
* > A DOCTYPE token
case 'html':
// Parse error: ignore the token.
return $this->step();
* > A comment token
case '#comment':
case '#funky-comment':
case '#presumptuous-tag':
$this->insert_html_element( $this->state->current_token );
return true;
* > A character token that is one of U+0009 CHARACTER TABULATION,
* > U+000A LINE FEED (LF), U+000C FORM FEED (FF),
* > U+000D CARRIAGE RETURN (CR), or U+0020 SPACE
* Parse error: ignore the token.
case '#text':
if ( parent::TEXT_IS_WHITESPACE === $this->text_node_classification ) {
return $this->step();
goto before_html_anything_else;
* > A start tag whose tag name is "html"
case '+HTML':
$this->insert_html_element( $this->state->current_token );
$this->state->insertion_mode = WP_HTML_Processor_State::INSERTION_MODE_BEFORE_HEAD;
return true;
* > An end tag whose tag name is one of: "head", "body", "html", "br"
* Closing BR tags are always reported by the Tag Processor as opening tags.
case '-HEAD':
case '-BODY':
case '-HTML':
* > Act as described in the "anything else" entry below.
goto before_html_anything_else;
* > Any other end tag
if ( $is_closer ) {
// Parse error: ignore the token.
return $this->step();
* > Anything else.
* > Create an html element whose node document is the Document object.
* > Append it to the Document object. Put this element in the stack of open elements.
* > Switch the insertion mode to "before head", then reprocess the token.
$this->insert_virtual_node( 'HTML' );
$this->state->insertion_mode = WP_HTML_Processor_State::INSERTION_MODE_BEFORE_HEAD;
return $this->step( self::REPROCESS_CURRENT_NODE );
* Parses next element in the 'before head' insertion mode.
* This internal function performs the 'before head' insertion mode
* logic for the generalized WP_HTML_Processor::step() function.
* @since 6.7.0 Stub implementation.
* @throws WP_HTML_Unsupported_Exception When encountering unsupported HTML input.
* @see https://html.spec.whatwg.org/#the-before-head-insertion-mode
* @see WP_HTML_Processor::step
* @return bool Whether an element was found.
private function step_before_head(): bool {
$token_name = $this->get_token_name();
$token_type = $this->get_token_type();
$is_closer = parent::is_tag_closer();
$op_sigil = '#tag' === $token_type ? ( $is_closer ? '-' : '+' ) : '';
$op = "{$op_sigil}{$token_name}";
switch ( $op ) {
* > A character token that is one of U+0009 CHARACTER TABULATION,
* > U+000A LINE FEED (LF), U+000C FORM FEED (FF),
* > U+000D CARRIAGE RETURN (CR), or U+0020 SPACE
* Parse error: ignore the token.
case '#text':
if ( parent::TEXT_IS_WHITESPACE === $this->text_node_classification ) {
return $this->step();
goto before_head_anything_else;
* > A comment token
case '#comment':
case '#funky-comment':
case '#presumptuous-tag':
$this->insert_html_element( $this->state->current_token );
return true;
* > A DOCTYPE token
case 'html':
// Parse error: ignore the token.
return $this->step();
* > A start tag whose tag name is "html"
case '+HTML':
return $this->step_in_body();
* > A start tag whose tag name is "head"
case '+HEAD':
$this->insert_html_element( $this->state->current_token );
$this->state->head_element = $this->state->current_token;
$this->state->insertion_mode = WP_HTML_Processor_State::INSERTION_MODE_IN_HEAD;
return true;
* > An end tag whose tag name is one of: "head", "body", "html", "br"
* > Act as described in the "anything else" entry below.
* Closing BR tags are always reported by the Tag Processor as opening tags.
case '-HEAD':
case '-BODY':
case '-HTML':
goto before_head_anything_else;
if ( $is_closer ) {
// Parse error: ignore the token.
return $this->step();
* > Anything else
* > Insert an HTML element for a "head" start tag token with no attributes.
$this->state->head_element = $this->insert_virtual_node( 'HEAD' );
$this->state->insertion_mode = WP_HTML_Processor_State::INSERTION_MODE_IN_HEAD;
return $this->step( self::REPROCESS_CURRENT_NODE );
* Parses next element in the 'in head' insertion mode.
* This internal function performs the 'in head' insertion mode
* logic for the generalized WP_HTML_Processor::step() function.
* @since 6.7.0
* @throws WP_HTML_Unsupported_Exception When encountering unsupported HTML input.
* @see https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/parsing.html#parsing-main-inhead
* @see WP_HTML_Processor::step
* @return bool Whether an element was found.
private function step_in_head(): bool {
$token_name = $this->get_token_name();
$token_type = $this->get_token_type();
$is_closer = parent::is_tag_closer();
$op_sigil = '#tag' === $token_type ? ( $is_closer ? '-' : '+' ) : '';
$op = "{$op_sigil}{$token_name}";
switch ( $op ) {
case '#text':
* > A character token that is one of U+0009 CHARACTER TABULATION,
* > U+000A LINE FEED (LF), U+000C FORM FEED (FF),
* > U+000D CARRIAGE RETURN (CR), or U+0020 SPACE
if ( parent::TEXT_IS_WHITESPACE === $this->text_node_classification ) {
// Insert the character.
$this->insert_html_element( $this->state->current_token );
return true;
goto in_head_anything_else;
* > A comment token
case '#comment':
case '#funky-comment':
case '#presumptuous-tag':
$this->insert_html_element( $this->state->current_token );
return true;
* > A DOCTYPE token
case 'html':
// Parse error: ignore the token.
return $this->step();
* > A start tag whose tag name is "html"
case '+HTML':
return $this->step_in_body();
* > A start tag whose tag name is one of: "base", "basefont", "bgsound", "link"
case '+BASE':
case '+BASEFONT':
case '+BGSOUND':
case '+LINK':
$this->insert_html_element( $this->state->current_token );
return true;
* > A start tag whose tag name is "meta"
case '+META':
$this->insert_html_element( $this->state->current_token );
* > If the active speculative HTML parser is null, then:
* > - If the element has a charset attribute, and getting an encoding from
* > its value results in an encoding, and the confidence is currently
* > tentative, then change the encoding to the resulting encoding.
$charset = $this->get_attribute( 'charset' );
if ( is_string( $charset ) && 'tentative' === $this->state->encoding_confidence ) {
$this->bail( 'Cannot yet process META tags with charset to determine encoding.' );
* > - Otherwise, if the element has an http-equiv attribute whose value is
* > an ASCII case-insensitive match for the string "Content-Type", and
* > the element has a content attribute, and applying the algorithm for
* > extracting a character encoding from a meta element to that attribute's
* > value returns an encoding, and the confidence is currently tentative,
* > then change the encoding to the extracted encoding.
$http_equiv = $this->get_attribute( 'http-equiv' );
$content = $this->get_attribute( 'content' );
if (
is_string( $http_equiv ) &&
is_string( $content ) &&
0 === strcasecmp( $http_equiv, 'Content-Type' ) &&
'tentative' === $this->state->encoding_confidence
) {
$this->bail( 'Cannot yet process META tags with http-equiv Content-Type to determine encoding.' );
return true;
* > A start tag whose tag name is "title"
case '+TITLE':
$this->insert_html_element( $this->state->current_token );
return true;
* > A start tag whose tag name is "noscript", if the scripting flag is enabled
* > A start tag whose tag name is one of: "noframes", "style"
* The scripting flag is never enabled in this parser.
case '+NOFRAMES':
case '+STYLE':
$this->insert_html_element( $this->state->current_token );
return true;
* > A start tag whose tag name is "noscript", if the scripting flag is disabled
case '+NOSCRIPT':
$this->insert_html_element( $this->state->current_token );
$this->state->insertion_mode = WP_HTML_Processor_State::INSERTION_MODE_IN_HEAD_NOSCRIPT;
return true;
* > A start tag whose tag name is "script"
* @todo Could the adjusted insertion location be anything other than the current location?
case '+SCRIPT':
$this->insert_html_element( $this->state->current_token );
return true;
* > An end tag whose tag name is "head"
case '-HEAD':
$this->state->insertion_mode = WP_HTML_Processor_State::INSERTION_MODE_AFTER_HEAD;
return true;
* > An end tag whose tag name is one of: "body", "html", "br"
* BR tags are always reported by the Tag Processor as opening tags.
case '-BODY':
case '-HTML':
* > Act as described in the "anything else" entry below.
goto in_head_anything_else;
* > A start tag whose tag name is "template"
* @todo Could the adjusted insertion location be anything other than the current location?
case '+TEMPLATE':
$this->state->frameset_ok = false;
$this->state->insertion_mode = WP_HTML_Processor_State::INSERTION_MODE_IN_TEMPLATE;
$this->state->stack_of_template_insertion_modes[] = WP_HTML_Processor_State::INSERTION_MODE_IN_TEMPLATE;
$this->insert_html_element( $this->state->current_token );
return true;
* > An end tag whose tag name is "template"
case '-TEMPLATE':
if ( ! $this->state->stack_of_open_elements->contains( 'TEMPLATE' ) ) {
// @todo Indicate a parse error once it's possible.
return $this->step();
if ( ! $this->state->stack_of_open_elements->current_node_is( 'TEMPLATE' ) ) {
// @todo Indicate a parse error once it's possible.
$this->state->stack_of_open_elements->pop_until( 'TEMPLATE' );
array_pop( $this->state->stack_of_template_insertion_modes );
return true;
* > A start tag whose tag name is "head"
* > Any other end tag
if ( '+HEAD' === $op || $is_closer ) {
// Parse error: ignore the token.
return $this->step();
* > Anything else
$this->state->insertion_mode = WP_HTML_Processor_State::INSERTION_MODE_AFTER_HEAD;
return $this->step( self::REPROCESS_CURRENT_NODE );
* Parses next element in the 'in head noscript' insertion mode.
* This internal function performs the 'in head noscript' insertion mode
* logic for the generalized WP_HTML_Processor::step() function.
* @since 6.7.0 Stub implementation.
* @throws WP_HTML_Unsupported_Exception When encountering unsupported HTML input.
* @see https://html.spec.whatwg.org/#parsing-main-inheadnoscript
* @see WP_HTML_Processor::step
* @return bool Whether an element was found.
private function step_in_head_noscript(): bool {
$token_name = $this->get_token_name();
$token_type = $this->get_token_type();
$is_closer = parent::is_tag_closer();
$op_sigil = '#tag' === $token_type ? ( $is_closer ? '-' : '+' ) : '';
$op = "{$op_sigil}{$token_name}";
switch ( $op ) {
* > A character token that is one of U+0009 CHARACTER TABULATION,
* > U+000A LINE FEED (LF), U+000C FORM FEED (FF),
* > U+000D CARRIAGE RETURN (CR), or U+0020 SPACE
* Parse error: ignore the token.
case '#text':
if ( parent::TEXT_IS_WHITESPACE === $this->text_node_classification ) {
return $this->step_in_head();
goto in_head_noscript_anything_else;
* > A DOCTYPE token
case 'html':
// Parse error: ignore the token.
return $this->step();
* > A start tag whose tag name is "html"
case '+HTML':
return $this->step_in_body();
* > An end tag whose tag name is "noscript"
case '-NOSCRIPT':
$this->state->insertion_mode = WP_HTML_Processor_State::INSERTION_MODE_IN_HEAD;
return true;
* > A comment token
* >
* > A start tag whose tag name is one of: "basefont", "bgsound",
* > "link", "meta", "noframes", "style"
case '#comment':
case '#funky-comment':
case '#presumptuous-tag':
case '+BASEFONT':
case '+BGSOUND':
case '+LINK':
case '+META':
case '+NOFRAMES':
case '+STYLE':
return $this->step_in_head();
* > An end tag whose tag name is "br"
* This should never happen, as the Tag Processor prevents showing a BR closing tag.
* > A start tag whose tag name is one of: "head", "noscript"
* > Any other end tag
if ( '+HEAD' === $op || '+NOSCRIPT' === $op || $is_closer ) {
// Parse error: ignore the token.
return $this->step();
* > Anything else
* Anything here is a parse error.
$this->state->insertion_mode = WP_HTML_Processor_State::INSERTION_MODE_IN_HEAD;
return $this->step( self::REPROCESS_CURRENT_NODE );
* Parses next element in the 'after head' insertion mode.
* This internal function performs the 'after head' insertion mode
* logic for the generalized WP_HTML_Processor::step() function.
* @since 6.7.0 Stub implementation.
* @throws WP_HTML_Unsupported_Exception When encountering unsupported HTML input.
* @see https://html.spec.whatwg.org/#the-after-head-insertion-mode
* @see WP_HTML_Processor::step
* @return bool Whether an element was found.
private function step_after_head(): bool {
$token_name = $this->get_token_name();
$token_type = $this->get_token_type();
$is_closer = parent::is_tag_closer();
$op_sigil = '#tag' === $token_type ? ( $is_closer ? '-' : '+' ) : '';
$op = "{$op_sigil}{$token_name}";
switch ( $op ) {
* > A character token that is one of U+0009 CHARACTER TABULATION,
* > U+000A LINE FEED (LF), U+000C FORM FEED (FF),
* > U+000D CARRIAGE RETURN (CR), or U+0020 SPACE
case '#text':
if ( parent::TEXT_IS_WHITESPACE === $this->text_node_classification ) {
// Insert the character.
$this->insert_html_element( $this->state->current_token );
return true;
goto after_head_anything_else;
* > A comment token
case '#comment':
case '#funky-comment':
case '#presumptuous-tag':
$this->insert_html_element( $this->state->current_token );
return true;
* > A DOCTYPE token
case 'html':
// Parse error: ignore the token.
return $this->step();
* > A start tag whose tag name is "html"
case '+HTML':
return $this->step_in_body();
* > A start tag whose tag name is "body"
case '+BODY':
$this->insert_html_element( $this->state->current_token );
$this->state->frameset_ok = false;
$this->state->insertion_mode = WP_HTML_Processor_State::INSERTION_MODE_IN_BODY;
return true;
* > A start tag whose tag name is "frameset"
case '+FRAMESET':
$this->insert_html_element( $this->state->current_token );
$this->state->insertion_mode = WP_HTML_Processor_State::INSERTION_MODE_IN_FRAMESET;
return true;
* > A start tag whose tag name is one of: "base", "basefont", "bgsound",
* > "link", "meta", "noframes", "script", "style", "template", "title"
* Anything here is a parse error.
case '+BASE':
case '+BASEFONT':
case '+BGSOUND':
case '+LINK':
case '+META':
case '+NOFRAMES':
case '+SCRIPT':
case '+STYLE':
case '+TEMPLATE':
case '+TITLE':
* > Push the node pointed to by the head element pointer onto the stack of open elements.
* > Process the token using the rules for the "in head" insertion mode.
* > Remove the node pointed to by the head element pointer from the stack of open elements. (It might not be the current node at this point.)
$this->bail( 'Cannot process elements after HEAD which reopen the HEAD element.' );
* Do not leave this break in when adding support; it's here to prevent
* WPCS from getting confused at the switch structure without a return,
* because it doesn't know that `bail()` always throws.
* > An end tag whose tag name is "template"
case '-TEMPLATE':
return $this->step_in_head();
* > An end tag whose tag name is one of: "body", "html", "br"
* Closing BR tags are always reported by the Tag Processor as opening tags.
case '-BODY':
case '-HTML':
* > Act as described in the "anything else" entry below.
goto after_head_anything_else;
* > A start tag whose tag name is "head"
* > Any other end tag
if ( '+HEAD' === $op || $is_closer ) {
// Parse error: ignore the token.
return $this->step();
* > Anything else
* > Insert an HTML element for a "body" start tag token with no attributes.
$this->insert_virtual_node( 'BODY' );
$this->state->insertion_mode = WP_HTML_Processor_State::INSERTION_MODE_IN_BODY;
return $this->step( self::REPROCESS_CURRENT_NODE );
* Parses next element in the 'in body' insertion mode.
* This internal function performs the 'in body' insertion mode
* logic for the generalized WP_HTML_Processor::step() function.
* @since 6.4.0
* @throws WP_HTML_Unsupported_Exception When encountering unsupported HTML input.
* @see https://html.spec.whatwg.org/#parsing-main-inbody
* @see WP_HTML_Processor::step
* @return bool Whether an element was found.
private function step_in_body(): bool {
$token_name = $this->get_token_name();
$token_type = $this->get_token_type();
$op_sigil = '#tag' === $token_type ? ( parent::is_tag_closer() ? '-' : '+' ) : '';
$op = "{$op_sigil}{$token_name}";
switch ( $op ) {
case '#text':
* > A character token that is U+0000 NULL
* Any successive sequence of NULL bytes is ignored and won't
* trigger active format reconstruction. Therefore, if the text
* only comprises NULL bytes then the token should be ignored
* here, but if there are any other characters in the stream
* the active formats should be reconstructed.
if ( parent::TEXT_IS_NULL_SEQUENCE === $this->text_node_classification ) {
// Parse error: ignore the token.
return $this->step();
* Whitespace-only text does not affect the frameset-ok flag.
* It is probably inter-element whitespace, but it may also
* contain character references which decode only to whitespace.
if ( parent::TEXT_IS_GENERIC === $this->text_node_classification ) {
$this->state->frameset_ok = false;
$this->insert_html_element( $this->state->current_token );
return true;
case '#comment':
case '#funky-comment':
case '#presumptuous-tag':
$this->insert_html_element( $this->state->current_token );
return true;
* > A DOCTYPE token
* > Parse error. Ignore the token.
case 'html':
return $this->step();
* > A start tag whose tag name is "html"
case '+HTML':
if ( ! $this->state->stack_of_open_elements->contains( 'TEMPLATE' ) ) {
* > Otherwise, for each attribute on the token, check to see if the attribute
* > is already present on the top element of the stack of open elements. If
* > it is not, add the attribute and its corresponding value to that element.
* This parser does not currently support this behavior: ignore the token.
// Ignore the token.
return $this->step();
* > A start tag whose tag name is one of: "base", "basefont", "bgsound", "link",
* > "meta", "noframes", "script", "style", "template", "title"
* >
* > An end tag whose tag name is "template"
case '+BASE':
case '+BASEFONT':
case '+BGSOUND':
case '+LINK':
case '+META':
case '+NOFRAMES':
case '+SCRIPT':
case '+STYLE':
case '+TEMPLATE':
case '+TITLE':
case '-TEMPLATE':
return $this->step_in_head();
* > A start tag whose tag name is "body"
* This tag in the IN BODY insertion mode is a parse error.
case '+BODY':
if (
1 === $this->state->stack_of_open_elements->count() ||
'BODY' !== ( $this->state->stack_of_open_elements->at( 2 )->node_name ?? null ) ||
$this->state->stack_of_open_elements->contains( 'TEMPLATE' )
) {
// Ignore the token.
return $this->step();
* > Otherwise, set the frameset-ok flag to "not ok"; then, for each attribute
* > on the token, check to see if the attribute is already present on the body
* > element (the second element) on the stack of open elements, and if it is
* > not, add the attribute and its corresponding value to that element.
* This parser does not currently support this behavior: ignore the token.
$this->state->frameset_ok = false;
return $this->step();
* > A start tag whose tag name is "frameset"
* This tag in the IN BODY insertion mode is a parse error.
case '+FRAMESET':
if (
1 === $this->state->stack_of_open_elements->count() ||
'BODY' !== ( $this->state->stack_of_open_elements->at( 2 )->node_name ?? null ) ||
false === $this->state->frameset_ok
) {
// Ignore the token.
return $this->step();
* > Otherwise, run the following steps:
$this->bail( 'Cannot process non-ignored FRAMESET tags.' );
* > An end tag whose tag name is "body"
case '-BODY':
if ( ! $this->state->stack_of_open_elements->has_element_in_scope( 'BODY' ) ) {
// Parse error: ignore the token.
return $this->step();
* > Otherwise, if there is a node in the stack of open elements that is not either a
* > dd element, a dt element, an li element, an optgroup element, an option element,
* > a p element, an rb element, an rp element, an rt element, an rtc element, a tbody
* > element, a td element, a tfoot element, a th element, a thread element, a tr
* > element, the body element, or the html element, then this is a parse error.
* There is nothing to do for this parse error, so don't check for it.
$this->state->insertion_mode = WP_HTML_Processor_State::INSERTION_MODE_AFTER_BODY;
return true;
* > An end tag whose tag name is "html"
case '-HTML':
if ( ! $this->state->stack_of_open_elements->has_element_in_scope( 'BODY' ) ) {
// Parse error: ignore the token.
return $this->step();
* > Otherwise, if there is a node in the stack of open elements that is not either a
* > dd element, a dt element, an li element, an optgroup element, an option element,
* > a p element, an rb element, an rp element, an rt element, an rtc element, a tbody
* > element, a td element, a tfoot element, a th element, a thread element, a tr
* > element, the body element, or the html element, then this is a parse error.
* There is nothing to do for this parse error, so don't check for it.
$this->state->insertion_mode = WP_HTML_Processor_State::INSERTION_MODE_AFTER_BODY;
return $this->step( self::REPROCESS_CURRENT_NODE );
* > A start tag whose tag name is one of: "address", "article", "aside",
* > "blockquote", "center", "details", "dialog", "dir", "div", "dl",
* > "fieldset", "figcaption", "figure", "footer", "header", "hgroup",
* > "main", "menu", "nav", "ol", "p", "search", "section", "summary", "ul"
case '+ADDRESS':
case '+ARTICLE':
case '+ASIDE':
case '+CENTER':
case '+DETAILS':
case '+DIALOG':
case '+DIR':
case '+DIV':
case '+DL':
case '+FIELDSET':
case '+FIGURE':
case '+FOOTER':
case '+HEADER':
case '+HGROUP':
case '+MAIN':
case '+MENU':
case '+NAV':
case '+OL':
case '+P':
case '+SEARCH':
case '+SECTION':
case '+SUMMARY':
case '+UL':
if ( $this->state->stack_of_open_elements->has_p_in_button_scope() ) {
$this->insert_html_element( $this->state->current_token );
return true;
* > A start tag whose tag name is one of: "h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5", "h6"
case '+H1':
case '+H2':
case '+H3':
case '+H4':
case '+H5':
case '+H6':
if ( $this->state->stack_of_open_elements->has_p_in_button_scope() ) {
if (
array( 'H1', 'H2', 'H3', 'H4', 'H5', 'H6' ),
) {
// @todo Indicate a parse error once it's possible.
$this->insert_html_element( $this->state->current_token );
return true;
* > A start tag whose tag name is one of: "pre", "listing"
case '+PRE':
case '+LISTING':
if ( $this->state->stack_of_open_elements->has_p_in_button_scope() ) {
* > If the next token is a U+000A LINE FEED (LF) character token,
* > then ignore that token and move on to the next one. (Newlines
* > at the start of pre blocks are ignored as an authoring convenience.)
* This is handled in `get_modifiable_text()`.
$this->insert_html_element( $this->state->current_token );
$this->state->frameset_ok = false;
return true;
* > A start tag whose tag name is "form"
case '+FORM':
$stack_contains_template = $this->state->stack_of_open_elements->contains( 'TEMPLATE' );
if ( isset( $this->state->form_element ) && ! $stack_contains_template ) {
// Parse error: ignore the token.
return $this->step();
if ( $this->state->stack_of_open_elements->has_p_in_button_scope() ) {
$this->insert_html_element( $this->state->current_token );
if ( ! $stack_contains_template ) {
$this->state->form_element = $this->state->current_token;
return true;
* > A start tag whose tag name is "li"
* > A start tag whose tag name is one of: "dd", "dt"
case '+DD':
case '+DT':
case '+LI':
$this->state->frameset_ok = false;
$node = $this->state->stack_of_open_elements->current_node();
$is_li = 'LI' === $token_name;
* The logic for LI and DT/DD is the same except for one point: LI elements _only_
* close other LI elements, but a DT or DD element closes _any_ open DT or DD element.
if ( $is_li ? 'LI' === $node->node_name : ( 'DD' === $node->node_name || 'DT' === $node->node_name ) ) {
$node_name = $is_li ? 'LI' : $node->node_name;
$this->generate_implied_end_tags( $node_name );
if ( ! $this->state->stack_of_open_elements->current_node_is( $node_name ) ) {
// @todo Indicate a parse error once it's possible. This error does not impact the logic here.
$this->state->stack_of_open_elements->pop_until( $node_name );
goto in_body_list_done;
if (
'ADDRESS' !== $node->node_name &&
'DIV' !== $node->node_name &&
'P' !== $node->node_name &&
self::is_special( $node )
) {
* > If node is in the special category, but is not an address, div,
* > or p element, then jump to the step labeled done below.
goto in_body_list_done;
} else {
* > Otherwise, set node to the previous entry in the stack of open elements
* > and return to the step labeled loop.
foreach ( $this->state->stack_of_open_elements->walk_up( $node ) as $item ) {
$node = $item;
goto in_body_list_loop;
if ( $this->state->stack_of_open_elements->has_p_in_button_scope() ) {
$this->insert_html_element( $this->state->current_token );
return true;
case '+PLAINTEXT':
if ( $this->state->stack_of_open_elements->has_p_in_button_scope() ) {
* @todo This may need to be handled in the Tag Processor and turn into
* a single self-contained tag like TEXTAREA, whose modifiable text
* is the rest of the input document as plaintext.
$this->bail( 'Cannot process PLAINTEXT elements.' );
* > A start tag whose tag name is "button"
case '+BUTTON':
if ( $this->state->stack_of_open_elements->has_element_in_scope( 'BUTTON' ) ) {
// @todo Indicate a parse error once it's possible. This error does not impact the logic here.
$this->state->stack_of_open_elements->pop_until( 'BUTTON' );
$this->insert_html_element( $this->state->current_token );
$this->state->frameset_ok = false;
return true;
* > An end tag whose tag name is one of: "address", "article", "aside", "blockquote",
* > "button", "center", "details", "dialog", "dir", "div", "dl", "fieldset",
* > "figcaption", "figure", "footer", "header", "hgroup", "listing", "main",
* > "menu", "nav", "ol", "pre", "search", "section", "summary", "ul"
case '-ADDRESS':
case '-ARTICLE':
case '-ASIDE':
case '-BUTTON':
case '-CENTER':
case '-DETAILS':
case '-DIALOG':
case '-DIR':
case '-DIV':
case '-DL':
case '-FIELDSET':
case '-FIGURE':
case '-FOOTER':
case '-HEADER':
case '-HGROUP':
case '-LISTING':
case '-MAIN':
case '-MENU':
case '-NAV':
case '-OL':
case '-PRE':
case '-SEARCH':
case '-SECTION':
case '-SUMMARY':
case '-UL':
if ( ! $this->state->stack_of_open_elements->has_element_in_scope( $token_name ) ) {
// @todo Report parse error.
// Ignore the token.
return $this->step();
if ( ! $this->state->stack_of_open_elements->current_node_is( $token_name ) ) {
// @todo Record parse error: this error doesn't impact parsing.
$this->state->stack_of_open_elements->pop_until( $token_name );
return true;
* > An end tag whose tag name is "form"
case '-FORM':
if ( ! $this->state->stack_of_open_elements->contains( 'TEMPLATE' ) ) {
$node = $this->state->form_element;
$this->state->form_element = null;
* > If node is null or if the stack of open elements does not have node
* > in scope, then this is a parse error; return and ignore the token.
* @todo It's necessary to check if the form token itself is in scope, not
* simply whether any FORM is in scope.
if (
null === $node ||
! $this->state->stack_of_open_elements->has_element_in_scope( 'FORM' )
) {
// Parse error: ignore the token.
return $this->step();
if ( $node !== $this->state->stack_of_open_elements->current_node() ) {
// @todo Indicate a parse error once it's possible. This error does not impact the logic here.
$this->bail( 'Cannot close a FORM when other elements remain open as this would throw off the breadcrumbs for the following tokens.' );
$this->state->stack_of_open_elements->remove_node( $node );
return true;
} else {
* > If the stack of open elements does not have a form element in scope,
* > then this is a parse error; return and ignore the token.
* Note that unlike in the clause above, this is checking for any FORM in scope.
if ( ! $this->state->stack_of_open_elements->has_element_in_scope( 'FORM' ) ) {
// Parse error: ignore the token.
return $this->step();
if ( ! $this->state->stack_of_open_elements->current_node_is( 'FORM' ) ) {
// @todo Indicate a parse error once it's possible. This error does not impact the logic here.
$this->state->stack_of_open_elements->pop_until( 'FORM' );
return true;
* > An end tag whose tag name is "p"
case '-P':
if ( ! $this->state->stack_of_open_elements->has_p_in_button_scope() ) {
$this->insert_html_element( $this->state->current_token );
return true;
* > An end tag whose tag name is "li"
* > An end tag whose tag name is one of: "dd", "dt"
case '-DD':
case '-DT':
case '-LI':
if (
* An end tag whose tag name is "li":
* If the stack of open elements does not have an li element in list item scope,
* then this is a parse error; ignore the token.
'LI' === $token_name &&
! $this->state->stack_of_open_elements->has_element_in_list_item_scope( 'LI' )
) ||
* An end tag whose tag name is one of: "dd", "dt":
* If the stack of open elements does not have an element in scope that is an
* HTML element with the same tag name as that of the token, then this is a
* parse error; ignore the token.
'LI' !== $token_name &&
! $this->state->stack_of_open_elements->has_element_in_scope( $token_name )
) {
* This is a parse error, ignore the token.
* @todo Indicate a parse error once it's possible.
return $this->step();
$this->generate_implied_end_tags( $token_name );
if ( ! $this->state->stack_of_open_elements->current_node_is( $token_name ) ) {
// @todo Indicate a parse error once it's possible. This error does not impact the logic here.
$this->state->stack_of_open_elements->pop_until( $token_name );
return true;
* > An end tag whose tag name is one of: "h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5", "h6"
case '-H1':
case '-H2':
case '-H3':
case '-H4':
case '-H5':
case '-H6':
if ( ! $this->state->stack_of_open_elements->has_element_in_scope( '(internal: H1 through H6 - do not use)' ) ) {
* This is a parse error; ignore the token.
* @todo Indicate a parse error once it's possible.
return $this->step();
if ( ! $this->state->stack_of_open_elements->current_node_is( $token_name ) ) {
// @todo Record parse error: this error doesn't impact parsing.
$this->state->stack_of_open_elements->pop_until( '(internal: H1 through H6 - do not use)' );
return true;
* > A start tag whose tag name is "a"
case '+A':
foreach ( $this->state->active_formatting_elements->walk_up() as $item ) {
switch ( $item->node_name ) {
case 'marker':
break 2;
case 'A':
$this->state->active_formatting_elements->remove_node( $item );
$this->state->stack_of_open_elements->remove_node( $item );
break 2;
$this->insert_html_element( $this->state->current_token );
$this->state->active_formatting_elements->push( $this->state->current_token );
return true;
* > A start tag whose tag name is one of: "b", "big", "code", "em", "font", "i",
* > "s", "small", "strike", "strong", "tt", "u"
case '+B':
case '+BIG':
case '+CODE':
case '+EM':
case '+FONT':
case '+I':
case '+S':
case '+SMALL':
case '+STRIKE':
case '+STRONG':
case '+TT':
case '+U':
$this->insert_html_element( $this->state->current_token );
$this->state->active_formatting_elements->push( $this->state->current_token );
return true;
* > A start tag whose tag name is "nobr"
case '+NOBR':
if ( $this->state->stack_of_open_elements->has_element_in_scope( 'NOBR' ) ) {
// Parse error.
$this->insert_html_element( $this->state->current_token );
$this->state->active_formatting_elements->push( $this->state->current_token );
return true;
* > An end tag whose tag name is one of: "a", "b", "big", "code", "em", "font", "i",
* > "nobr", "s", "small", "strike", "strong", "tt", "u"
case '-A':
case '-B':
case '-BIG':
case '-CODE':
case '-EM':
case '-FONT':
case '-I':
case '-NOBR':
case '-S':
case '-SMALL':
case '-STRIKE':
case '-STRONG':
case '-TT':
case '-U':
return true;
* > A start tag whose tag name is one of: "applet", "marquee", "object"
case '+APPLET':
case '+MARQUEE':
case '+OBJECT':
$this->insert_html_element( $this->state->current_token );
$this->state->frameset_ok = false;
return true;
* > A end tag token whose tag name is one of: "applet", "marquee", "object"
case '-APPLET':
case '-MARQUEE':
case '-OBJECT':
if ( ! $this->state->stack_of_open_elements->has_element_in_scope( $token_name ) ) {
// Parse error: ignore the token.
return $this->step();
if ( ! $this->state->stack_of_open_elements->current_node_is( $token_name ) ) {
// This is a parse error.
$this->state->stack_of_open_elements->pop_until( $token_name );
return true;
* > A start tag whose tag name is "table"
case '+TABLE':
* > If the Document is not set to quirks mode, and the stack of open elements
* > has a p element in button scope, then close a p element.
if (
WP_HTML_Tag_Processor::QUIRKS_MODE !== $this->compat_mode &&
) {
$this->insert_html_element( $this->state->current_token );
$this->state->frameset_ok = false;
$this->state->insertion_mode = WP_HTML_Processor_State::INSERTION_MODE_IN_TABLE;
return true;
* > An end tag whose tag name is "br"
* This is prevented from happening because the Tag Processor
* reports all closing BR tags as if they were opening tags.
* > A start tag whose tag name is one of: "area", "br", "embed", "img", "keygen", "wbr"
case '+AREA':
case '+BR':
case '+EMBED':
case '+IMG':
case '+KEYGEN':
case '+WBR':
$this->insert_html_element( $this->state->current_token );
$this->state->frameset_ok = false;
return true;
* > A start tag whose tag name is "input"
case '+INPUT':
$this->insert_html_element( $this->state->current_token );
* > If the token does not have an attribute with the name "type", or if it does,
* > but that attribute's value is not an ASCII case-insensitive match for the
* > string "hidden", then: set the frameset-ok flag to "not ok".
$type_attribute = $this->get_attribute( 'type' );
if ( ! is_string( $type_attribute ) || 'hidden' !== strtolower( $type_attribute ) ) {
$this->state->frameset_ok = false;
return true;
* > A start tag whose tag name is one of: "param", "source", "track"
case '+PARAM':
case '+SOURCE':
case '+TRACK':
$this->insert_html_element( $this->state->current_token );
return true;
* > A start tag whose tag name is "hr"
case '+HR':
if ( $this->state->stack_of_open_elements->has_p_in_button_scope() ) {
$this->insert_html_element( $this->state->current_token );
$this->state->frameset_ok = false;
return true;
* > A start tag whose tag name is "image"
case '+IMAGE':
* > Parse error. Change the token's tag name to "img" and reprocess it. (Don't ask.)
* Note that this is handled elsewhere, so it should not be possible to reach this code.
$this->bail( "Cannot process an IMAGE tag. (Don't ask.)" );
* > A start tag whose tag name is "textarea"
case '+TEXTAREA':
$this->insert_html_element( $this->state->current_token );
* > If the next token is a U+000A LINE FEED (LF) character token, then ignore
* > that token and move on to the next one. (Newlines at the start of
* > textarea elements are ignored as an authoring convenience.)
* This is handled in `get_modifiable_text()`.
$this->state->frameset_ok = false;
* > Switch the insertion mode to "text".
* As a self-contained node, this behavior is handled in the Tag Processor.
return true;
* > A start tag whose tag name is "xmp"
case '+XMP':
if ( $this->state->stack_of_open_elements->has_p_in_button_scope() ) {
$this->state->frameset_ok = false;
* > Follow the generic raw text element parsing algorithm.
* As a self-contained node, this behavior is handled in the Tag Processor.
$this->insert_html_element( $this->state->current_token );
return true;
* A start tag whose tag name is "iframe"
case '+IFRAME':
$this->state->frameset_ok = false;
* > Follow the generic raw text element parsing algorithm.
* As a self-contained node, this behavior is handled in the Tag Processor.
$this->insert_html_element( $this->state->current_token );
return true;
* > A start tag whose tag name is "noembed"
* > A start tag whose tag name is "noscript", if the scripting flag is enabled
* The scripting flag is never enabled in this parser.
case '+NOEMBED':
$this->insert_html_element( $this->state->current_token );
return true;
* > A start tag whose tag name is "select"
case '+SELECT':
$this->insert_html_element( $this->state->current_token );
$this->state->frameset_ok = false;
switch ( $this->state->insertion_mode ) {
* > If the insertion mode is one of "in table", "in caption", "in table body", "in row",
* > or "in cell", then switch the insertion mode to "in select in table".
case WP_HTML_Processor_State::INSERTION_MODE_IN_ROW:
$this->state->insertion_mode = WP_HTML_Processor_State::INSERTION_MODE_IN_SELECT_IN_TABLE;
* > Otherwise, switch the insertion mode to "in select".
$this->state->insertion_mode = WP_HTML_Processor_State::INSERTION_MODE_IN_SELECT;
return true;
* > A start tag whose tag name is one of: "optgroup", "option"
case '+OPTGROUP':
case '+OPTION':
if ( $this->state->stack_of_open_elements->current_node_is( 'OPTION' ) ) {
$this->insert_html_element( $this->state->current_token );
return true;
* > A start tag whose tag name is one of: "rb", "rtc"
case '+RB':
case '+RTC':
if ( $this->state->stack_of_open_elements->has_element_in_scope( 'RUBY' ) ) {
if ( $this->state->stack_of_open_elements->current_node_is( 'RUBY' ) ) {
// @todo Indicate a parse error once it's possible.
$this->insert_html_element( $this->state->current_token );
return true;
* > A start tag whose tag name is one of: "rp", "rt"
case '+RP':
case '+RT':
if ( $this->state->stack_of_open_elements->has_element_in_scope( 'RUBY' ) ) {
$this->generate_implied_end_tags( 'RTC' );
$current_node_name = $this->state->stack_of_open_elements->current_node()->node_name;
if ( 'RTC' === $current_node_name || 'RUBY' === $current_node_name ) {
// @todo Indicate a parse error once it's possible.
$this->insert_html_element( $this->state->current_token );
return true;
* > A start tag whose tag name is "math"
case '+MATH':
* @todo Adjust MathML attributes for the token. (This fixes the case of MathML attributes that are not all lowercase.)
* @todo Adjust foreign attributes for the token. (This fixes the use of namespaced attributes, in particular XLink.)
* These ought to be handled in the attribute methods.
$this->state->current_token->namespace = 'math';
$this->insert_html_element( $this->state->current_token );
if ( $this->state->current_token->has_self_closing_flag ) {
return true;
* > A start tag whose tag name is "svg"
case '+SVG':
* @todo Adjust SVG attributes for the token. (This fixes the case of SVG attributes that are not all lowercase.)
* @todo Adjust foreign attributes for the token. (This fixes the use of namespaced attributes, in particular XLink in SVG.)
* These ought to be handled in the attribute methods.
$this->state->current_token->namespace = 'svg';
$this->insert_html_element( $this->state->current_token );
if ( $this->state->current_token->has_self_closing_flag ) {
return true;
* > A start tag whose tag name is one of: "caption", "col", "colgroup",
* > "frame", "head", "tbody", "td", "tfoot", "th", "thead", "tr"
case '+CAPTION':
case '+COL':
case '+COLGROUP':
case '+FRAME':
case '+HEAD':
case '+TBODY':
case '+TD':
case '+TFOOT':
case '+TH':
case '+THEAD':
case '+TR':
// Parse error. Ignore the token.
return $this->step();
if ( ! parent::is_tag_closer() ) {
* > Any other start tag
$this->insert_html_element( $this->state->current_token );
return true;
} else {
* > Any other end tag
* Find the corresponding tag opener in the stack of open elements, if
* it exists before reaching a special element, which provides a kind
* of boundary in the stack. For example, a `` should not
* close anything beyond its containing `P` or `DIV` element.
foreach ( $this->state->stack_of_open_elements->walk_up() as $node ) {
if ( 'html' === $node->namespace && $token_name === $node->node_name ) {
if ( self::is_special( $node ) ) {
// This is a parse error, ignore the token.
return $this->step();
$this->generate_implied_end_tags( $token_name );
if ( $node !== $this->state->stack_of_open_elements->current_node() ) {
// @todo Record parse error: this error doesn't impact parsing.
foreach ( $this->state->stack_of_open_elements->walk_up() as $item ) {
if ( $node === $item ) {
return true;
$this->bail( 'Should not have been able to reach end of IN BODY processing. Check HTML API code.' );
// This unnecessary return prevents tools from inaccurately reporting type errors.
return false;
* Parses next element in the 'in table' insertion mode.
* This internal function performs the 'in table' insertion mode
* logic for the generalized WP_HTML_Processor::step() function.
* @since 6.7.0
* @throws WP_HTML_Unsupported_Exception When encountering unsupported HTML input.
* @see https://html.spec.whatwg.org/#parsing-main-intable
* @see WP_HTML_Processor::step
* @return bool Whether an element was found.
private function step_in_table(): bool {
$token_name = $this->get_token_name();
$token_type = $this->get_token_type();
$op_sigil = '#tag' === $token_type ? ( parent::is_tag_closer() ? '-' : '+' ) : '';
$op = "{$op_sigil}{$token_name}";
switch ( $op ) {
* > A character token, if the current node is table,
* > tbody, template, tfoot, thead, or tr element
case '#text':
$current_node = $this->state->stack_of_open_elements->current_node();
$current_node_name = $current_node ? $current_node->node_name : null;
if (
$current_node_name && (
'TABLE' === $current_node_name ||
'TBODY' === $current_node_name ||
'TEMPLATE' === $current_node_name ||
'TFOOT' === $current_node_name ||
'THEAD' === $current_node_name ||
'TR' === $current_node_name
) {
* If the text is empty after processing HTML entities and stripping
* U+0000 NULL bytes then ignore the token.
if ( parent::TEXT_IS_NULL_SEQUENCE === $this->text_node_classification ) {
return $this->step();
* This follows the rules for "in table text" insertion mode.
* Whitespace-only text nodes are inserted in-place. Otherwise
* foster parenting is enabled and the nodes would be
* inserted out-of-place.
* > If any of the tokens in the pending table character tokens
* > list are character tokens that are not ASCII whitespace,
* > then this is a parse error: reprocess the character tokens
* > in the pending table character tokens list using the rules
* > given in the "anything else" entry in the "in table"
* > insertion mode.
* >
* > Otherwise, insert the characters given by the pending table
* > character tokens list.
* @see https://html.spec.whatwg.org/#parsing-main-intabletext
if ( parent::TEXT_IS_WHITESPACE === $this->text_node_classification ) {
$this->insert_html_element( $this->state->current_token );
return true;
// Non-whitespace would trigger fostering, unsupported at this time.
$this->bail( 'Foster parenting is not supported.' );
* > A comment token
case '#comment':
case '#funky-comment':
case '#presumptuous-tag':
$this->insert_html_element( $this->state->current_token );
return true;
* > A DOCTYPE token
case 'html':
// Parse error: ignore the token.
return $this->step();
* > A start tag whose tag name is "caption"
case '+CAPTION':
$this->insert_html_element( $this->state->current_token );
$this->state->insertion_mode = WP_HTML_Processor_State::INSERTION_MODE_IN_CAPTION;
return true;
* > A start tag whose tag name is "colgroup"
case '+COLGROUP':
$this->insert_html_element( $this->state->current_token );
$this->state->insertion_mode = WP_HTML_Processor_State::INSERTION_MODE_IN_COLUMN_GROUP;
return true;
* > A start tag whose tag name is "col"
case '+COL':
* > Insert an HTML element for a "colgroup" start tag token with no attributes,
* > then switch the insertion mode to "in column group".
$this->insert_virtual_node( 'COLGROUP' );
$this->state->insertion_mode = WP_HTML_Processor_State::INSERTION_MODE_IN_COLUMN_GROUP;
return $this->step( self::REPROCESS_CURRENT_NODE );
* > A start tag whose tag name is one of: "tbody", "tfoot", "thead"
case '+TBODY':
case '+TFOOT':
case '+THEAD':
$this->insert_html_element( $this->state->current_token );
$this->state->insertion_mode = WP_HTML_Processor_State::INSERTION_MODE_IN_TABLE_BODY;
return true;
* > A start tag whose tag name is one of: "td", "th", "tr"
case '+TD':
case '+TH':
case '+TR':
* > Insert an HTML element for a "tbody" start tag token with no attributes,
* > then switch the insertion mode to "in table body".
$this->insert_virtual_node( 'TBODY' );
$this->state->insertion_mode = WP_HTML_Processor_State::INSERTION_MODE_IN_TABLE_BODY;
return $this->step( self::REPROCESS_CURRENT_NODE );
* > A start tag whose tag name is "table"
* This tag in the IN TABLE insertion mode is a parse error.
case '+TABLE':
if ( ! $this->state->stack_of_open_elements->has_element_in_table_scope( 'TABLE' ) ) {
return $this->step();
$this->state->stack_of_open_elements->pop_until( 'TABLE' );
return $this->step( self::REPROCESS_CURRENT_NODE );
* > An end tag whose tag name is "table"
case '-TABLE':
if ( ! $this->state->stack_of_open_elements->has_element_in_table_scope( 'TABLE' ) ) {
// @todo Indicate a parse error once it's possible.
return $this->step();
$this->state->stack_of_open_elements->pop_until( 'TABLE' );
return true;
* > An end tag whose tag name is one of: "body", "caption", "col", "colgroup", "html", "tbody", "td", "tfoot", "th", "thead", "tr"
case '-BODY':
case '-CAPTION':
case '-COL':
case '-COLGROUP':
case '-HTML':
case '-TBODY':
case '-TD':
case '-TFOOT':
case '-TH':
case '-THEAD':
case '-TR':
// Parse error: ignore the token.
return $this->step();
* > A start tag whose tag name is one of: "style", "script", "template"
* > An end tag whose tag name is "template"
case '+STYLE':
case '+SCRIPT':
case '+TEMPLATE':
case '-TEMPLATE':
* > Process the token using the rules for the "in head" insertion mode.
return $this->step_in_head();
* > A start tag whose tag name is "input"
* > If the token does not have an attribute with the name "type", or if it does, but
* > that attribute's value is not an ASCII case-insensitive match for the string
* > "hidden", then: act as described in the "anything else" entry below.
case '+INPUT':
$type_attribute = $this->get_attribute( 'type' );
if ( ! is_string( $type_attribute ) || 'hidden' !== strtolower( $type_attribute ) ) {
goto anything_else;
// @todo Indicate a parse error once it's possible.
$this->insert_html_element( $this->state->current_token );
return true;
* > A start tag whose tag name is "form"
* This tag in the IN TABLE insertion mode is a parse error.
case '+FORM':
if (
$this->state->stack_of_open_elements->has_element_in_scope( 'TEMPLATE' ) ||
isset( $this->state->form_element )
) {
return $this->step();
// This FORM is special because it immediately closes and cannot have other children.
$this->insert_html_element( $this->state->current_token );
$this->state->form_element = $this->state->current_token;
return true;
* > Anything else
* > Parse error. Enable foster parenting, process the token using the rules for the
* > "in body" insertion mode, and then disable foster parenting.
* @todo Indicate a parse error once it's possible.
$this->bail( 'Foster parenting is not supported.' );
* Parses next element in the 'in table text' insertion mode.
* This internal function performs the 'in table text' insertion mode
* logic for the generalized WP_HTML_Processor::step() function.
* @since 6.7.0 Stub implementation.
* @throws WP_HTML_Unsupported_Exception When encountering unsupported HTML input.
* @see https://html.spec.whatwg.org/#parsing-main-intabletext
* @see WP_HTML_Processor::step
* @return bool Whether an element was found.
private function step_in_table_text(): bool {
$this->bail( 'No support for parsing in the ' . WP_HTML_Processor_State::INSERTION_MODE_IN_TABLE_TEXT . ' state.' );
* Parses next element in the 'in caption' insertion mode.
* This internal function performs the 'in caption' insertion mode
* logic for the generalized WP_HTML_Processor::step() function.
* @since 6.7.0
* @throws WP_HTML_Unsupported_Exception When encountering unsupported HTML input.
* @see https://html.spec.whatwg.org/#parsing-main-incaption
* @see WP_HTML_Processor::step
* @return bool Whether an element was found.
private function step_in_caption(): bool {
$tag_name = $this->get_tag();
$op_sigil = $this->is_tag_closer() ? '-' : '+';
$op = "{$op_sigil}{$tag_name}";
switch ( $op ) {
* > An end tag whose tag name is "caption"
* > A start tag whose tag name is one of: "caption", "col", "colgroup", "tbody", "td", "tfoot", "th", "thead", "tr"
* > An end tag whose tag name is "table"
* These tag handling rules are identical except for the final instruction.
* Handle them in a single block.
case '-CAPTION':
case '+CAPTION':
case '+COL':
case '+COLGROUP':
case '+TBODY':
case '+TD':
case '+TFOOT':
case '+TH':
case '+THEAD':
case '+TR':
case '-TABLE':
if ( ! $this->state->stack_of_open_elements->has_element_in_table_scope( 'CAPTION' ) ) {
// Parse error: ignore the token.
return $this->step();
if ( ! $this->state->stack_of_open_elements->current_node_is( 'CAPTION' ) ) {
// @todo Indicate a parse error once it's possible.
$this->state->stack_of_open_elements->pop_until( 'CAPTION' );
$this->state->insertion_mode = WP_HTML_Processor_State::INSERTION_MODE_IN_TABLE;
// If this is not a CAPTION end tag, the token should be reprocessed.
if ( '-CAPTION' === $op ) {
return true;
return $this->step( self::REPROCESS_CURRENT_NODE );
* > An end tag whose tag name is one of: "body", "col", "colgroup", "html", "tbody", "td", "tfoot", "th", "thead", "tr"
case '-BODY':
case '-COL':
case '-COLGROUP':
case '-HTML':
case '-TBODY':
case '-TD':
case '-TFOOT':
case '-TH':
case '-THEAD':
case '-TR':
// Parse error: ignore the token.
return $this->step();
* > Anything else
* > Process the token using the rules for the "in body" insertion mode.
return $this->step_in_body();
* Parses next element in the 'in column group' insertion mode.
* This internal function performs the 'in column group' insertion mode
* logic for the generalized WP_HTML_Processor::step() function.
* @since 6.7.0
* @throws WP_HTML_Unsupported_Exception When encountering unsupported HTML input.
* @see https://html.spec.whatwg.org/#parsing-main-incolgroup
* @see WP_HTML_Processor::step
* @return bool Whether an element was found.
private function step_in_column_group(): bool {
$token_name = $this->get_token_name();
$token_type = $this->get_token_type();
$op_sigil = '#tag' === $token_type ? ( parent::is_tag_closer() ? '-' : '+' ) : '';
$op = "{$op_sigil}{$token_name}";
switch ( $op ) {
* > A character token that is one of U+0009 CHARACTER TABULATION, U+000A LINE FEED (LF),
case '#text':
if ( parent::TEXT_IS_WHITESPACE === $this->text_node_classification ) {
// Insert the character.
$this->insert_html_element( $this->state->current_token );
return true;
goto in_column_group_anything_else;
* > A comment token
case '#comment':
case '#funky-comment':
case '#presumptuous-tag':
$this->insert_html_element( $this->state->current_token );
return true;
* > A DOCTYPE token
case 'html':
// @todo Indicate a parse error once it's possible.
return $this->step();
* > A start tag whose tag name is "html"
case '+HTML':
return $this->step_in_body();
* > A start tag whose tag name is "col"
case '+COL':
$this->insert_html_element( $this->state->current_token );
return true;
* > An end tag whose tag name is "colgroup"
case '-COLGROUP':
if ( ! $this->state->stack_of_open_elements->current_node_is( 'COLGROUP' ) ) {
// @todo Indicate a parse error once it's possible.
return $this->step();
$this->state->insertion_mode = WP_HTML_Processor_State::INSERTION_MODE_IN_TABLE;
return true;
* > An end tag whose tag name is "col"
case '-COL':
// Parse error: ignore the token.
return $this->step();
* > A start tag whose tag name is "template"
* > An end tag whose tag name is "template"
case '+TEMPLATE':
case '-TEMPLATE':
return $this->step_in_head();
* > Anything else
if ( ! $this->state->stack_of_open_elements->current_node_is( 'COLGROUP' ) ) {
// @todo Indicate a parse error once it's possible.
return $this->step();
$this->state->insertion_mode = WP_HTML_Processor_State::INSERTION_MODE_IN_TABLE;
return $this->step( self::REPROCESS_CURRENT_NODE );
* Parses next element in the 'in table body' insertion mode.
* This internal function performs the 'in table body' insertion mode
* logic for the generalized WP_HTML_Processor::step() function.
* @since 6.7.0
* @throws WP_HTML_Unsupported_Exception When encountering unsupported HTML input.
* @see https://html.spec.whatwg.org/#parsing-main-intbody
* @see WP_HTML_Processor::step
* @return bool Whether an element was found.
private function step_in_table_body(): bool {
$tag_name = $this->get_tag();
$op_sigil = $this->is_tag_closer() ? '-' : '+';
$op = "{$op_sigil}{$tag_name}";
switch ( $op ) {
* > A start tag whose tag name is "tr"
case '+TR':
$this->insert_html_element( $this->state->current_token );
$this->state->insertion_mode = WP_HTML_Processor_State::INSERTION_MODE_IN_ROW;
return true;
* > A start tag whose tag name is one of: "th", "td"
case '+TH':
case '+TD':
// @todo Indicate a parse error once it's possible.
$this->insert_virtual_node( 'TR' );
$this->state->insertion_mode = WP_HTML_Processor_State::INSERTION_MODE_IN_ROW;
return $this->step( self::REPROCESS_CURRENT_NODE );
* > An end tag whose tag name is one of: "tbody", "tfoot", "thead"
case '-TBODY':
case '-TFOOT':
case '-THEAD':
if ( ! $this->state->stack_of_open_elements->has_element_in_table_scope( $tag_name ) ) {
// Parse error: ignore the token.
return $this->step();
$this->state->insertion_mode = WP_HTML_Processor_State::INSERTION_MODE_IN_TABLE;
return true;
* > A start tag whose tag name is one of: "caption", "col", "colgroup", "tbody", "tfoot", "thead"
* > An end tag whose tag name is "table"
case '+CAPTION':
case '+COL':
case '+COLGROUP':
case '+TBODY':
case '+TFOOT':
case '+THEAD':
case '-TABLE':
if (
! $this->state->stack_of_open_elements->has_element_in_table_scope( 'TBODY' ) &&
! $this->state->stack_of_open_elements->has_element_in_table_scope( 'THEAD' ) &&
! $this->state->stack_of_open_elements->has_element_in_table_scope( 'TFOOT' )
) {
// Parse error: ignore the token.
return $this->step();
$this->state->insertion_mode = WP_HTML_Processor_State::INSERTION_MODE_IN_TABLE;
return $this->step( self::REPROCESS_CURRENT_NODE );
* > An end tag whose tag name is one of: "body", "caption", "col", "colgroup", "html", "td", "th", "tr"
case '-BODY':
case '-CAPTION':
case '-COL':
case '-COLGROUP':
case '-HTML':
case '-TD':
case '-TH':
case '-TR':
// Parse error: ignore the token.
return $this->step();
* > Anything else
* > Process the token using the rules for the "in table" insertion mode.
return $this->step_in_table();
* Parses next element in the 'in row' insertion mode.
* This internal function performs the 'in row' insertion mode
* logic for the generalized WP_HTML_Processor::step() function.
* @since 6.7.0
* @throws WP_HTML_Unsupported_Exception When encountering unsupported HTML input.
* @see https://html.spec.whatwg.org/#parsing-main-intr
* @see WP_HTML_Processor::step
* @return bool Whether an element was found.
private function step_in_row(): bool {
$tag_name = $this->get_tag();
$op_sigil = $this->is_tag_closer() ? '-' : '+';
$op = "{$op_sigil}{$tag_name}";
switch ( $op ) {
* > A start tag whose tag name is one of: "th", "td"
case '+TH':
case '+TD':
$this->insert_html_element( $this->state->current_token );
$this->state->insertion_mode = WP_HTML_Processor_State::INSERTION_MODE_IN_CELL;
return true;
* > An end tag whose tag name is "tr"
case '-TR':
if ( ! $this->state->stack_of_open_elements->has_element_in_table_scope( 'TR' ) ) {
// Parse error: ignore the token.
return $this->step();
$this->state->insertion_mode = WP_HTML_Processor_State::INSERTION_MODE_IN_TABLE_BODY;
return true;
* > A start tag whose tag name is one of: "caption", "col", "colgroup", "tbody", "tfoot", "thead", "tr"
* > An end tag whose tag name is "table"
case '+CAPTION':
case '+COL':
case '+COLGROUP':
case '+TBODY':
case '+TFOOT':
case '+THEAD':
case '+TR':
case '-TABLE':
if ( ! $this->state->stack_of_open_elements->has_element_in_table_scope( 'TR' ) ) {
// Parse error: ignore the token.
return $this->step();
$this->state->insertion_mode = WP_HTML_Processor_State::INSERTION_MODE_IN_TABLE_BODY;
return $this->step( self::REPROCESS_CURRENT_NODE );
* > An end tag whose tag name is one of: "tbody", "tfoot", "thead"
case '-TBODY':
case '-TFOOT':
case '-THEAD':
if ( ! $this->state->stack_of_open_elements->has_element_in_table_scope( $tag_name ) ) {
// Parse error: ignore the token.
return $this->step();
if ( ! $this->state->stack_of_open_elements->has_element_in_table_scope( 'TR' ) ) {
// Ignore the token.
return $this->step();
$this->state->insertion_mode = WP_HTML_Processor_State::INSERTION_MODE_IN_TABLE_BODY;
return $this->step( self::REPROCESS_CURRENT_NODE );
* > An end tag whose tag name is one of: "body", "caption", "col", "colgroup", "html", "td", "th"
case '-BODY':
case '-CAPTION':
case '-COL':
case '-COLGROUP':
case '-HTML':
case '-TD':
case '-TH':
// Parse error: ignore the token.
return $this->step();
* > Anything else
* > Process the token using the rules for the "in table" insertion mode.
return $this->step_in_table();
* Parses next element in the 'in cell' insertion mode.
* This internal function performs the 'in cell' insertion mode
* logic for the generalized WP_HTML_Processor::step() function.
* @since 6.7.0
* @throws WP_HTML_Unsupported_Exception When encountering unsupported HTML input.
* @see https://html.spec.whatwg.org/#parsing-main-intd
* @see WP_HTML_Processor::step
* @return bool Whether an element was found.
private function step_in_cell(): bool {
$tag_name = $this->get_tag();
$op_sigil = $this->is_tag_closer() ? '-' : '+';
$op = "{$op_sigil}{$tag_name}";
switch ( $op ) {
* > An end tag whose tag name is one of: "td", "th"
case '-TD':
case '-TH':
if ( ! $this->state->stack_of_open_elements->has_element_in_table_scope( $tag_name ) ) {
// Parse error: ignore the token.
return $this->step();
* @todo This needs to check if the current node is an HTML element, meaning that
* when SVG and MathML support is added, this needs to differentiate between an
* HTML element of the given name, such as ``, and a foreign element of
* the same given name.
if ( ! $this->state->stack_of_open_elements->current_node_is( $tag_name ) ) {
// @todo Indicate a parse error once it's possible.
$this->state->stack_of_open_elements->pop_until( $tag_name );
$this->state->insertion_mode = WP_HTML_Processor_State::INSERTION_MODE_IN_ROW;
return true;
* > A start tag whose tag name is one of: "caption", "col", "colgroup", "tbody", "td",
* > "tfoot", "th", "thead", "tr"
case '+CAPTION':
case '+COL':
case '+COLGROUP':
case '+TBODY':
case '+TD':
case '+TFOOT':
case '+TH':
case '+THEAD':
case '+TR':
* > Assert: The stack of open elements has a td or th element in table scope.
* Nothing to do here, except to verify in tests that this never appears.
return $this->step( self::REPROCESS_CURRENT_NODE );
* > An end tag whose tag name is one of: "body", "caption", "col", "colgroup", "html"
case '-BODY':
case '-CAPTION':
case '-COL':
case '-COLGROUP':
case '-HTML':
// Parse error: ignore the token.
return $this->step();
* > An end tag whose tag name is one of: "table", "tbody", "tfoot", "thead", "tr"
case '-TABLE':
case '-TBODY':
case '-TFOOT':
case '-THEAD':
case '-TR':
if ( ! $this->state->stack_of_open_elements->has_element_in_table_scope( $tag_name ) ) {
// Parse error: ignore the token.
return $this->step();
return $this->step( self::REPROCESS_CURRENT_NODE );
* > Anything else
* > Process the token using the rules for the "in body" insertion mode.
return $this->step_in_body();
* Parses next element in the 'in select' insertion mode.
* This internal function performs the 'in select' insertion mode
* logic for the generalized WP_HTML_Processor::step() function.
* @since 6.7.0
* @throws WP_HTML_Unsupported_Exception When encountering unsupported HTML input.
* @see https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/parsing.html#parsing-main-inselect
* @see WP_HTML_Processor::step
* @return bool Whether an element was found.
private function step_in_select(): bool {
$token_name = $this->get_token_name();
$token_type = $this->get_token_type();
$op_sigil = '#tag' === $token_type ? ( parent::is_tag_closer() ? '-' : '+' ) : '';
$op = "{$op_sigil}{$token_name}";
switch ( $op ) {
* > Any other character token
case '#text':
* > A character token that is U+0000 NULL
* If a text node only comprises null bytes then it should be
* entirely ignored and should not return to calling code.
if ( parent::TEXT_IS_NULL_SEQUENCE === $this->text_node_classification ) {
// Parse error: ignore the token.
return $this->step();
$this->insert_html_element( $this->state->current_token );
return true;
* > A comment token
case '#comment':
case '#funky-comment':
case '#presumptuous-tag':
$this->insert_html_element( $this->state->current_token );
return true;
* > A DOCTYPE token
case 'html':
// Parse error: ignore the token.
return $this->step();
* > A start tag whose tag name is "html"
case '+HTML':
return $this->step_in_body();
* > A start tag whose tag name is "option"
case '+OPTION':
if ( $this->state->stack_of_open_elements->current_node_is( 'OPTION' ) ) {
$this->insert_html_element( $this->state->current_token );
return true;
* > A start tag whose tag name is "optgroup"
* > A start tag whose tag name is "hr"
* These rules are identical except for the treatment of the self-closing flag and
* the subsequent pop of the HR void element, all of which is handled elsewhere in the processor.
case '+OPTGROUP':
case '+HR':
if ( $this->state->stack_of_open_elements->current_node_is( 'OPTION' ) ) {
if ( $this->state->stack_of_open_elements->current_node_is( 'OPTGROUP' ) ) {
$this->insert_html_element( $this->state->current_token );
return true;
* > An end tag whose tag name is "optgroup"
case '-OPTGROUP':
$current_node = $this->state->stack_of_open_elements->current_node();
if ( $current_node && 'OPTION' === $current_node->node_name ) {
foreach ( $this->state->stack_of_open_elements->walk_up( $current_node ) as $parent ) {
if ( $parent && 'OPTGROUP' === $parent->node_name ) {
if ( $this->state->stack_of_open_elements->current_node_is( 'OPTGROUP' ) ) {
return true;
// Parse error: ignore the token.
return $this->step();
* > An end tag whose tag name is "option"
case '-OPTION':
if ( $this->state->stack_of_open_elements->current_node_is( 'OPTION' ) ) {
return true;
// Parse error: ignore the token.
return $this->step();
* > An end tag whose tag name is "select"
* > A start tag whose tag name is "select"
* > It just gets treated like an end tag.
case '-SELECT':
case '+SELECT':
if ( ! $this->state->stack_of_open_elements->has_element_in_select_scope( 'SELECT' ) ) {
// Parse error: ignore the token.
return $this->step();
$this->state->stack_of_open_elements->pop_until( 'SELECT' );
return true;
* > A start tag whose tag name is one of: "input", "keygen", "textarea"
* All three of these tags are considered a parse error when found in this insertion mode.
case '+INPUT':
case '+KEYGEN':
case '+TEXTAREA':
if ( ! $this->state->stack_of_open_elements->has_element_in_select_scope( 'SELECT' ) ) {
// Ignore the token.
return $this->step();
$this->state->stack_of_open_elements->pop_until( 'SELECT' );
return $this->step( self::REPROCESS_CURRENT_NODE );
* > A start tag whose tag name is one of: "script", "template"
* > An end tag whose tag name is "template"
case '+SCRIPT':
case '+TEMPLATE':
case '-TEMPLATE':
return $this->step_in_head();
* > Anything else
* > Parse error: ignore the token.
return $this->step();
* Parses next element in the 'in select in table' insertion mode.
* This internal function performs the 'in select in table' insertion mode
* logic for the generalized WP_HTML_Processor::step() function.
* @since 6.7.0
* @throws WP_HTML_Unsupported_Exception When encountering unsupported HTML input.
* @see https://html.spec.whatwg.org/#parsing-main-inselectintable
* @see WP_HTML_Processor::step
* @return bool Whether an element was found.
private function step_in_select_in_table(): bool {
$token_name = $this->get_token_name();
$token_type = $this->get_token_type();
$op_sigil = '#tag' === $token_type ? ( parent::is_tag_closer() ? '-' : '+' ) : '';
$op = "{$op_sigil}{$token_name}";
switch ( $op ) {
* > A start tag whose tag name is one of: "caption", "table", "tbody", "tfoot", "thead", "tr", "td", "th"
case '+CAPTION':
case '+TABLE':
case '+TBODY':
case '+TFOOT':
case '+THEAD':
case '+TR':
case '+TD':
case '+TH':
// @todo Indicate a parse error once it's possible.
$this->state->stack_of_open_elements->pop_until( 'SELECT' );
return $this->step( self::REPROCESS_CURRENT_NODE );
* > An end tag whose tag name is one of: "caption", "table", "tbody", "tfoot", "thead", "tr", "td", "th"
case '-CAPTION':
case '-TABLE':
case '-TBODY':
case '-TFOOT':
case '-THEAD':
case '-TR':
case '-TD':
case '-TH':
// @todo Indicate a parse error once it's possible.
if ( ! $this->state->stack_of_open_elements->has_element_in_table_scope( $token_name ) ) {
return $this->step();
$this->state->stack_of_open_elements->pop_until( 'SELECT' );
return $this->step( self::REPROCESS_CURRENT_NODE );
* > Anything else
return $this->step_in_select();
* Parses next element in the 'in template' insertion mode.
* This internal function performs the 'in template' insertion mode
* logic for the generalized WP_HTML_Processor::step() function.
* @since 6.7.0 Stub implementation.
* @throws WP_HTML_Unsupported_Exception When encountering unsupported HTML input.
* @see https://html.spec.whatwg.org/#parsing-main-intemplate
* @see WP_HTML_Processor::step
* @return bool Whether an element was found.
private function step_in_template(): bool {
$token_name = $this->get_token_name();
$token_type = $this->get_token_type();
$is_closer = $this->is_tag_closer();
$op_sigil = '#tag' === $token_type ? ( $is_closer ? '-' : '+' ) : '';
$op = "{$op_sigil}{$token_name}";
switch ( $op ) {
* > A character token
* > A comment token
* > A DOCTYPE token
case '#text':
case '#comment':
case '#funky-comment':
case '#presumptuous-tag':
case 'html':
return $this->step_in_body();
* > A start tag whose tag name is one of: "base", "basefont", "bgsound", "link",
* > "meta", "noframes", "script", "style", "template", "title"
* > An end tag whose tag name is "template"
case '+BASE':
case '+BASEFONT':
case '+BGSOUND':
case '+LINK':
case '+META':
case '+NOFRAMES':
case '+SCRIPT':
case '+STYLE':
case '+TEMPLATE':
case '+TITLE':
case '-TEMPLATE':
return $this->step_in_head();
* > A start tag whose tag name is one of: "caption", "colgroup", "tbody", "tfoot", "thead"
case '+CAPTION':
case '+COLGROUP':
case '+TBODY':
case '+TFOOT':
case '+THEAD':
array_pop( $this->state->stack_of_template_insertion_modes );
$this->state->stack_of_template_insertion_modes[] = WP_HTML_Processor_State::INSERTION_MODE_IN_TABLE;
$this->state->insertion_mode = WP_HTML_Processor_State::INSERTION_MODE_IN_TABLE;
return $this->step( self::REPROCESS_CURRENT_NODE );
* > A start tag whose tag name is "col"
case '+COL':
array_pop( $this->state->stack_of_template_insertion_modes );
$this->state->stack_of_template_insertion_modes[] = WP_HTML_Processor_State::INSERTION_MODE_IN_COLUMN_GROUP;
$this->state->insertion_mode = WP_HTML_Processor_State::INSERTION_MODE_IN_COLUMN_GROUP;
return $this->step( self::REPROCESS_CURRENT_NODE );
* > A start tag whose tag name is "tr"
case '+TR':
array_pop( $this->state->stack_of_template_insertion_modes );
$this->state->stack_of_template_insertion_modes[] = WP_HTML_Processor_State::INSERTION_MODE_IN_TABLE_BODY;
$this->state->insertion_mode = WP_HTML_Processor_State::INSERTION_MODE_IN_TABLE_BODY;
return $this->step( self::REPROCESS_CURRENT_NODE );
* > A start tag whose tag name is one of: "td", "th"
case '+TD':
case '+TH':
array_pop( $this->state->stack_of_template_insertion_modes );
$this->state->stack_of_template_insertion_modes[] = WP_HTML_Processor_State::INSERTION_MODE_IN_ROW;
$this->state->insertion_mode = WP_HTML_Processor_State::INSERTION_MODE_IN_ROW;
return $this->step( self::REPROCESS_CURRENT_NODE );
* > Any other start tag
if ( ! $is_closer ) {
array_pop( $this->state->stack_of_template_insertion_modes );
$this->state->stack_of_template_insertion_modes[] = WP_HTML_Processor_State::INSERTION_MODE_IN_BODY;
$this->state->insertion_mode = WP_HTML_Processor_State::INSERTION_MODE_IN_BODY;
return $this->step( self::REPROCESS_CURRENT_NODE );
* > Any other end tag
if ( $is_closer ) {
// Parse error: ignore the token.
return $this->step();
* > An end-of-file token
if ( ! $this->state->stack_of_open_elements->contains( 'TEMPLATE' ) ) {
// Stop parsing.
return false;
// @todo Indicate a parse error once it's possible.
$this->state->stack_of_open_elements->pop_until( 'TEMPLATE' );
array_pop( $this->state->stack_of_template_insertion_modes );
return $this->step( self::REPROCESS_CURRENT_NODE );
* Parses next element in the 'after body' insertion mode.
* This internal function performs the 'after body' insertion mode
* logic for the generalized WP_HTML_Processor::step() function.
* @since 6.7.0 Stub implementation.
* @throws WP_HTML_Unsupported_Exception When encountering unsupported HTML input.
* @see https://html.spec.whatwg.org/#parsing-main-afterbody
* @see WP_HTML_Processor::step
* @return bool Whether an element was found.
private function step_after_body(): bool {
$tag_name = $this->get_token_name();
$token_type = $this->get_token_type();
$op_sigil = '#tag' === $token_type ? ( $this->is_tag_closer() ? '-' : '+' ) : '';
$op = "{$op_sigil}{$tag_name}";
switch ( $op ) {
* > A character token that is one of U+0009 CHARACTER TABULATION, U+000A LINE FEED (LF),
* > Process the token using the rules for the "in body" insertion mode.
case '#text':
if ( parent::TEXT_IS_WHITESPACE === $this->text_node_classification ) {
return $this->step_in_body();
goto after_body_anything_else;
* > A comment token
case '#comment':
case '#funky-comment':
case '#presumptuous-tag':
$this->bail( 'Content outside of BODY is unsupported.' );
* > A DOCTYPE token
case 'html':
// Parse error: ignore the token.
return $this->step();
* > A start tag whose tag name is "html"
case '+HTML':
return $this->step_in_body();
* > An end tag whose tag name is "html"
* > If the parser was created as part of the HTML fragment parsing algorithm,
* > this is a parse error; ignore the token. (fragment case)
* >
* > Otherwise, switch the insertion mode to "after after body".
case '-HTML':
if ( isset( $this->context_node ) ) {
return $this->step();
$this->state->insertion_mode = WP_HTML_Processor_State::INSERTION_MODE_AFTER_AFTER_BODY;
return true;
* > Parse error. Switch the insertion mode to "in body" and reprocess the token.
$this->state->insertion_mode = WP_HTML_Processor_State::INSERTION_MODE_IN_BODY;
return $this->step( self::REPROCESS_CURRENT_NODE );
* Parses next element in the 'in frameset' insertion mode.
* This internal function performs the 'in frameset' insertion mode
* logic for the generalized WP_HTML_Processor::step() function.
* @since 6.7.0 Stub implementation.
* @throws WP_HTML_Unsupported_Exception When encountering unsupported HTML input.
* @see https://html.spec.whatwg.org/#parsing-main-inframeset
* @see WP_HTML_Processor::step
* @return bool Whether an element was found.
private function step_in_frameset(): bool {
$tag_name = $this->get_token_name();
$token_type = $this->get_token_type();
$op_sigil = '#tag' === $token_type ? ( $this->is_tag_closer() ? '-' : '+' ) : '';
$op = "{$op_sigil}{$tag_name}";
switch ( $op ) {
* > A character token that is one of U+0009 CHARACTER TABULATION, U+000A LINE FEED (LF),
* >
* > Insert the character.
* This algorithm effectively strips non-whitespace characters from text and inserts
* them under HTML. This is not supported at this time.
case '#text':
if ( parent::TEXT_IS_WHITESPACE === $this->text_node_classification ) {
return $this->step_in_body();
$this->bail( 'Non-whitespace characters cannot be handled in frameset.' );
* > A comment token
case '#comment':
case '#funky-comment':
case '#presumptuous-tag':
$this->insert_html_element( $this->state->current_token );
return true;
* > A DOCTYPE token
case 'html':
// Parse error: ignore the token.
return $this->step();
* > A start tag whose tag name is "html"
case '+HTML':
return $this->step_in_body();
* > A start tag whose tag name is "frameset"
case '+FRAMESET':
$this->insert_html_element( $this->state->current_token );
return true;
* > An end tag whose tag name is "frameset"
case '-FRAMESET':
* > If the current node is the root html element, then this is a parse error;
* > ignore the token. (fragment case)
if ( $this->state->stack_of_open_elements->current_node_is( 'HTML' ) ) {
return $this->step();
* > Otherwise, pop the current node from the stack of open elements.
* > If the parser was not created as part of the HTML fragment parsing algorithm
* > (fragment case), and the current node is no longer a frameset element, then
* > switch the insertion mode to "after frameset".
if ( ! isset( $this->context_node ) && ! $this->state->stack_of_open_elements->current_node_is( 'FRAMESET' ) ) {
$this->state->insertion_mode = WP_HTML_Processor_State::INSERTION_MODE_AFTER_FRAMESET;
return true;
* > A start tag whose tag name is "frame"
* > Insert an HTML element for the token. Immediately pop the
* > current node off the stack of open elements.
* >
* > Acknowledge the token's self-closing flag, if it is set.
case '+FRAME':
$this->insert_html_element( $this->state->current_token );
return true;
* > A start tag whose tag name is "noframes"
case '+NOFRAMES':
return $this->step_in_head();
// Parse error: ignore the token.
return $this->step();
* Parses next element in the 'after frameset' insertion mode.
* This internal function performs the 'after frameset' insertion mode
* logic for the generalized WP_HTML_Processor::step() function.
* @since 6.7.0 Stub implementation.
* @throws WP_HTML_Unsupported_Exception When encountering unsupported HTML input.
* @see https://html.spec.whatwg.org/#parsing-main-afterframeset
* @see WP_HTML_Processor::step
* @return bool Whether an element was found.
private function step_after_frameset(): bool {
$tag_name = $this->get_token_name();
$token_type = $this->get_token_type();
$op_sigil = '#tag' === $token_type ? ( $this->is_tag_closer() ? '-' : '+' ) : '';
$op = "{$op_sigil}{$tag_name}";
switch ( $op ) {
* > A character token that is one of U+0009 CHARACTER TABULATION, U+000A LINE FEED (LF),
* >
* > Insert the character.
* This algorithm effectively strips non-whitespace characters from text and inserts
* them under HTML. This is not supported at this time.
case '#text':
if ( parent::TEXT_IS_WHITESPACE === $this->text_node_classification ) {
return $this->step_in_body();
$this->bail( 'Non-whitespace characters cannot be handled in after frameset' );
* > A comment token
case '#comment':
case '#funky-comment':
case '#presumptuous-tag':
$this->insert_html_element( $this->state->current_token );
return true;
* > A DOCTYPE token
case 'html':
// Parse error: ignore the token.
return $this->step();
* > A start tag whose tag name is "html"
case '+HTML':
return $this->step_in_body();
* > An end tag whose tag name is "html"
case '-HTML':
$this->state->insertion_mode = WP_HTML_Processor_State::INSERTION_MODE_AFTER_AFTER_FRAMESET;
return true;
* > A start tag whose tag name is "noframes"
case '+NOFRAMES':
return $this->step_in_head();
// Parse error: ignore the token.
return $this->step();
* Parses next element in the 'after after body' insertion mode.
* This internal function performs the 'after after body' insertion mode
* logic for the generalized WP_HTML_Processor::step() function.
* @since 6.7.0 Stub implementation.
* @throws WP_HTML_Unsupported_Exception When encountering unsupported HTML input.
* @see https://html.spec.whatwg.org/#the-after-after-body-insertion-mode
* @see WP_HTML_Processor::step
* @return bool Whether an element was found.
private function step_after_after_body(): bool {
$tag_name = $this->get_token_name();
$token_type = $this->get_token_type();
$op_sigil = '#tag' === $token_type ? ( $this->is_tag_closer() ? '-' : '+' ) : '';
$op = "{$op_sigil}{$tag_name}";
switch ( $op ) {
* > A comment token
case '#comment':
case '#funky-comment':
case '#presumptuous-tag':
$this->bail( 'Content outside of HTML is unsupported.' );
* > A DOCTYPE token
* > A start tag whose tag name is "html"
* > Process the token using the rules for the "in body" insertion mode.
case 'html':
case '+HTML':
return $this->step_in_body();
* > A character token that is one of U+0009 CHARACTER TABULATION, U+000A LINE FEED (LF),
* >
* > Process the token using the rules for the "in body" insertion mode.
case '#text':
if ( parent::TEXT_IS_WHITESPACE === $this->text_node_classification ) {
return $this->step_in_body();
goto after_after_body_anything_else;
* > Parse error. Switch the insertion mode to "in body" and reprocess the token.
$this->state->insertion_mode = WP_HTML_Processor_State::INSERTION_MODE_IN_BODY;
return $this->step( self::REPROCESS_CURRENT_NODE );
* Parses next element in the 'after after frameset' insertion mode.
* This internal function performs the 'after after frameset' insertion mode
* logic for the generalized WP_HTML_Processor::step() function.
* @since 6.7.0 Stub implementation.
* @throws WP_HTML_Unsupported_Exception When encountering unsupported HTML input.
* @see https://html.spec.whatwg.org/#the-after-after-frameset-insertion-mode
* @see WP_HTML_Processor::step
* @return bool Whether an element was found.
private function step_after_after_frameset(): bool {
$tag_name = $this->get_token_name();
$token_type = $this->get_token_type();
$op_sigil = '#tag' === $token_type ? ( $this->is_tag_closer() ? '-' : '+' ) : '';
$op = "{$op_sigil}{$tag_name}";
switch ( $op ) {
* > A comment token
case '#comment':
case '#funky-comment':
case '#presumptuous-tag':
$this->bail( 'Content outside of HTML is unsupported.' );
* > A DOCTYPE token
* > A start tag whose tag name is "html"
* > Process the token using the rules for the "in body" insertion mode.
case 'html':
case '+HTML':
return $this->step_in_body();
* > A character token that is one of U+0009 CHARACTER TABULATION, U+000A LINE FEED (LF),
* >
* > Process the token using the rules for the "in body" insertion mode.
* This algorithm effectively strips non-whitespace characters from text and inserts
* them under HTML. This is not supported at this time.
case '#text':
if ( parent::TEXT_IS_WHITESPACE === $this->text_node_classification ) {
return $this->step_in_body();
$this->bail( 'Non-whitespace characters cannot be handled in after after frameset.' );
* > A start tag whose tag name is "noframes"
case '+NOFRAMES':
return $this->step_in_head();
// Parse error: ignore the token.
return $this->step();
* Parses next element in the 'in foreign content' insertion mode.
* This internal function performs the 'in foreign content' insertion mode
* logic for the generalized WP_HTML_Processor::step() function.
* @since 6.7.0 Stub implementation.
* @throws WP_HTML_Unsupported_Exception When encountering unsupported HTML input.
* @see https://html.spec.whatwg.org/#parsing-main-inforeign
* @see WP_HTML_Processor::step
* @return bool Whether an element was found.
private function step_in_foreign_content(): bool {
$tag_name = $this->get_token_name();
$token_type = $this->get_token_type();
$op_sigil = '#tag' === $token_type ? ( $this->is_tag_closer() ? '-' : '+' ) : '';
$op = "{$op_sigil}{$tag_name}";
* > A start tag whose name is "font", if the token has any attributes named "color", "face", or "size"
* This section drawn out above the switch to more easily incorporate
* the additional rules based on the presence of the attributes.
if (
'+FONT' === $op &&
null !== $this->get_attribute( 'color' ) ||
null !== $this->get_attribute( 'face' ) ||
null !== $this->get_attribute( 'size' )
) {
$op = '+FONT with attributes';
switch ( $op ) {
case '#text':
* > A character token that is U+0000 NULL
* This is handled by `get_modifiable_text()`.
* Whitespace-only text does not affect the frameset-ok flag.
* It is probably inter-element whitespace, but it may also
* contain character references which decode only to whitespace.
if ( parent::TEXT_IS_GENERIC === $this->text_node_classification ) {
$this->state->frameset_ok = false;
$this->insert_foreign_element( $this->state->current_token, false );
return true;
* CDATA sections are alternate wrappers for text content and therefore
* ought to follow the same rules as text nodes.
case '#cdata-section':
* NULL bytes and whitespace do not change the frameset-ok flag.
$current_token = $this->bookmarks[ $this->state->current_token->bookmark_name ];
$cdata_content_start = $current_token->start + 9;
$cdata_content_length = $current_token->length - 12;
if ( strspn( $this->html, "\0 \t\n\f\r", $cdata_content_start, $cdata_content_length ) !== $cdata_content_length ) {
$this->state->frameset_ok = false;
$this->insert_foreign_element( $this->state->current_token, false );
return true;
* > A comment token
case '#comment':
case '#funky-comment':
case '#presumptuous-tag':
$this->insert_foreign_element( $this->state->current_token, false );
return true;
* > A DOCTYPE token
case 'html':
// Parse error: ignore the token.
return $this->step();
* > A start tag whose tag name is "b", "big", "blockquote", "body", "br", "center",
* > "code", "dd", "div", "dl", "dt", "em", "embed", "h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5",
* > "h6", "head", "hr", "i", "img", "li", "listing", "menu", "meta", "nobr", "ol",
* > "p", "pre", "ruby", "s", "small", "span", "strong", "strike", "sub", "sup",
* > "table", "tt", "u", "ul", "var"
* > A start tag whose name is "font", if the token has any attributes named "color", "face", or "size"
* > An end tag whose tag name is "br", "p"
* Closing BR tags are always reported by the Tag Processor as opening tags.
case '+B':
case '+BIG':
case '+BODY':
case '+BR':
case '+CENTER':
case '+CODE':
case '+DD':
case '+DIV':
case '+DL':
case '+DT':
case '+EM':
case '+EMBED':
case '+H1':
case '+H2':
case '+H3':
case '+H4':
case '+H5':
case '+H6':
case '+HEAD':
case '+HR':
case '+I':
case '+IMG':
case '+LI':
case '+LISTING':
case '+MENU':
case '+META':
case '+NOBR':
case '+OL':
case '+P':
case '+PRE':
case '+RUBY':
case '+S':
case '+SMALL':
case '+SPAN':
case '+STRONG':
case '+STRIKE':
case '+SUB':
case '+SUP':
case '+TABLE':
case '+TT':
case '+U':
case '+UL':
case '+VAR':
case '+FONT with attributes':
case '-BR':
case '-P':
// @todo Indicate a parse error once it's possible.
foreach ( $this->state->stack_of_open_elements->walk_up() as $current_node ) {
if (
'math' === $current_node->integration_node_type ||
'html' === $current_node->integration_node_type ||
'html' === $current_node->namespace
) {
goto in_foreign_content_process_in_current_insertion_mode;
* > Any other start tag
if ( ! $this->is_tag_closer() ) {
$this->insert_foreign_element( $this->state->current_token, false );
* > If the token has its self-closing flag set, then run
* > the appropriate steps from the following list:
* >
* > ↪ the token's tag name is "script", and the new current node is in the SVG namespace
* > Acknowledge the token's self-closing flag, and then act as
* > described in the steps for a "script" end tag below.
* >
* > ↪ Otherwise
* > Pop the current node off the stack of open elements and
* > acknowledge the token's self-closing flag.
* Since the rules for SCRIPT below indicate to pop the element off of the stack of
* open elements, which is the same for the Otherwise condition, there's no need to
* separate these checks. The difference comes when a parser operates with the scripting
* flag enabled, and executes the script, which this parser does not support.
if ( $this->state->current_token->has_self_closing_flag ) {
return true;
* > An end tag whose name is "script", if the current node is an SVG script element.
if ( $this->is_tag_closer() && 'SCRIPT' === $this->state->current_token->node_name && 'svg' === $this->state->current_token->namespace ) {
return true;
* > Any other end tag
if ( $this->is_tag_closer() ) {
$node = $this->state->stack_of_open_elements->current_node();
if ( $tag_name !== $node->node_name ) {
// @todo Indicate a parse error once it's possible.
if ( $node === $this->state->stack_of_open_elements->at( 1 ) ) {
return true;
* > If node's tag name, converted to ASCII lowercase, is the same as the tag name
* > of the token, pop elements from the stack of open elements until node has
* > been popped from the stack, and then return.
if ( 0 === strcasecmp( $node->node_name, $tag_name ) ) {
foreach ( $this->state->stack_of_open_elements->walk_up() as $item ) {
if ( $node === $item ) {
return true;
foreach ( $this->state->stack_of_open_elements->walk_up( $node ) as $item ) {
$node = $item;
if ( 'html' !== $node->namespace ) {
goto in_foreign_content_end_tag_loop;
switch ( $this->state->insertion_mode ) {
return $this->step_initial();
return $this->step_before_html();
return $this->step_before_head();
return $this->step_in_head();
return $this->step_in_head_noscript();
return $this->step_after_head();
return $this->step_in_body();
return $this->step_in_table();
return $this->step_in_table_text();
return $this->step_in_caption();
return $this->step_in_column_group();
return $this->step_in_table_body();
case WP_HTML_Processor_State::INSERTION_MODE_IN_ROW:
return $this->step_in_row();
return $this->step_in_cell();
return $this->step_in_select();
return $this->step_in_select_in_table();
return $this->step_in_template();
return $this->step_after_body();
return $this->step_in_frameset();
return $this->step_after_frameset();
return $this->step_after_after_body();
return $this->step_after_after_frameset();
// This should be unreachable but PHP doesn't have total type checking on switch.
$this->bail( "Unaware of the requested parsing mode: '{$this->state->insertion_mode}'." );
$this->bail( 'Should not have been able to reach end of IN FOREIGN CONTENT processing. Check HTML API code.' );
// This unnecessary return prevents tools from inaccurately reporting type errors.
return false;
* Internal helpers
* Creates a new bookmark for the currently-matched token and returns the generated name.
* @since 6.4.0
* @since 6.5.0 Renamed from bookmark_tag() to bookmark_token().
* @throws Exception When unable to allocate requested bookmark.
* @return string|false Name of created bookmark, or false if unable to create.
private function bookmark_token() {
if ( ! parent::set_bookmark( ++$this->bookmark_counter ) ) {
$this->last_error = self::ERROR_EXCEEDED_MAX_BOOKMARKS;
throw new Exception( 'could not allocate bookmark' );
return "{$this->bookmark_counter}";
* HTML semantic overrides for Tag Processor
* Indicates the namespace of the current token, or "html" if there is none.
* @return string One of "html", "math", or "svg".
public function get_namespace(): string {
if ( ! isset( $this->current_element ) ) {
return parent::get_namespace();
return $this->current_element->token->namespace;
* Returns the uppercase name of the matched tag.
* The semantic rules for HTML specify that certain tags be reprocessed
* with a different tag name. Because of this, the tag name presented
* by the HTML Processor may differ from the one reported by the HTML
* Tag Processor, which doesn't apply these semantic rules.
* Example:
* $processor = new WP_HTML_Tag_Processor( 'Test
' );
* $processor->next_tag() === true;
* $processor->get_tag() === 'DIV';
* $processor->next_tag() === false;
* $processor->get_tag() === null;
* @since 6.4.0
* @return string|null Name of currently matched tag in input HTML, or `null` if none found.
public function get_tag(): ?string {
if ( null !== $this->last_error ) {
return null;
if ( $this->is_virtual() ) {
return $this->current_element->token->node_name;
$tag_name = parent::get_tag();
* > A start tag whose tag name is "image"
* > Change the token's tag name to "img" and reprocess it. (Don't ask.)
return ( 'IMAGE' === $tag_name && 'html' === $this->get_namespace() )
? 'IMG'
: $tag_name;
* Indicates if the currently matched tag contains the self-closing flag.
* No HTML elements ought to have the self-closing flag and for those, the self-closing
* flag will be ignored. For void elements this is benign because they "self close"
* automatically. For non-void HTML elements though problems will appear if someone
* intends to use a self-closing element in place of that element with an empty body.
* For HTML foreign elements and custom elements the self-closing flag determines if
* they self-close or not.
* This function does not determine if a tag is self-closing,
* but only if the self-closing flag is present in the syntax.
* @since 6.6.0 Subclassed for the HTML Processor.
* @return bool Whether the currently matched tag contains the self-closing flag.
public function has_self_closing_flag(): bool {
return $this->is_virtual() ? false : parent::has_self_closing_flag();
* Returns the node name represented by the token.
* This matches the DOM API value `nodeName`. Some values
* are static, such as `#text` for a text node, while others
* are dynamically generated from the token itself.
* Dynamic names:
* - Uppercase tag name for tag matches.
* - `html` for DOCTYPE declarations.
* Note that if the Tag Processor is not matched on a token
* then this function will return `null`, either because it
* hasn't yet found a token or because it reached the end
* of the document without matching a token.
* @since 6.6.0 Subclassed for the HTML Processor.
* @return string|null Name of the matched token.
public function get_token_name(): ?string {
return $this->is_virtual()
? $this->current_element->token->node_name
: parent::get_token_name();
* Indicates the kind of matched token, if any.
* This differs from `get_token_name()` in that it always
* returns a static string indicating the type, whereas
* `get_token_name()` may return values derived from the
* token itself, such as a tag name or processing
* instruction tag.
* Possible values:
* - `#tag` when matched on a tag.
* - `#text` when matched on a text node.
* - `#cdata-section` when matched on a CDATA node.
* - `#comment` when matched on a comment.
* - `#doctype` when matched on a DOCTYPE declaration.
* - `#presumptuous-tag` when matched on an empty tag closer.
* - `#funky-comment` when matched on a funky comment.
* @since 6.6.0 Subclassed for the HTML Processor.
* @return string|null What kind of token is matched, or null.
public function get_token_type(): ?string {
if ( $this->is_virtual() ) {
* This logic comes from the Tag Processor.
* @todo It would be ideal not to repeat this here, but it's not clearly
* better to allow passing a token name to `get_token_type()`.
$node_name = $this->current_element->token->node_name;
$starting_char = $node_name[0];
if ( 'A' <= $starting_char && 'Z' >= $starting_char ) {
return '#tag';
if ( 'html' === $node_name ) {
return '#doctype';
return $node_name;
return parent::get_token_type();
* Returns the value of a requested attribute from a matched tag opener if that attribute exists.
* Example:
* $p = WP_HTML_Processor::create_fragment( 'Test
' );
* $p->next_token() === true;
* $p->get_attribute( 'data-test-id' ) === '14';
* $p->get_attribute( 'enabled' ) === true;
* $p->get_attribute( 'aria-label' ) === null;
* $p->next_tag() === false;
* $p->get_attribute( 'class' ) === null;
* @since 6.6.0 Subclassed for HTML Processor.
* @param string $name Name of attribute whose value is requested.
* @return string|true|null Value of attribute or `null` if not available. Boolean attributes return `true`.
public function get_attribute( $name ) {
return $this->is_virtual() ? null : parent::get_attribute( $name );
* Updates or creates a new attribute on the currently matched tag with the passed value.
* For boolean attributes special handling is provided:
* - When `true` is passed as the value, then only the attribute name is added to the tag.
* - When `false` is passed, the attribute gets removed if it existed before.
* For string attributes, the value is escaped using the `esc_attr` function.
* @since 6.6.0 Subclassed for the HTML Processor.
* @param string $name The attribute name to target.
* @param string|bool $value The new attribute value.
* @return bool Whether an attribute value was set.
public function set_attribute( $name, $value ): bool {
return $this->is_virtual() ? false : parent::set_attribute( $name, $value );
* Remove an attribute from the currently-matched tag.
* @since 6.6.0 Subclassed for HTML Processor.
* @param string $name The attribute name to remove.
* @return bool Whether an attribute was removed.
public function remove_attribute( $name ): bool {
return $this->is_virtual() ? false : parent::remove_attribute( $name );
* Gets lowercase names of all attributes matching a given prefix in the current tag.
* Note that matching is case-insensitive. This is in accordance with the spec:
* > There must never be two or more attributes on
* > the same start tag whose names are an ASCII
* > case-insensitive match for each other.
* - HTML 5 spec
* Example:
* $p = new WP_HTML_Tag_Processor( 'Test
' );
* $p->next_tag( array( 'class_name' => 'test' ) ) === true;
* $p->get_attribute_names_with_prefix( 'data-' ) === array( 'data-enabled', 'data-test-id' );
* $p->next_tag() === false;
* $p->get_attribute_names_with_prefix( 'data-' ) === null;
* @since 6.6.0 Subclassed for the HTML Processor.
* @see https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/syntax.html#attributes-2:ascii-case-insensitive
* @param string $prefix Prefix of requested attribute names.
* @return array|null List of attribute names, or `null` when no tag opener is matched.
public function get_attribute_names_with_prefix( $prefix ): ?array {
return $this->is_virtual() ? null : parent::get_attribute_names_with_prefix( $prefix );
* Adds a new class name to the currently matched tag.
* @since 6.6.0 Subclassed for the HTML Processor.
* @param string $class_name The class name to add.
* @return bool Whether the class was set to be added.
public function add_class( $class_name ): bool {
return $this->is_virtual() ? false : parent::add_class( $class_name );
* Removes a class name from the currently matched tag.
* @since 6.6.0 Subclassed for the HTML Processor.
* @param string $class_name The class name to remove.
* @return bool Whether the class was set to be removed.
public function remove_class( $class_name ): bool {
return $this->is_virtual() ? false : parent::remove_class( $class_name );
* Returns if a matched tag contains the given ASCII case-insensitive class name.
* @since 6.6.0 Subclassed for the HTML Processor.
* @todo When reconstructing active formatting elements with attributes, find a way
* to indicate if the virtually-reconstructed formatting elements contain the
* wanted class name.
* @param string $wanted_class Look for this CSS class name, ASCII case-insensitive.
* @return bool|null Whether the matched tag contains the given class name, or null if not matched.
public function has_class( $wanted_class ): ?bool {
return $this->is_virtual() ? null : parent::has_class( $wanted_class );
* Generator for a foreach loop to step through each class name for the matched tag.
* This generator function is designed to be used inside a "foreach" loop.
* Example:
* $p = WP_HTML_Processor::create_fragment( "" );
* $p->next_tag();
* foreach ( $p->class_list() as $class_name ) {
* echo "{$class_name} ";
* }
* // Outputs: "free
lang-en "
* @since 6.6.0 Subclassed for the HTML Processor.
public function class_list() {
return $this->is_virtual() ? null : parent::class_list();
* Returns the modifiable text for a matched token, or an empty string.
* Modifiable text is text content that may be read and changed without
* changing the HTML structure of the document around it. This includes
* the contents of `#text` nodes in the HTML as well as the inner
* contents of HTML comments, Processing Instructions, and others, even
* though these nodes aren't part of a parsed DOM tree. They also contain
* the contents of SCRIPT and STYLE tags, of TEXTAREA tags, and of any
* other section in an HTML document which cannot contain HTML markup (DATA).
* If a token has no modifiable text then an empty string is returned to
* avoid needless crashing or type errors. An empty string does not mean
* that a token has modifiable text, and a token with modifiable text may
* have an empty string (e.g. a comment with no contents).
* @since 6.6.0 Subclassed for the HTML Processor.
* @return string
public function get_modifiable_text(): string {
return $this->is_virtual() ? '' : parent::get_modifiable_text();
* Indicates what kind of comment produced the comment node.
* Because there are different kinds of HTML syntax which produce
* comments, the Tag Processor tracks and exposes this as a type
* for the comment. Nominally only regular HTML comments exist as
* they are commonly known, but a number of unrelated syntax errors
* also produce comments.
* @since 6.6.0 Subclassed for the HTML Processor.
* @return string|null
public function get_comment_type(): ?string {
return $this->is_virtual() ? null : parent::get_comment_type();
* Removes a bookmark that is no longer needed.
* Releasing a bookmark frees up the small
* performance overhead it requires.
* @since 6.4.0
* @param string $bookmark_name Name of the bookmark to remove.
* @return bool Whether the bookmark already existed before removal.
public function release_bookmark( $bookmark_name ): bool {
return parent::release_bookmark( "_{$bookmark_name}" );
* Moves the internal cursor in the HTML Processor to a given bookmark's location.
* Be careful! Seeking backwards to a previous location resets the parser to the
* start of the document and reparses the entire contents up until it finds the
* sought-after bookmarked location.
* In order to prevent accidental infinite loops, there's a
* maximum limit on the number of times seek() can be called.
* @throws Exception When unable to allocate a bookmark for the next token in the input HTML document.
* @since 6.4.0
* @param string $bookmark_name Jump to the place in the document identified by this bookmark name.
* @return bool Whether the internal cursor was successfully moved to the bookmark's location.
public function seek( $bookmark_name ): bool {
// Flush any pending updates to the document before beginning.
$actual_bookmark_name = "_{$bookmark_name}";
$processor_started_at = $this->state->current_token
? $this->bookmarks[ $this->state->current_token->bookmark_name ]->start
: 0;
$bookmark_starts_at = $this->bookmarks[ $actual_bookmark_name ]->start;
$direction = $bookmark_starts_at > $processor_started_at ? 'forward' : 'backward';
* If seeking backwards, it's possible that the sought-after bookmark exists within an element
* which has been closed before the current cursor; in other words, it has already been removed
* from the stack of open elements. This means that it's insufficient to simply pop off elements
* from the stack of open elements which appear after the bookmarked location and then jump to
* that location, as the elements which were open before won't be re-opened.
* In order to maintain consistency, the HTML Processor rewinds to the start of the document
* and reparses everything until it finds the sought-after bookmark.
* There are potentially better ways to do this: cache the parser state for each bookmark and
* restore it when seeking; store an immutable and idempotent register of where elements open
* and close.
* If caching the parser state it will be essential to properly maintain the cached stack of
* open elements and active formatting elements when modifying the document. This could be a
* tedious and time-consuming process as well, and so for now will not be performed.
* It may be possible to track bookmarks for where elements open and close, and in doing so
* be able to quickly recalculate breadcrumbs for any element in the document. It may even
* be possible to remove the stack of open elements and compute it on the fly this way.
* If doing this, the parser would need to track the opening and closing locations for all
* tokens in the breadcrumb path for any and all bookmarks. By utilizing bookmarks themselves
* this list could be automatically maintained while modifying the document. Finding the
* breadcrumbs would then amount to traversing that list from the start until the token
* being inspected. Once an element closes, if there are no bookmarks pointing to locations
* within that element, then all of these locations may be forgotten to save on memory use
* and computation time.
if ( 'backward' === $direction ) {
* Instead of clearing the parser state and starting fresh, calling the stack methods
* maintains the proper flags in the parser.
foreach ( $this->state->stack_of_open_elements->walk_up() as $item ) {
if ( 'context-node' === $item->bookmark_name ) {
$this->state->stack_of_open_elements->remove_node( $item );
foreach ( $this->state->active_formatting_elements->walk_up() as $item ) {
if ( 'context-node' === $item->bookmark_name ) {
$this->state->active_formatting_elements->remove_node( $item );
parent::seek( 'context-node' );
$this->state->insertion_mode = WP_HTML_Processor_State::INSERTION_MODE_IN_BODY;
$this->state->frameset_ok = true;
$this->element_queue = array();
$this->current_element = null;
if ( isset( $this->context_node ) ) {
$this->breadcrumbs = array_slice( $this->breadcrumbs, 0, 2 );
} else {
$this->breadcrumbs = array();
// When moving forwards, reparse the document until reaching the same location as the original bookmark.
if ( $bookmark_starts_at === $this->bookmarks[ $this->state->current_token->bookmark_name ]->start ) {
return true;
while ( $this->next_token() ) {
if ( $bookmark_starts_at === $this->bookmarks[ $this->state->current_token->bookmark_name ]->start ) {
while ( isset( $this->current_element ) && WP_HTML_Stack_Event::POP === $this->current_element->operation ) {
$this->current_element = array_shift( $this->element_queue );
return true;
return false;
* Sets a bookmark in the HTML document.
* Bookmarks represent specific places or tokens in the HTML
* document, such as a tag opener or closer. When applying
* edits to a document, such as setting an attribute, the
* text offsets of that token may shift; the bookmark is
* kept updated with those shifts and remains stable unless
* the entire span of text in which the token sits is removed.
* Release bookmarks when they are no longer needed.
* Example:
* Surprising fact you may not know!
* ^ ^
* \-|-- this `H2` opener bookmark tracks the token
* Surprising fact you may no…
* ^ ^
* \-|-- it shifts with edits
* Bookmarks provide the ability to seek to a previously-scanned
* place in the HTML document. This avoids the need to re-scan
* the entire document.
* Example:
* ^^^^
* want to note this last item
* $p = new WP_HTML_Tag_Processor( $html );
* $in_list = false;
* while ( $p->next_tag( array( 'tag_closers' => $in_list ? 'visit' : 'skip' ) ) ) {
* if ( 'UL' === $p->get_tag() ) {
* if ( $p->is_tag_closer() ) {
* $in_list = false;
* $p->set_bookmark( 'resume' );
* if ( $p->seek( 'last-li' ) ) {
* $p->add_class( 'last-li' );
* }
* $p->seek( 'resume' );
* $p->release_bookmark( 'last-li' );
* $p->release_bookmark( 'resume' );
* } else {
* $in_list = true;
* }
* }
* if ( 'LI' === $p->get_tag() ) {
* $p->set_bookmark( 'last-li' );
* }
* }
* Bookmarks intentionally hide the internal string offsets
* to which they refer. They are maintained internally as
* updates are applied to the HTML document and therefore
* retain their "position" - the location to which they
* originally pointed. The inability to use bookmarks with
* functions like `substr` is therefore intentional to guard
* against accidentally breaking the HTML.
* Because bookmarks allocate memory and require processing
* for every applied update, they are limited and require
* a name. They should not be created with programmatically-made
* names, such as "li_{$index}" with some loop. As a general
* rule they should only be created with string-literal names
* like "start-of-section" or "last-paragraph".
* Bookmarks are a powerful tool to enable complicated behavior.
* Consider double-checking that you need this tool if you are
* reaching for it, as inappropriate use could lead to broken
* HTML structure or unwanted processing overhead.
* @since 6.4.0
* @param string $bookmark_name Identifies this particular bookmark.
* @return bool Whether the bookmark was successfully created.
public function set_bookmark( $bookmark_name ): bool {
return parent::set_bookmark( "_{$bookmark_name}" );
* Checks whether a bookmark with the given name exists.
* @since 6.5.0
* @param string $bookmark_name Name to identify a bookmark that potentially exists.
* @return bool Whether that bookmark exists.
public function has_bookmark( $bookmark_name ): bool {
return parent::has_bookmark( "_{$bookmark_name}" );
* HTML Parsing Algorithms
* Closes a P element.
* @since 6.4.0
* @throws WP_HTML_Unsupported_Exception When encountering unsupported HTML input.
* @see https://html.spec.whatwg.org/#close-a-p-element
private function close_a_p_element(): void {
$this->generate_implied_end_tags( 'P' );
$this->state->stack_of_open_elements->pop_until( 'P' );
* Closes elements that have implied end tags.
* @since 6.4.0
* @since 6.7.0 Full spec support.
* @see https://html.spec.whatwg.org/#generate-implied-end-tags
* @param string|null $except_for_this_element Perform as if this element doesn't exist in the stack of open elements.
private function generate_implied_end_tags( ?string $except_for_this_element = null ): void {
$elements_with_implied_end_tags = array(
$no_exclusions = ! isset( $except_for_this_element );
while (
( $no_exclusions || ! $this->state->stack_of_open_elements->current_node_is( $except_for_this_element ) ) &&
in_array( $this->state->stack_of_open_elements->current_node()->node_name, $elements_with_implied_end_tags, true )
) {
* Closes elements that have implied end tags, thoroughly.
* See the HTML specification for an explanation why this is
* different from generating end tags in the normal sense.
* @since 6.4.0
* @since 6.7.0 Full spec support.
* @see WP_HTML_Processor::generate_implied_end_tags
* @see https://html.spec.whatwg.org/#generate-implied-end-tags
private function generate_implied_end_tags_thoroughly(): void {
$elements_with_implied_end_tags = array(
while ( in_array( $this->state->stack_of_open_elements->current_node()->node_name, $elements_with_implied_end_tags, true ) ) {
* Returns the adjusted current node.
* > The adjusted current node is the context element if the parser was created as
* > part of the HTML fragment parsing algorithm and the stack of open elements
* > has only one element in it (fragment case); otherwise, the adjusted current
* > node is the current node.
* @see https://html.spec.whatwg.org/#adjusted-current-node
* @since 6.7.0
* @return WP_HTML_Token|null The adjusted current node.
private function get_adjusted_current_node(): ?WP_HTML_Token {
if ( isset( $this->context_node ) && 1 === $this->state->stack_of_open_elements->count() ) {
return $this->context_node;
return $this->state->stack_of_open_elements->current_node();
* Reconstructs the active formatting elements.
* > This has the effect of reopening all the formatting elements that were opened
* > in the current body, cell, or caption (whichever is youngest) that haven't
* > been explicitly closed.
* @since 6.4.0
* @throws WP_HTML_Unsupported_Exception When encountering unsupported HTML input.
* @see https://html.spec.whatwg.org/#reconstruct-the-active-formatting-elements
* @return bool Whether any formatting elements needed to be reconstructed.
private function reconstruct_active_formatting_elements(): bool {
* > If there are no entries in the list of active formatting elements, then there is nothing
* > to reconstruct; stop this algorithm.
if ( 0 === $this->state->active_formatting_elements->count() ) {
return false;
$last_entry = $this->state->active_formatting_elements->current_node();
if (
* > If the last (most recently added) entry in the list of active formatting elements is a marker;
* > stop this algorithm.
'marker' === $last_entry->node_name ||
* > If the last (most recently added) entry in the list of active formatting elements is an
* > element that is in the stack of open elements, then there is nothing to reconstruct;
* > stop this algorithm.
$this->state->stack_of_open_elements->contains_node( $last_entry )
) {
return false;
$this->bail( 'Cannot reconstruct active formatting elements when advancing and rewinding is required.' );
* Runs the reset the insertion mode appropriately algorithm.
* @since 6.7.0
* @see https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/parsing.html#reset-the-insertion-mode-appropriately
private function reset_insertion_mode_appropriately(): void {
// Set the first node.
$first_node = null;
foreach ( $this->state->stack_of_open_elements->walk_down() as $first_node ) {
* > 1. Let _last_ be false.
$last = false;
foreach ( $this->state->stack_of_open_elements->walk_up() as $node ) {
* > 2. Let _node_ be the last node in the stack of open elements.
* > 3. _Loop_: If _node_ is the first node in the stack of open elements, then set _last_
* > to true, and, if the parser was created as part of the HTML fragment parsing
* > algorithm (fragment case), set node to the context element passed to
* > that algorithm.
* > …
if ( $node === $first_node ) {
$last = true;
if ( isset( $this->context_node ) ) {
$node = $this->context_node;
// All of the following rules are for matching HTML elements.
if ( 'html' !== $node->namespace ) {
switch ( $node->node_name ) {
* > 4. If node is a `select` element, run these substeps:
* > 1. If _last_ is true, jump to the step below labeled done.
* > 2. Let _ancestor_ be _node_.
* > 3. _Loop_: If _ancestor_ is the first node in the stack of open elements,
* > jump to the step below labeled done.
* > 4. Let ancestor be the node before ancestor in the stack of open elements.
* > …
* > 7. Jump back to the step labeled _loop_.
* > 8. _Done_: Switch the insertion mode to "in select" and return.
case 'SELECT':
if ( ! $last ) {
foreach ( $this->state->stack_of_open_elements->walk_up( $node ) as $ancestor ) {
if ( 'html' !== $ancestor->namespace ) {
switch ( $ancestor->node_name ) {
* > 5. If _ancestor_ is a `template` node, jump to the step below
* > labeled _done_.
case 'TEMPLATE':
break 2;
* > 6. If _ancestor_ is a `table` node, switch the insertion mode to
* > "in select in table" and return.
case 'TABLE':
$this->state->insertion_mode = WP_HTML_Processor_State::INSERTION_MODE_IN_SELECT_IN_TABLE;
$this->state->insertion_mode = WP_HTML_Processor_State::INSERTION_MODE_IN_SELECT;
* > 5. If _node_ is a `td` or `th` element and _last_ is false, then switch the
* > insertion mode to "in cell" and return.
case 'TD':
case 'TH':
if ( ! $last ) {
$this->state->insertion_mode = WP_HTML_Processor_State::INSERTION_MODE_IN_CELL;
* > 6. If _node_ is a `tr` element, then switch the insertion mode to "in row"
* > and return.
case 'TR':
$this->state->insertion_mode = WP_HTML_Processor_State::INSERTION_MODE_IN_ROW;
* > 7. If _node_ is a `tbody`, `thead`, or `tfoot` element, then switch the
* > insertion mode to "in table body" and return.
case 'TBODY':
case 'THEAD':
case 'TFOOT':
$this->state->insertion_mode = WP_HTML_Processor_State::INSERTION_MODE_IN_TABLE_BODY;
* > 8. If _node_ is a `caption` element, then switch the insertion mode to
* > "in caption" and return.
case 'CAPTION':
$this->state->insertion_mode = WP_HTML_Processor_State::INSERTION_MODE_IN_CAPTION;
* > 9. If _node_ is a `colgroup` element, then switch the insertion mode to
* > "in column group" and return.
case 'COLGROUP':
$this->state->insertion_mode = WP_HTML_Processor_State::INSERTION_MODE_IN_COLUMN_GROUP;
* > 10. If _node_ is a `table` element, then switch the insertion mode to
* > "in table" and return.
case 'TABLE':
$this->state->insertion_mode = WP_HTML_Processor_State::INSERTION_MODE_IN_TABLE;
* > 11. If _node_ is a `template` element, then switch the insertion mode to the
* > current template insertion mode and return.
case 'TEMPLATE':
$this->state->insertion_mode = end( $this->state->stack_of_template_insertion_modes );
* > 12. If _node_ is a `head` element and _last_ is false, then switch the
* > insertion mode to "in head" and return.
case 'HEAD':
if ( ! $last ) {
$this->state->insertion_mode = WP_HTML_Processor_State::INSERTION_MODE_IN_HEAD;
* > 13. If _node_ is a `body` element, then switch the insertion mode to "in body"
* > and return.
case 'BODY':
$this->state->insertion_mode = WP_HTML_Processor_State::INSERTION_MODE_IN_BODY;
* > 14. If _node_ is a `frameset` element, then switch the insertion mode to
* > "in frameset" and return. (fragment case)
case 'FRAMESET':
$this->state->insertion_mode = WP_HTML_Processor_State::INSERTION_MODE_IN_FRAMESET;
* > 15. If _node_ is an `html` element, run these substeps:
* > 1. If the head element pointer is null, switch the insertion mode to
* > "before head" and return. (fragment case)
* > 2. Otherwise, the head element pointer is not null, switch the insertion
* > mode to "after head" and return.
case 'HTML':
$this->state->insertion_mode = isset( $this->state->head_element )
* > 16. If _last_ is true, then switch the insertion mode to "in body"
* > and return. (fragment case)
* This is only reachable if `$last` is true, as per the fragment parsing case.
$this->state->insertion_mode = WP_HTML_Processor_State::INSERTION_MODE_IN_BODY;
* Runs the adoption agency algorithm.
* @since 6.4.0
* @throws WP_HTML_Unsupported_Exception When encountering unsupported HTML input.
* @see https://html.spec.whatwg.org/#adoption-agency-algorithm
private function run_adoption_agency_algorithm(): void {
$budget = 1000;
$subject = $this->get_tag();
$current_node = $this->state->stack_of_open_elements->current_node();
if (
// > If the current node is an HTML element whose tag name is subject
$current_node && $subject === $current_node->node_name &&
// > the current node is not in the list of active formatting elements
! $this->state->active_formatting_elements->contains_node( $current_node )
) {
$outer_loop_counter = 0;
while ( $budget-- > 0 ) {
if ( $outer_loop_counter++ >= 8 ) {
* > Let formatting element be the last element in the list of active formatting elements that:
* > - is between the end of the list and the last marker in the list,
* > if any, or the start of the list otherwise,
* > - and has the tag name subject.
$formatting_element = null;
foreach ( $this->state->active_formatting_elements->walk_up() as $item ) {
if ( 'marker' === $item->node_name ) {
if ( $subject === $item->node_name ) {
$formatting_element = $item;
// > If there is no such element, then return and instead act as described in the "any other end tag" entry above.
if ( null === $formatting_element ) {
$this->bail( 'Cannot run adoption agency when "any other end tag" is required.' );
// > If formatting element is not in the stack of open elements, then this is a parse error; remove the element from the list, and return.
if ( ! $this->state->stack_of_open_elements->contains_node( $formatting_element ) ) {
$this->state->active_formatting_elements->remove_node( $formatting_element );
// > If formatting element is in the stack of open elements, but the element is not in scope, then this is a parse error; return.
if ( ! $this->state->stack_of_open_elements->has_element_in_scope( $formatting_element->node_name ) ) {
* > Let furthest block be the topmost node in the stack of open elements that is lower in the stack
* > than formatting element, and is an element in the special category. There might not be one.
$is_above_formatting_element = true;
$furthest_block = null;
foreach ( $this->state->stack_of_open_elements->walk_down() as $item ) {
if ( $is_above_formatting_element && $formatting_element->bookmark_name !== $item->bookmark_name ) {
if ( $is_above_formatting_element ) {
$is_above_formatting_element = false;
if ( self::is_special( $item ) ) {
$furthest_block = $item;
* > If there is no furthest block, then the UA must first pop all the nodes from the bottom of the
* > stack of open elements, from the current node up to and including formatting element, then
* > remove formatting element from the list of active formatting elements, and finally return.
if ( null === $furthest_block ) {
foreach ( $this->state->stack_of_open_elements->walk_up() as $item ) {
if ( $formatting_element->bookmark_name === $item->bookmark_name ) {
$this->state->active_formatting_elements->remove_node( $formatting_element );
$this->bail( 'Cannot extract common ancestor in adoption agency algorithm.' );
$this->bail( 'Cannot run adoption agency when looping required.' );
* Runs the "close the cell" algorithm.
* > Where the steps above say to close the cell, they mean to run the following algorithm:
* > 1. Generate implied end tags.
* > 2. If the current node is not now a td element or a th element, then this is a parse error.
* > 3. Pop elements from the stack of open elements stack until a td element or a th element has been popped from the stack.
* > 4. Clear the list of active formatting elements up to the last marker.
* > 5. Switch the insertion mode to "in row".
* @see https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/parsing.html#close-the-cell
* @since 6.7.0
private function close_cell(): void {
// @todo Parse error if the current node is a "td" or "th" element.
foreach ( $this->state->stack_of_open_elements->walk_up() as $element ) {
if ( 'TD' === $element->node_name || 'TH' === $element->node_name ) {
$this->state->insertion_mode = WP_HTML_Processor_State::INSERTION_MODE_IN_ROW;
* Inserts an HTML element on the stack of open elements.
* @since 6.4.0
* @see https://html.spec.whatwg.org/#insert-a-foreign-element
* @param WP_HTML_Token $token Name of bookmark pointing to element in original input HTML.
private function insert_html_element( WP_HTML_Token $token ): void {
$this->state->stack_of_open_elements->push( $token );
* Inserts a foreign element on to the stack of open elements.
* @since 6.7.0
* @see https://html.spec.whatwg.org/#insert-a-foreign-element
* @param WP_HTML_Token $token Insert this token. The token's namespace and
* insertion point will be updated correctly.
* @param bool $only_add_to_element_stack Whether to skip the "insert an element at the adjusted
* insertion location" algorithm when adding this element.
private function insert_foreign_element( WP_HTML_Token $token, bool $only_add_to_element_stack ): void {
$adjusted_current_node = $this->get_adjusted_current_node();
$token->namespace = $adjusted_current_node ? $adjusted_current_node->namespace : 'html';
if ( $this->is_mathml_integration_point() ) {
$token->integration_node_type = 'math';
} elseif ( $this->is_html_integration_point() ) {
$token->integration_node_type = 'html';
if ( false === $only_add_to_element_stack ) {
* @todo Implement the "appropriate place for inserting a node" and the
* "insert an element at the adjusted insertion location" algorithms.
* These algorithms mostly impacts DOM tree construction and not the HTML API.
* Here, there's no DOM node onto which the element will be appended, so the
* parser will skip this step.
* @see https://html.spec.whatwg.org/#insert-an-element-at-the-adjusted-insertion-location
$this->insert_html_element( $token );
* Inserts a virtual element on the stack of open elements.
* @since 6.7.0
* @param string $token_name Name of token to create and insert into the stack of open elements.
* @param string|null $bookmark_name Optional. Name to give bookmark for created virtual node.
* Defaults to auto-creating a bookmark name.
* @return WP_HTML_Token Newly-created virtual token.
private function insert_virtual_node( $token_name, $bookmark_name = null ): WP_HTML_Token {
$here = $this->bookmarks[ $this->state->current_token->bookmark_name ];
$name = $bookmark_name ?? $this->bookmark_token();
$this->bookmarks[ $name ] = new WP_HTML_Span( $here->start, 0 );
$token = new WP_HTML_Token( $name, $token_name, false );
$this->insert_html_element( $token );
return $token;
* HTML Specification Helpers
* Indicates if the current token is a MathML integration point.
* @since 6.7.0
* @see https://html.spec.whatwg.org/#mathml-text-integration-point
* @return bool Whether the current token is a MathML integration point.
private function is_mathml_integration_point(): bool {
$current_token = $this->state->current_token;
if ( ! isset( $current_token ) ) {
return false;
if ( 'math' !== $current_token->namespace || 'M' !== $current_token->node_name[0] ) {
return false;
$tag_name = $current_token->node_name;
return (
'MI' === $tag_name ||
'MO' === $tag_name ||
'MN' === $tag_name ||
'MS' === $tag_name ||
'MTEXT' === $tag_name
* Indicates if the current token is an HTML integration point.
* Note that this method must be an instance method with access
* to the current token, since it needs to examine the attributes
* of the currently-matched tag, if it's in the MathML namespace.
* Otherwise it would be required to scan the HTML and ensure that
* no other accounting is overlooked.
* @since 6.7.0
* @see https://html.spec.whatwg.org/#html-integration-point
* @return bool Whether the current token is an HTML integration point.
private function is_html_integration_point(): bool {
$current_token = $this->state->current_token;
if ( ! isset( $current_token ) ) {
return false;
if ( 'html' === $current_token->namespace ) {
return false;
$tag_name = $current_token->node_name;
if ( 'svg' === $current_token->namespace ) {
return (
'DESC' === $tag_name ||
'FOREIGNOBJECT' === $tag_name ||
'TITLE' === $tag_name
if ( 'math' === $current_token->namespace ) {
if ( 'ANNOTATION-XML' !== $tag_name ) {
return false;
$encoding = $this->get_attribute( 'encoding' );
return (
is_string( $encoding ) &&
0 === strcasecmp( $encoding, 'application/xhtml+xml' ) ||
0 === strcasecmp( $encoding, 'text/html' )
$this->bail( 'Should not have reached end of HTML Integration Point detection: check HTML API code.' );
// This unnecessary return prevents tools from inaccurately reporting type errors.
return false;
* Returns whether an element of a given name is in the HTML special category.
* @since 6.4.0
* @see https://html.spec.whatwg.org/#special
* @param WP_HTML_Token|string $tag_name Node to check, or only its name if in the HTML namespace.
* @return bool Whether the element of the given name is in the special category.
public static function is_special( $tag_name ): bool {
if ( is_string( $tag_name ) ) {
$tag_name = strtoupper( $tag_name );
} else {
$tag_name = 'html' === $tag_name->namespace
? strtoupper( $tag_name->node_name )
: "{$tag_name->namespace} {$tag_name->node_name}";
return (
'ADDRESS' === $tag_name ||
'APPLET' === $tag_name ||
'AREA' === $tag_name ||
'ARTICLE' === $tag_name ||
'ASIDE' === $tag_name ||
'BASE' === $tag_name ||
'BASEFONT' === $tag_name ||
'BGSOUND' === $tag_name ||
'BLOCKQUOTE' === $tag_name ||
'BODY' === $tag_name ||
'BR' === $tag_name ||
'BUTTON' === $tag_name ||
'CAPTION' === $tag_name ||
'CENTER' === $tag_name ||
'COL' === $tag_name ||
'COLGROUP' === $tag_name ||
'DD' === $tag_name ||
'DETAILS' === $tag_name ||
'DIR' === $tag_name ||
'DIV' === $tag_name ||
'DL' === $tag_name ||
'DT' === $tag_name ||
'EMBED' === $tag_name ||
'FIELDSET' === $tag_name ||
'FIGCAPTION' === $tag_name ||
'FIGURE' === $tag_name ||
'FOOTER' === $tag_name ||
'FORM' === $tag_name ||
'FRAME' === $tag_name ||
'FRAMESET' === $tag_name ||
'H1' === $tag_name ||
'H2' === $tag_name ||
'H3' === $tag_name ||
'H4' === $tag_name ||
'H5' === $tag_name ||
'H6' === $tag_name ||
'HEAD' === $tag_name ||
'HEADER' === $tag_name ||
'HGROUP' === $tag_name ||
'HR' === $tag_name ||
'HTML' === $tag_name ||
'IFRAME' === $tag_name ||
'IMG' === $tag_name ||
'INPUT' === $tag_name ||
'KEYGEN' === $tag_name ||
'LI' === $tag_name ||
'LINK' === $tag_name ||
'LISTING' === $tag_name ||
'MAIN' === $tag_name ||
'MARQUEE' === $tag_name ||
'MENU' === $tag_name ||
'META' === $tag_name ||
'NAV' === $tag_name ||
'NOEMBED' === $tag_name ||
'NOFRAMES' === $tag_name ||
'NOSCRIPT' === $tag_name ||
'OBJECT' === $tag_name ||
'OL' === $tag_name ||
'P' === $tag_name ||
'PARAM' === $tag_name ||
'PLAINTEXT' === $tag_name ||
'PRE' === $tag_name ||
'SCRIPT' === $tag_name ||
'SEARCH' === $tag_name ||
'SECTION' === $tag_name ||
'SELECT' === $tag_name ||
'SOURCE' === $tag_name ||
'STYLE' === $tag_name ||
'SUMMARY' === $tag_name ||
'TABLE' === $tag_name ||
'TBODY' === $tag_name ||
'TD' === $tag_name ||
'TEMPLATE' === $tag_name ||
'TEXTAREA' === $tag_name ||
'TFOOT' === $tag_name ||
'TH' === $tag_name ||
'THEAD' === $tag_name ||
'TITLE' === $tag_name ||
'TR' === $tag_name ||
'TRACK' === $tag_name ||
'UL' === $tag_name ||
'WBR' === $tag_name ||
'XMP' === $tag_name ||
// MathML.
'math MI' === $tag_name ||
'math MO' === $tag_name ||
'math MN' === $tag_name ||
'math MS' === $tag_name ||
'math MTEXT' === $tag_name ||
'math ANNOTATION-XML' === $tag_name ||
// SVG.
'svg DESC' === $tag_name ||
'svg FOREIGNOBJECT' === $tag_name ||
'svg TITLE' === $tag_name
* Returns whether a given element is an HTML Void Element
* > area, base, br, col, embed, hr, img, input, link, meta, source, track, wbr
* @since 6.4.0
* @see https://html.spec.whatwg.org/#void-elements
* @param string $tag_name Name of HTML tag to check.
* @return bool Whether the given tag is an HTML Void Element.
public static function is_void( $tag_name ): bool {
$tag_name = strtoupper( $tag_name );
return (
'AREA' === $tag_name ||
'BASE' === $tag_name ||
'BASEFONT' === $tag_name || // Obsolete but still treated as void.
'BGSOUND' === $tag_name || // Obsolete but still treated as void.
'BR' === $tag_name ||
'COL' === $tag_name ||
'EMBED' === $tag_name ||
'FRAME' === $tag_name ||
'HR' === $tag_name ||
'IMG' === $tag_name ||
'INPUT' === $tag_name ||
'KEYGEN' === $tag_name || // Obsolete but still treated as void.
'LINK' === $tag_name ||
'META' === $tag_name ||
'PARAM' === $tag_name || // Obsolete but still treated as void.
'SOURCE' === $tag_name ||
'TRACK' === $tag_name ||
'WBR' === $tag_name
* Gets an encoding from a given string.
* This is an algorithm defined in the WHAT-WG specification.
* Example:
* 'UTF-8' === self::get_encoding( 'utf8' );
* 'UTF-8' === self::get_encoding( " \tUTF-8 " );
* null === self::get_encoding( 'UTF-7' );
* null === self::get_encoding( 'utf8; charset=' );
* @see https://encoding.spec.whatwg.org/#concept-encoding-get
* @todo As this parser only supports UTF-8, only the UTF-8
* encodings are detected. Add more as desired, but the
* parser will bail on non-UTF-8 encodings.
* @since 6.7.0
* @param string $label A string which may specify a known encoding.
* @return string|null Known encoding if matched, otherwise null.
protected static function get_encoding( string $label ): ?string {
* > Remove any leading and trailing ASCII whitespace from label.
$label = trim( $label, " \t\f\r\n" );
* > If label is an ASCII case-insensitive match for any of the labels listed in the
* > table below, then return the corresponding encoding; otherwise return failure.
switch ( strtolower( $label ) ) {
case 'unicode-1-1-utf-8':
case 'unicode11utf8':
case 'unicode20utf8':
case 'utf-8':
case 'utf8':
case 'x-unicode20utf8':
return 'UTF-8';
return null;
* Constants that would pollute the top of the class if they were found there.
* Indicates that the next HTML token should be parsed and processed.
* @since 6.4.0
* @var string
const PROCESS_NEXT_NODE = 'process-next-node';
* Indicates that the current HTML token should be reprocessed in the newly-selected insertion mode.
* @since 6.4.0
* @var string
const REPROCESS_CURRENT_NODE = 'reprocess-current-node';
* Indicates that the current HTML token should be processed without advancing the parser.
* @since 6.5.0
* @var string
const PROCESS_CURRENT_NODE = 'process-current-node';
* Indicates that the parser encountered unsupported markup and has bailed.
* @since 6.4.0
* @var string
const ERROR_UNSUPPORTED = 'unsupported';
* Indicates that the parser encountered more HTML tokens than it
* was able to process and has bailed.
* @since 6.4.0
* @var string
const ERROR_EXCEEDED_MAX_BOOKMARKS = 'exceeded-max-bookmarks';
* Unlock code that must be passed into the constructor to create this class.
* This class extends the WP_HTML_Tag_Processor, which has a public class
* constructor. Therefore, it's not possible to have a private constructor here.
* This unlock code is used to ensure that anyone calling the constructor is
* doing so with a full understanding that it's intended to be a private API.
* @access private
const CONSTRUCTOR_UNLOCK_CODE = 'Use WP_HTML_Processor::create_fragment() instead of calling the class constructor directly.';
ponse Response object.
* }
public function request( $url, $args = array() ) {
$defaults = array(
'method' => 'GET',
* Filters the timeout value for an HTTP request.
* @since 2.7.0
* @since 5.1.0 The `$url` parameter was added.
* @param float $timeout_value Time in seconds until a request times out. Default 5.
* @param string $url The request URL.
'timeout' => apply_filters( 'http_request_timeout', 5, $url ),
* Filters the number of redirects allowed during an HTTP request.
* @since 2.7.0
* @since 5.1.0 The `$url` parameter was added.
* @param int $redirect_count Number of redirects allowed. Default 5.
* @param string $url The request URL.
'redirection' => apply_filters( 'http_request_redirection_count', 5, $url ),
* Filters the version of the HTTP protocol used in a request.
* @since 2.7.0
* @since 5.1.0 The `$url` parameter was added.
* @param string $version Version of HTTP used. Accepts '1.0' and '1.1'. Default '1.0'.
* @param string $url The request URL.
'httpversion' => apply_filters( 'http_request_version', '1.0', $url ),
* Filters the user agent value sent with an HTTP request.
* @since 2.7.0
* @since 5.1.0 The `$url` parameter was added.
* @param string $user_agent WordPress user agent string.
* @param string $url The request URL.
'user-agent' => apply_filters( 'http_headers_useragent', 'WordPress/' . get_bloginfo( 'version' ) . '; ' . get_bloginfo( 'url' ), $url ),
* Filters whether to pass URLs through wp_http_validate_url() in an HTTP request.
* @since 3.6.0
* @since 5.1.0 The `$url` parameter was added.
* @param bool $pass_url Whether to pass URLs through wp_http_validate_url(). Default false.
* @param string $url The request URL.
'reject_unsafe_urls' => apply_filters( 'http_request_reject_unsafe_urls', false, $url ),
'blocking' => true,
'headers' => array(),
'cookies' => array(),
'body' => null,
'compress' => false,
'decompress' => true,
'sslverify' => true,
'sslcertificates' => ABSPATH . WPINC . '/certificates/ca-bundle.crt',
'stream' => false,
'filename' => null,
'limit_response_size' => null,
// Pre-parse for the HEAD checks.
$args = wp_parse_args( $args );
// By default, HEAD requests do not cause redirections.
if ( isset( $args['method'] ) && 'HEAD' === $args['method'] ) {
$defaults['redirection'] = 0;
$parsed_args = wp_parse_args( $args, $defaults );
* Filters the arguments used in an HTTP request.
* @since 2.7.0
* @param array $parsed_args An array of HTTP request arguments.
* @param string $url The request URL.
$parsed_args = apply_filters( 'http_request_args', $parsed_args, $url );
// The transports decrement this, store a copy of the original value for loop purposes.
if ( ! isset( $parsed_args['_redirection'] ) ) {
$parsed_args['_redirection'] = $parsed_args['redirection'];
* Filters the preemptive return value of an HTTP request.
* Returning a non-false value from the filter will short-circuit the HTTP request and return
* early with that value. A filter should return one of:
* - An array containing 'headers', 'body', 'response', 'cookies', and 'filename' elements
* - A WP_Error instance
* - boolean false to avoid short-circuiting the response
* Returning any other value may result in unexpected behavior.
* @since 2.9.0
* @param false|array|WP_Error $response A preemptive return value of an HTTP request. Default false.
* @param array $parsed_args HTTP request arguments.
* @param string $url The request URL.
$pre = apply_filters( 'pre_http_request', false, $parsed_args, $url );
if ( false !== $pre ) {
return $pre;
if ( function_exists( 'wp_kses_bad_protocol' ) ) {
if ( $parsed_args['reject_unsafe_urls'] ) {
$url = wp_http_validate_url( $url );
if ( $url ) {
$url = wp_kses_bad_protocol( $url, array( 'http', 'https', 'ssl' ) );
$parsed_url = parse_url( $url );
if ( empty( $url ) || empty( $parsed_url['scheme'] ) ) {
$response = new WP_Error( 'http_request_failed', __( 'A valid URL was not provided.' ) );
/** This action is documented in wp-includes/class-wp-http.php */
do_action( 'http_api_debug', $response, 'response', 'WpOrg\Requests\Requests', $parsed_args, $url );
return $response;
if ( $this->block_request( $url ) ) {
$response = new WP_Error( 'http_request_not_executed', __( 'User has blocked requests through HTTP.' ) );
/** This action is documented in wp-includes/class-wp-http.php */
do_action( 'http_api_debug', $response, 'response', 'WpOrg\Requests\Requests', $parsed_args, $url );
return $response;
// If we are streaming to a file but no filename was given drop it in the WP temp dir
// and pick its name using the basename of the $url.
if ( $parsed_args['stream'] ) {
if ( empty( $parsed_args['filename'] ) ) {
$parsed_args['filename'] = get_temp_dir() . basename( $url );
// Force some settings if we are streaming to a file and check for existence
// and perms of destination directory.
$parsed_args['blocking'] = true;
if ( ! wp_is_writable( dirname( $parsed_args['filename'] ) ) ) {
$response = new WP_Error( 'http_request_failed', __( 'Destination directory for file streaming does not exist or is not writable.' ) );
/** This action is documented in wp-includes/class-wp-http.php */
do_action( 'http_api_debug', $response, 'response', 'WpOrg\Requests\Requests', $parsed_args, $url );
return $response;
if ( is_null( $parsed_args['headers'] ) ) {
$parsed_args['headers'] = array();
// WP allows passing in headers as a string, weirdly.
if ( ! is_array( $parsed_args['headers'] ) ) {
$processed_headers = WP_Http::processHeaders( $parsed_args['headers'] );
$parsed_args['headers'] = $processed_headers['headers'];
// Setup arguments.
$headers = $parsed_args['headers'];
$data = $parsed_args['body'];
$type = $parsed_args['method'];
$options = array(
'timeout' => $parsed_args['timeout'],
'useragent' => $parsed_args['user-agent'],
'blocking' => $parsed_args['blocking'],
'hooks' => new WP_HTTP_Requests_Hooks( $url, $parsed_args ),
// Ensure redirects follow browser behavior.
$options['hooks']->register( 'requests.before_redirect', array( static::class, 'browser_redirect_compatibility' ) );
// Validate redirected URLs.
if ( function_exists( 'wp_kses_bad_protocol' ) && $parsed_args['reject_unsafe_urls'] ) {
$options['hooks']->register( 'requests.before_redirect', array( static::class, 'validate_redirects' ) );
if ( $parsed_args['stream'] ) {
$options['filename'] = $parsed_args['filename'];
if ( empty( $parsed_args['redirection'] ) ) {
$options['follow_redirects'] = false;
} else {
$options['redirects'] = $parsed_args['redirection'];
// Use byte limit, if we can.
if ( isset( $parsed_args['limit_response_size'] ) ) {
$options['max_bytes'] = $parsed_args['limit_response_size'];
// If we've got cookies, use and convert them to WpOrg\Requests\Cookie.
if ( ! empty( $parsed_args['cookies'] ) ) {
$options['cookies'] = WP_Http::normalize_cookies( $parsed_args['cookies'] );
// SSL certificate handling.
if ( ! $parsed_args['sslverify'] ) {
$options['verify'] = false;
$options['verifyname'] = false;
} else {
$options['verify'] = $parsed_args['sslcertificates'];
// All non-GET/HEAD requests should put the arguments in the form body.
if ( 'HEAD' !== $type && 'GET' !== $type ) {
$options['data_format'] = 'body';
* Filters whether SSL should be verified for non-local requests.
* @since 2.8.0
* @since 5.1.0 The `$url` parameter was added.
* @param bool|string $ssl_verify Boolean to control whether to verify the SSL connection
* or path to an SSL certificate.
* @param string $url The request URL.
$options['verify'] = apply_filters( 'https_ssl_verify', $options['verify'], $url );
// Check for proxies.
$proxy = new WP_HTTP_Proxy();
if ( $proxy->is_enabled() && $proxy->send_through_proxy( $url ) ) {
$options['proxy'] = new WpOrg\Requests\Proxy\Http( $proxy->host() . ':' . $proxy->port() );
if ( $proxy->use_authentication() ) {
$options['proxy']->use_authentication = true;
$options['proxy']->user = $proxy->username();
$options['proxy']->pass = $proxy->password();
// Avoid issues where mbstring.func_overload is enabled.
try {
$requests_response = WpOrg\Requests\Requests::request( $url, $headers, $data, $type, $options );
// Convert the response into an array.
$http_response = new WP_HTTP_Requests_Response( $requests_response, $parsed_args['filename'] );
$response = $http_response->to_array();
// Add the original object to the array.
$response['http_response'] = $http_response;
} catch ( WpOrg\Requests\Exception $e ) {
$response = new WP_Error( 'http_request_failed', $e->getMessage() );
* Fires after an HTTP API response is received and before the response is returned.
* @since 2.8.0
* @param array|WP_Error $response HTTP response or WP_Error object.
* @param string $context Context under which the hook is fired.
* @param string $class HTTP transport used.
* @param array $parsed_args HTTP request arguments.
* @param string $url The request URL.
do_action( 'http_api_debug', $response, 'response', 'WpOrg\Requests\Requests', $parsed_args, $url );
if ( is_wp_error( $response ) ) {
return $response;
if ( ! $parsed_args['blocking'] ) {
return array(
'headers' => array(),
'body' => '',
'response' => array(
'code' => false,
'message' => false,
'cookies' => array(),
'http_response' => null,
* Filters a successful HTTP API response immediately before the response is returned.
* @since 2.9.0
* @param array $response HTTP response.
* @param array $parsed_args HTTP request arguments.
* @param string $url The request URL.
return apply_filters( 'http_response', $response, $parsed_args, $url );
* Normalizes cookies for using in Requests.
* @since 4.6.0
* @param array $cookies Array of cookies to send with the request.
* @return WpOrg\Requests\Cookie\Jar Cookie holder object.
public static function normalize_cookies( $cookies ) {
$cookie_jar = new WpOrg\Requests\Cookie\Jar();
foreach ( $cookies as $name => $value ) {
if ( $value instanceof WP_Http_Cookie ) {
$attributes = array_filter(
static function ( $attr ) {
return null !== $attr;
$cookie_jar[ $value->name ] = new WpOrg\Requests\Cookie( (string) $value->name, $value->value, $attributes, array( 'host-only' => $value->host_only ) );
} elseif ( is_scalar( $value ) ) {
$cookie_jar[ $name ] = new WpOrg\Requests\Cookie( (string) $name, (string) $value );
return $cookie_jar;
* Match redirect behavior to browser handling.
* Changes 302 redirects from POST to GET to match browser handling. Per
* RFC 7231, user agents can deviate from the strict reading of the
* specification for compatibility purposes.
* @since 4.6.0
* @param string $location URL to redirect to.
* @param array $headers Headers for the redirect.
* @param string|array $data Body to send with the request.
* @param array $options Redirect request options.
* @param WpOrg\Requests\Response $original Response object.
public static function browser_redirect_compatibility( $location, $headers, $data, &$options, $original ) {
// Browser compatibility.
if ( 302 === $original->status_code ) {
$options['type'] = WpOrg\Requests\Requests::GET;
* Validate redirected URLs.
* @since 4.7.5
* @throws WpOrg\Requests\Exception On unsuccessful URL validation.
* @param string $location URL to redirect to.
public static function validate_redirects( $location ) {
if ( ! wp_http_validate_url( $location ) ) {
throw new WpOrg\Requests\Exception( __( 'A valid URL was not provided.' ), 'wp_http.redirect_failed_validation' );
* Tests which transports are capable of supporting the request.
* @since 3.2.0
* @deprecated 6.4.0 Use WpOrg\Requests\Requests::get_transport_class()
* @see WpOrg\Requests\Requests::get_transport_class()
* @param array $args Request arguments.
* @param string $url URL to request.
* @return string|false Class name for the first transport that claims to support the request.
* False if no transport claims to support the request.
public function _get_first_available_transport( $args, $url = null ) {
$transports = array( 'curl', 'streams' );
* Filters which HTTP transports are available and in what order.
* @since 3.7.0
* @deprecated 6.4.0 Use WpOrg\Requests\Requests::get_transport_class()
* @param string[] $transports Array of HTTP transports to check. Default array contains
* 'curl' and 'streams', in that order.
* @param array $args HTTP request arguments.
* @param string $url The URL to request.
$request_order = apply_filters_deprecated( 'http_api_transports', array( $transports, $args, $url ), '6.4.0' );
// Loop over each transport on each HTTP request looking for one which will serve this request's needs.
foreach ( $request_order as $transport ) {
if ( in_array( $transport, $transports, true ) ) {
$transport = ucfirst( $transport );
$class = 'WP_Http_' . $transport;
// Check to see if this transport is a possibility, calls the transport statically.
if ( ! call_user_func( array( $class, 'test' ), $args, $url ) ) {
return $class;
return false;
* Dispatches a HTTP request to a supporting transport.
* Tests each transport in order to find a transport which matches the request arguments.
* Also caches the transport instance to be used later.
* The order for requests is cURL, and then PHP Streams.
* @since 3.2.0
* @deprecated 5.1.0 Use WP_Http::request()
* @see WP_Http::request()
* @param string $url URL to request.
* @param array $args Request arguments.
* @return array|WP_Error Array containing 'headers', 'body', 'response', 'cookies', 'filename'.
* A WP_Error instance upon error.
private function _dispatch_request( $url, $args ) {
static $transports = array();
$class = $this->_get_first_available_transport( $args, $url );
if ( ! $class ) {
return new WP_Error( 'http_failure', __( 'There are no HTTP transports available which can complete the requested request.' ) );
// Transport claims to support request, instantiate it and give it a whirl.
if ( empty( $transports[ $class ] ) ) {
$transports[ $class ] = new $class();
$response = $transports[ $class ]->request( $url, $args );
/** This action is documented in wp-includes/class-wp-http.php */
do_action( 'http_api_debug', $response, 'response', $class, $args, $url );
if ( is_wp_error( $response ) ) {
return $response;
/** This filter is documented in wp-includes/class-wp-http.php */
return apply_filters( 'http_response', $response, $args, $url );
* Uses the POST HTTP method.
* Used for sending data that is expected to be in the body.
* @since 2.7.0
* @param string $url The request URL.
* @param string|array $args Optional. Override the defaults.
* @return array|WP_Error Array containing 'headers', 'body', 'response', 'cookies', 'filename'.
* A WP_Error instance upon error. See WP_Http::response() for details.
public function post( $url, $args = array() ) {
$defaults = array( 'method' => 'POST' );
$parsed_args = wp_parse_args( $args, $defaults );
return $this->request( $url, $parsed_args );
* Uses the GET HTTP method.
* Used for sending data that is expected to be in the body.
* @since 2.7.0
* @param string $url The request URL.
* @param string|array $args Optional. Override the defaults.
* @return array|WP_Error Array containing 'headers', 'body', 'response', 'cookies', 'filename'.
* A WP_Error instance upon error. See WP_Http::response() for details.
public function get( $url, $args = array() ) {
$defaults = array( 'method' => 'GET' );
$parsed_args = wp_parse_args( $args, $defaults );
return $this->request( $url, $parsed_args );
* Uses the HEAD HTTP method.
* Used for sending data that is expected to be in the body.
* @since 2.7.0
* @param string $url The request URL.
* @param string|array $args Optional. Override the defaults.
* @return array|WP_Error Array containing 'headers', 'body', 'response', 'cookies', 'filename'.
* A WP_Error instance upon error. See WP_Http::response() for details.
public function head( $url, $args = array() ) {
$defaults = array( 'method' => 'HEAD' );
$parsed_args = wp_parse_args( $args, $defaults );
return $this->request( $url, $parsed_args );
* Parses the responses and splits the parts into headers and body.
* @since 2.7.0
* @param string $response The full response string.
* @return array {
* Array with response headers and body.
* @type string $headers HTTP response headers.
* @type string $body HTTP response body.
* }
public static function processResponse( $response ) { // phpcs:ignore WordPress.NamingConventions.ValidFunctionName.MethodNameInvalid
$response = explode( "\r\n\r\n", $response, 2 );
return array(
'headers' => $response[0],
'body' => isset( $response[1] ) ? $response[1] : '',
* Transforms header string into an array.
* @since 2.7.0
* @param string|array $headers The original headers. If a string is passed, it will be converted
* to an array. If an array is passed, then it is assumed to be
* raw header data with numeric keys with the headers as the values.
* No headers must be passed that were already processed.
* @param string $url Optional. The URL that was requested. Default empty.
* @return array {
* Processed string headers. If duplicate headers are encountered,
* then a numbered array is returned as the value of that header-key.
* @type array $response {
* @type int $code The response status code. Default 0.
* @type string $message The response message. Default empty.
* }
* @type array $newheaders The processed header data as a multidimensional array.
* @type WP_Http_Cookie[] $cookies If the original headers contain the 'Set-Cookie' key,
* an array containing `WP_Http_Cookie` objects is returned.
* }
public static function processHeaders( $headers, $url = '' ) { // phpcs:ignore WordPress.NamingConventions.ValidFunctionName.MethodNameInvalid
// Split headers, one per array element.
if ( is_string( $headers ) ) {
// Tolerate line terminator: CRLF = LF (RFC 2616 19.3).
$headers = str_replace( "\r\n", "\n", $headers );
* Unfold folded header fields. LWS = [CRLF] 1*( SP | HT ) ,
* (RFC 2616 2.2).
$headers = preg_replace( '/\n[ \t]/', ' ', $headers );
// Create the headers array.
$headers = explode( "\n", $headers );
$response = array(
'code' => 0,
'message' => '',
* If a redirection has taken place, The headers for each page request may have been passed.
* In this case, determine the final HTTP header and parse from there.
for ( $i = count( $headers ) - 1; $i >= 0; $i-- ) {
if ( ! empty( $headers[ $i ] ) && ! str_contains( $headers[ $i ], ':' ) ) {
$headers = array_splice( $headers, $i );
$cookies = array();
$newheaders = array();
foreach ( (array) $headers as $tempheader ) {
if ( empty( $tempheader ) ) {
if ( ! str_contains( $tempheader, ':' ) ) {
$stack = explode( ' ', $tempheader, 3 );
$stack[] = '';
list( , $response['code'], $response['message']) = $stack;
list($key, $value) = explode( ':', $tempheader, 2 );
$key = strtolower( $key );
$value = trim( $value );
if ( isset( $newheaders[ $key ] ) ) {
if ( ! is_array( $newheaders[ $key ] ) ) {
$newheaders[ $key ] = array( $newheaders[ $key ] );
$newheaders[ $key ][] = $value;
} else {
$newheaders[ $key ] = $value;
if ( 'set-cookie' === $key ) {
$cookies[] = new WP_Http_Cookie( $value, $url );
// Cast the Response Code to an int.
$response['code'] = (int) $response['code'];
return array(
'response' => $response,
'headers' => $newheaders,
'cookies' => $cookies,
* Takes the arguments for a ::request() and checks for the cookie array.
* If it's found, then it upgrades any basic name => value pairs to WP_Http_Cookie instances,
* which are each parsed into strings and added to the Cookie: header (within the arguments array).
* Edits the array by reference.
* @since 2.8.0
* @param array $r Full array of args passed into ::request()
public static function buildCookieHeader( &$r ) { // phpcs:ignore WordPress.NamingConventions.ValidFunctionName.MethodNameInvalid
if ( ! empty( $r['cookies'] ) ) {
// Upgrade any name => value cookie pairs to WP_HTTP_Cookie instances.
foreach ( $r['cookies'] as $name => $value ) {
if ( ! is_object( $value ) ) {
$r['cookies'][ $name ] = new WP_Http_Cookie(
'name' => $name,
'value' => $value,
$cookies_header = '';
foreach ( (array) $r['cookies'] as $cookie ) {
$cookies_header .= $cookie->getHeaderValue() . '; ';
$cookies_header = substr( $cookies_header, 0, -2 );
$r['headers']['cookie'] = $cookies_header;
* Decodes chunk transfer-encoding, based off the HTTP 1.1 specification.
* Based off the HTTP http_encoding_dechunk function.
* @link https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2616#section-19.4.6 Process for chunked decoding.
* @since 2.7.0
* @param string $body Body content.
* @return string Chunked decoded body on success or raw body on failure.
public static function chunkTransferDecode( $body ) { // phpcs:ignore WordPress.NamingConventions.ValidFunctionName.MethodNameInvalid
// The body is not chunked encoded or is malformed.
if ( ! preg_match( '/^([0-9a-f]+)[^\r\n]*\r\n/i', trim( $body ) ) ) {
return $body;
$parsed_body = '';
// We'll be altering $body, so need a backup in case of error.
$body_original = $body;
while ( true ) {
$has_chunk = (bool) preg_match( '/^([0-9a-f]+)[^\r\n]*\r\n/i', $body, $match );
if ( ! $has_chunk || empty( $match[1] ) ) {
return $body_original;
$length = hexdec( $match[1] );
$chunk_length = strlen( $match[0] );
// Parse out the chunk of data.
$parsed_body .= substr( $body, $chunk_length, $length );
// Remove the chunk from the raw data.
$body = substr( $body, $length + $chunk_length );
// End of the document.
if ( '0' === trim( $body ) ) {
return $parsed_body;
* Determines whether an HTTP API request to the given URL should be blocked.
* Those who are behind a proxy and want to prevent access to certain hosts may do so. This will
* prevent plugins from working and core functionality, if you don't include `api.wordpress.org`.
* You block external URL requests by defining `WP_HTTP_BLOCK_EXTERNAL` as true in your `wp-config.php`
* file and this will only allow localhost and your site to make requests. The constant
* `WP_ACCESSIBLE_HOSTS` will allow additional hosts to go through for requests. The format of the
* `WP_ACCESSIBLE_HOSTS` constant is a comma separated list of hostnames to allow, wildcard domains
* are supported, eg `*.wordpress.org` will allow for all subdomains of `wordpress.org` to be contacted.
* @since 2.8.0
* @link https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/8927 Allow preventing external requests.
* @link https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/14636 Allow wildcard domains in WP_ACCESSIBLE_HOSTS
* @param string $uri URI of url.
* @return bool True to block, false to allow.
public function block_request( $uri ) {
// We don't need to block requests, because nothing is blocked.
return false;
$check = parse_url( $uri );
if ( ! $check ) {
return true;
$home = parse_url( get_option( 'siteurl' ) );
// Don't block requests back to ourselves by default.
if ( 'localhost' === $check['host'] || ( isset( $home['host'] ) && $home['host'] === $check['host'] ) ) {
* Filters whether to block local HTTP API requests.
* A local request is one to `localhost` or to the same host as the site itself.
* @since 2.8.0
* @param bool $block Whether to block local requests. Default false.
return apply_filters( 'block_local_requests', false );
if ( ! defined( 'WP_ACCESSIBLE_HOSTS' ) ) {
return true;
static $accessible_hosts = null;
static $wildcard_regex = array();
if ( null === $accessible_hosts ) {
$accessible_hosts = preg_split( '|,\s*|', WP_ACCESSIBLE_HOSTS );
if ( str_contains( WP_ACCESSIBLE_HOSTS, '*' ) ) {
$wildcard_regex = array();
foreach ( $accessible_hosts as $host ) {
$wildcard_regex[] = str_replace( '\*', '.+', preg_quote( $host, '/' ) );
$wildcard_regex = '/^(' . implode( '|', $wildcard_regex ) . ')$/i';
if ( ! empty( $wildcard_regex ) ) {
return ! preg_match( $wildcard_regex, $check['host'] );
} else {
return ! in_array( $check['host'], $accessible_hosts, true ); // Inverse logic, if it's in the array, then don't block it.
* Used as a wrapper for PHP's parse_url() function that handles edgecases in < PHP 5.4.7.
* @deprecated 4.4.0 Use wp_parse_url()
* @see wp_parse_url()
* @param string $url The URL to parse.
* @return bool|array False on failure; Array of URL components on success;
* See parse_url()'s return values.
protected static function parse_url( $url ) {
_deprecated_function( __METHOD__, '4.4.0', 'wp_parse_url()' );
return wp_parse_url( $url );
* Converts a relative URL to an absolute URL relative to a given URL.
* If an Absolute URL is provided, no processing of that URL is done.
* @since 3.4.0
* @param string $maybe_relative_path The URL which might be relative.
* @param string $url The URL which $maybe_relative_path is relative to.
* @return string An Absolute URL, in a failure condition where the URL cannot be parsed, the relative URL will be returned.
public static function make_absolute_url( $maybe_relative_path, $url ) {
if ( empty( $url ) ) {
return $maybe_relative_path;
$url_parts = wp_parse_url( $url );
if ( ! $url_parts ) {
return $maybe_relative_path;
$relative_url_parts = wp_parse_url( $maybe_relative_path );
if ( ! $relative_url_parts ) {
return $maybe_relative_path;
// Check for a scheme on the 'relative' URL.
if ( ! empty( $relative_url_parts['scheme'] ) ) {
return $maybe_relative_path;
$absolute_path = $url_parts['scheme'] . '://';
// Schemeless URLs will make it this far, so we check for a host in the relative URL
// and convert it to a protocol-URL.
if ( isset( $relative_url_parts['host'] ) ) {
$absolute_path .= $relative_url_parts['host'];
if ( isset( $relative_url_parts['port'] ) ) {
$absolute_path .= ':' . $relative_url_parts['port'];
} else {
$absolute_path .= $url_parts['host'];
if ( isset( $url_parts['port'] ) ) {
$absolute_path .= ':' . $url_parts['port'];
// Start off with the absolute URL path.
$path = ! empty( $url_parts['path'] ) ? $url_parts['path'] : '/';
// If it's a root-relative path, then great.
if ( ! empty( $relative_url_parts['path'] ) && '/' === $relative_url_parts['path'][0] ) {
$path = $relative_url_parts['path'];
// Else it's a relative path.
} elseif ( ! empty( $relative_url_parts['path'] ) ) {
// Strip off any file components from the absolute path.
$path = substr( $path, 0, strrpos( $path, '/' ) + 1 );
// Build the new path.
$path .= $relative_url_parts['path'];
// Strip all /path/../ out of the path.
while ( strpos( $path, '../' ) > 1 ) {
$path = preg_replace( '![^/]+/\.\./!', '', $path );
// Strip any final leading ../ from the path.
$path = preg_replace( '!^/(\.\./)+!', '', $path );
// Add the query string.
if ( ! empty( $relative_url_parts['query'] ) ) {
$path .= '?' . $relative_url_parts['query'];
// Add the fragment.
if ( ! empty( $relative_url_parts['fragment'] ) ) {
$path .= '#' . $relative_url_parts['fragment'];
return $absolute_path . '/' . ltrim( $path, '/' );
* Handles an HTTP redirect and follows it if appropriate.
* @since 3.7.0
* @param string $url The URL which was requested.
* @param array $args The arguments which were used to make the request.
* @param array $response The response of the HTTP request.
* @return array|false|WP_Error An HTTP API response array if the redirect is successfully followed,
* false if no redirect is present, or a WP_Error object if there's an error.
public static function handle_redirects( $url, $args, $response ) {
// If no redirects are present, or, redirects were not requested, perform no action.
if ( ! isset( $response['headers']['location'] ) || 0 === $args['_redirection'] ) {
return false;
// Only perform redirections on redirection http codes.
if ( $response['response']['code'] > 399 || $response['response']['code'] < 300 ) {
return false;
// Don't redirect if we've run out of redirects.
if ( $args['redirection']-- <= 0 ) {
return new WP_Error( 'http_request_failed', __( 'Too many redirects.' ) );
$redirect_location = $response['headers']['location'];
// If there were multiple Location headers, use the last header specified.
if ( is_array( $redirect_location ) ) {
$redirect_location = array_pop( $redirect_location );
$redirect_location = WP_Http::make_absolute_url( $redirect_location, $url );
// POST requests should not POST to a redirected location.
if ( 'POST' === $args['method'] ) {
if ( in_array( $response['response']['code'], array( 302, 303 ), true ) ) {
$args['method'] = 'GET';
// Include valid cookies in the redirect process.
if ( ! empty( $response['cookies'] ) ) {
foreach ( $response['cookies'] as $cookie ) {
if ( $cookie->test( $redirect_location ) ) {
$args['cookies'][] = $cookie;
return wp_remote_request( $redirect_location, $args );
* Determines if a specified string represents an IP address or not.
* This function also detects the type of the IP address, returning either
* '4' or '6' to represent an IPv4 and IPv6 address respectively.
* This does not verify if the IP is a valid IP, only that it appears to be
* an IP address.
* @link http://home.deds.nl/~aeron/regex/ for IPv6 regex.
* @since 3.7.0
* @param string $maybe_ip A suspected IP address.
* @return int|false Upon success, '4' or '6' to represent an IPv4 or IPv6 address, false upon failure.
public static function is_ip_address( $maybe_ip ) {
if ( preg_match( '/^\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}$/', $maybe_ip ) ) {
return 4;
if ( str_contains( $maybe_ip, ':' ) && preg_match( '/^(((?=.*(::))(?!.*\3.+\3))\3?|([\dA-F]{1,4}(\3|:\b|$)|\2))(?4){5}((?4){2}|(((2[0-4]|1\d|[1-9])?\d|25[0-5])\.?\b){4})$/i', trim( $maybe_ip, ' []' ) ) ) {
return 6;
return false;